Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pictures and a prayer


Jake and Annie were goofing around tonight after church.
I guess it just goes to show that they really do like each other.
It makes my heart smile!

Some pics from yesterday...

5 tuba hats

Emily, Taylor, Jake and Jaden
Just muggin for the camera.

Jake's become very social.

Another candid shot.

I told Jake today that Kansas State has 25 tubas in their marching band.  He response?  "I already knew that!  I've been doing my research!"  I was surprised.  And delighted!

Hurricane Sandy is approaching with a vengeance.  I'm praying it isn't as bad as they expect.  I'm praying my friends, their families, friends and neighbors are kept safe and dry.  Have faith dear ones for where faith exists, fear is weak.

Strength, peace and love.


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