Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Has it really been a year?

Our friends, Steve and Jen Wickham and their children Gavin and Layla, moved to Tanzania a year ago.  They are doing amazing work for God as Missionaries.  Jen posted several pictures recently of Facebook and they are too good not to share.  Jen's folks came to visit from Ohio.

Gorgeous African landscape.

On safari.

I love this necklace.

It's a Lisa Leonard Design.  http://www.lisaleonardonline.com  I found this piece of her jewelry on Pinterest... and added it to my board.  Now after watching this and learning a little bit more about her, I want it even more!  Please, watch... http://youtu.be/JJXJq4-2YDE

I need to learn how to link a video and show the box - instead of the link.  Someday.  ;-)

Annie had a roller coaster day.  "Some classes were really fun.  And some were not."  Yesterday after she'd left class (because her next class was on the 3rd floor) the teacher remembered to give out homework... an assignment that was due today.  Annie had to use a late slip and she was NOT happy about it.  Grace's moving has thrown a wrench into their circle of friends.  Annie is trying to make the best of it but another friend in particular was just down right annoying today and Annie's patience and tolerance was gone.  :-(  She's unwinding with a little Mindcraft.

Jake has band tonight from 5-7 (not 8).  Yeah!  He has several tests this week.  The end of the first  9 weeks is almost here.  I am so proud of him!  Band is a HUGE time commitment and he's done a pretty good job.  High school is definitely an adjustment for all of us.  The biggest change is the lack of family dinners.  I miss sitting with my family and chatting about our day.  Yesterday I took food to Jake - he had a performance and it didn't make sense to come home.  I asked if he'd get in the car and eat.  At first he didn't want to but then I kept talking and he got tired of standing outside.  Honestly, it wasn't my intent, but was happy when he hopped in.  He chatted about how much fun his weekend was and how he got to know so many people better.  He named a couple sophomores that he has become fast friends with.  We chatted about his birthday party - or lack of.  He said there just isn't time now and wants to do something in the winter.  I was happy to hear he still wants to do something!  :-)

Annie, Jack and I had dinner.  I made Leenie's Tortilla soup.  Mmm Mmm Good!  Annie was in a bit of a mood.  We chatted a for a while.  Her mood didn't lighten.  I showed her the pictures Jen had posted of the African landscape and started singing the opening of The Lion King, except I don't know the words so I was just made random sounds and sang the tune.  I'm not sure how it happened but it was exactly what Annie needed.  Jack told her to take a good look because I was her, in the future.  "This is what you have to look forward to!"  It only made her laugh harder.  I found nothing wrong with his logic and laughed right along with her.
Annie mimicking me.
A mood changer.
Loads of laughter!
Totally worth it.

Jake starts tuba lessons again tonight.  He requested them.  I'm not sure if I posted this or not but he had decided not to try out for the John Phillips Sousa Honor Band.  It's not that he doesn't think he could make it - he doesn't want to add any extra stress to his world right now.  I am glad that he told me and completely understand.  Honor band and marching would overlap, enough said.

We had a rough morning at school.  Deep breathe.  Our class is young.  I look at our students from last year and see how far they've come.  It was a bad day, but we had many good moments!  And a few moments of tension breaking laughter.  I love my job.  I love working with Mary and Katie.  Tomorrow is a new day, and  I am thankful.            


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