Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Gearing up

We are already gearing up for the weekend.  Annie is going to help at the Block Party/Trunk or Treat event at church on Saturday, so she needed a costume.  She really wanted to be Minnie Mouse and most of her costume is regular clothes - but I found a cute pair of gloves and ears to complete the outfit.
Annie posing in part of her costume...

I told Jake I wanted to take a picture of him... and this is what I get.  I hope this isn't his portrayal of how he's feeling about life right now.  Lol!  Naaa.
No comment.

And a quick one from across the room.
He thinks he's so funny!

We have lots going on.  I picked up the book, The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers, again last night and read a bit.  I had started it several months ago but life got busy.  It's challenging raising two teenagers.  This book was recommended and I feel like I could use come guidance right now.  It's nothing we can't handle, don't get me wrong.  I'm just feeling old and out of touch.  I'm sure every parent gets this feeling at some point or another.  You know, the "I can't believe how much has changed since I was a teen" type of thing.  Technology has made some incredible leaps since I learned how to type on an electric typewriter.  Again, I would guess that my parents have said the same thing a time or two.  Crazy!

I didn't watch the debate last night.  I am struggling with politics as usual right now.  I just spent the last 30 minutes typing out my thoughts on the subject, but ya know what?  I deleted it.  Sadly, integrity doesn't exist in politics anymore.  In my opinion every candidate plays the cat and mouse game of lying by omission.  It's shameful!

Ok, enough.  I hope you are able to get out and enjoy the Fall colors.  Today was beautiful!


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