Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A good report

My Mom went back to the doctor today for her two week check up and get the staples taken out.  My sister and Dad joined her and joked that I should've been there to capture the whole visit on film to share on the world wide web.  ha ha!  (I can't deny it!)  Mom came through the appointment with flying colors.  The doctor gives his patients a letter grade.  Mom said, "I got an A!  And the doctor said he gives D's and F's sometimes!"  She was delighted.  AND she was even cleared to drive... just as long as it's not right after a pain pill.  ;-)

The first quarter ends on Thursday and both kids have tests this week.  They have both done a great job.  Band is a huge commitment and dominated Jake's time.  We have pushed him to keep up with homework, and he has risen to the occasion.  Yes, he had a rude awakening on his first test in Geometry but he has come back strong.  I don't think school is as easy for Annie this year,  but she continues to get good grades.  I'm so proud of them both!

Annie is writing on a site called fanfiction.net.  It's a site that allows novice writers to expand on parts of books that aren't covered.  Annie just finished writing about a book series she loves.  She filled in some parts that weren't covered in the book.  She shared what she thought could have happened.  I love that she's writing.  I love that she wants to share her thoughts and imagination.  :-)  She's sitting next to me excited that her entry has a "fan", someone marked her entry as a "favorite" and she now has a "follower".  
Busy writing.
I love it!

I have had several calls in response to my last post.  Thank you.


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