Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday night

Jake took his long board, helmet and pads to school with him... on the bus.  He stashed it in his band locker all day.  After school he and a friend skateboarded to his friend's house.  After dumping their backpacks they make the mile and a half trek to Target to meet two girls, Lilly and Lauren.  After Target the they went over to Lilly's house.  Then the boys came over here, arriving very cold.  Of course, my first question was, 'did you meet her parents?'  Jake replied, "I've met her Mom before, she went on field trips when we were in elementary school."  I asked more questions but only got eye rolls in reply.  I looked over at Jack who is fighting the desire to say "Oooooo, LIILLLY!"  Just like Sookie did on Gilmore Girls years ago, except with the name "DEEEAAAN!" -Rory's boyfriend.  Ha ha!  That one will stick with our family for years.  Tee hee!  
A cool picture Jake took today while long board skateboarding.

Jake and his friend spent a while playing video games.  They were just "chillin".  

Warming up with hot chocolate.

Annie went to a dance at school.  She just got home wearing a big grin but a little disappointed.  Evidently, there was a group of hooligans going through purses and taking money.  They took $4 from Annie's purse.  "BUT they're not gonna ruin my night.  I had a ton of fun!"  It sounds like she had spent $1 on a bottle of water and spent the whole night on the dance floor.   This was Annie's first experience with theft.  The Principal is aware of the situation and very disappointed.  I am sad that Annie had money stolen, but I am proud that she didn't let it ruin her evening.  
< Telling her story.
> A little tired after dancing all evening!

We just turned on the heat.  Yuck!  I don't like that smell.  

Here's one more picture Jake took...
A boy and his dog.
Love them!  

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