Thursday, October 4, 2012

I need a blanket. Brrr!

I'm ready for Fall!  The trees are starting to change colors.  It's time to clean out my closet - literally - but that's beside the point. I'm ready to dig out all my warm pj's, sweaters and sweatshirts.  

First things first... Jake got his official driver's permit in the mail yesterday.  He's psyched!
SO cool... in his birthday wallet!

Tonight, we went to the football game.  It was 8th grade night, which means all the 8th graders in the feeder schools get to go out to the high school and get the full band experience.  They watched the band perform their show and had dinner together, then ride on the buses with the band to the stadium for the football game.  Jake didn't get to come home after school and wasn't supposed to be home until after 9:00.  My fingers were crossed that he doesn't have too much homework.  My toes were crossed that it doesn't rain until after he get home.  I grabbed a blanket for me and an extra sweatshirt for Jake as we walked out the door.  It started sprinkling on our drive over... it was pouring as they took the field at half time.  We arrive to find Jake on the field for pre-game wearing a short sleeved t-shirt with bare arms showing.  BRRR!  As he walked by in route to his seat I offered the sweatshirt which received a BIG smile and nod.  In no time Annie decided she needed my blanket.  :-(  We were dressed for the weather, but no umbrella and our jeans covering our thighs got very wet and very cold. 
  < Annie and her friends huddled together, under MY blanket.  ;-)
Annie, Jen, Grace, Sydney, and Melanie
> Annie after requesting a little money for a snack: 
"Do I seriously have to pay you back?"
Jack's answer, "yup!"  

Annie got really cold.
She's wearing her end.

Jake gave a quick five to Starks (in the pink hat)
She was his middle school band teacher.
And will probably be one of his favorites ever!

The band performed in the pouring rain,

Due to the rain, cold and wet jeans Jack and I couldn't sit through the rest of the game.  We asked Jake if he wanted to stay for go home and do homework.  He opted for hot chocolate and homework.  I found a scrap of paper and borrowed a pen to scribble a note to the director on a wet piece of paper.  No band student can leave without a written note.  It was good to be home - and in pajama pants!
Tomorrow is snack day at school.
Mary requested cake batter rice krispy treats.
I took it one step further, these are
cake batter rice krispy cupcakes!

Jack and I each ate one... taste test.  Wow, are they sweet!  I hope the sugar jolt doesn't keep me awake!  (And I don't like this recipe as well as the last one I used - I'm not sure why I decided to mess with a good thing.)


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