Sunday, October 7, 2012


The leaves continue to change.  The mums are beginning to bloom.  Pink is the color of the month; for breast cancer awareness.  The air is crisp.  The wind is chilly.  Why isn't October my favorite month?  Well, I'm sure I could find a reason that every month is my favorite.  So, let's just say that October is my favorite month, this month!  :-)

Yesterday was a busy day for most of us.  Jake has band practice from 9-3.  Jack and I worked the band fundraiser, Ford Drive 4UR School event.  This has to be the easiest fundraiser ever.  For every test drive the band gets $20.  No sales pressure.  No gimmicks.  The event was run by band parents.  One Ford rep was there, but sat at the registration table and collected the forms.  Jack was a drive facilitator - and got to go on test drives.  I helped with registration.  So simple!  So easy!  SOOO cold!  The wind was blowing and even though I was dressed for the weather with a blanket wrapped around me, I was ccccooollldd!  The turn out was not as good as expected.  :-(  Do me a favor and if you ever see or hear of this event being held at any school, please, please, please do it!  You are giving them 10 minutes of your time and they will get $20, or more.    

The band came outside after lunch.  Some were dressed in shorts.  ?  Brrr!  Jake gave up a layer to someone dressed less than weather appropriate.  What a nice boy!  

Tuba huddle, just trying to warm up.

Drive 4UR School.
Waiting vehicles.
Simple, easy, DO IT!

While we were gone Annie enjoyed a pajama day. 

Last night we joined friends for worship.  It had been many years since our family had gone to COR.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little apprehensive.  It was reassuring to greet others with open arms.  We saw a few other familiar faces.  The music started and we found some seats.  The music was louder than I remembered.  Lance only leads music on Sunday nights now.  His music was one of the things we missed when we first left.  Pastor Adam didn't preach, but Pastor Scott for COR's Downtown Campus did a fantastic job.  I was fed.  I was filled with the spirit.  I love receiving a message that sticks with me.  As much as I loved the experience... it was weird.  It's hard to explain why but it was weird.  (Jack and I talked about it later and we both felt the exact same way - good, but weird.)  Are we looking forward to going back?  Yes!   

Here are a few pictures of our fellowship...    
< Jake posing with Michael and wresting with Trystan.
> Annie and Rae watching Jake getting taken down by Trystan and Carter.

Nina, "cheese!"
She is such a doll!

Jake didn't join us for dinner.  He had plans with a friend.   As we (he and I) drove home we talked about the sermon.  He was filled with questions and insight.  I loved it!  Pastor Scott told a story about leading a mission trip to the Appalachian Mountains.  The group worked on a woman's  roof and chimney.  After several days of silence she shared her story of deep grief.  She told them that several years earlier, after her 11 year old boy had passed away unexpectedly, her Pastor told her her son didn't go to heaven because he hadn't been baptized.   Jake was in shock and disbelief that someone would really say that.  I told him there will be many people in his life that will try to test his faith or tell him things that are not true.  I'm not sure he believed me.  I pray his faith will be strong enough to withstand the tests of time.  I pray that during those moments he isn't afraid to call me or his Dad or someone for clarity and understanding.  I also pray that in those moments we are able to listen quietly.  Listen and wait patiently .  And share only what God wants us to.  I am thankful for these learning moments.  I am thankful for conversations.  I have missed this!

Annie and Rae hanging out after dinner.

This morning we were up and ready for Sunday School.  It is weird to go to Sunday School and leave.  It made me sad.  I am so torn.  My soul needs to be fed.  It was fed last night.  But I am struggling with being apart from my church family.  I miss those relationships!  As much as COR was familiar - it wasn't/isn't.

Annie went home with a friend... so after a quick stop, Jake drove the rest of the way home.  This was his first experience with Jack in the car.  Jake did a fine job, although having a backseat driver made for some nervous moments.  And I grabbed the wheel for the first time.  Not a proud moment for me, but I was certain we were headed for the grass.  He did great for only his 3rd time driving AND out on some rather busy streets too, I might add.

Jake had an Oktoberfest event this afternoon for German Club.  He made spaetzle.  It's a noodle you boil for 18 minutes - similar to an egg noodle but different.  In our search for spaetzle we learned how to make it from scratch.  BUT thankfully we found a bag of dehydrated spaetzle at World Market.  We boiled it.  Then pan fried it in butter, salt and pepper.  We were supposed to cook until a little crispy but we ran out of time.  Jake didn't care, he said they were, "delicious!"  (Shame on me for not taking a picture.  He was so proud.)

We signed up to cook dinner for the youth.  What's better on a chilly day than chili?  Jack whipped up a batch and threw in corn for a change.  

< Jack's taste test.
> It looked so delicious I just had to take a picture.

The kids and I arrived early for youth group.  We decided to check every door to see if one was unlocked.   So, how can I make it a little more fun for my teenagers?  Let them ride on the trunk...
I didn't go too fast.
I remember doing it as a teen.
They thought it was fun.

All the doors were locked.   Elizabeth was just running a little late, no worries.  I stayed and enjoyed the evening.   I am very impressed with Elizabeth.  She is real.  She wants to the kids to be open and honest.  She asked why there were no youth in service this morning.  Annie didn't hold anything back.  I was nervous she came on a little too strong.  Later as Elizabeth and I talked she said she appreciated Annie's no holds bar approach.  I didn't want to overwhelm her or become emotional, but I said it's a very hard time for our family.  She was respectful.  I like her!  Jake likes her.  Annie likes her, too.  :-)

I am out of words.  It's time for me to sit quietly, think and reflect on how God is working in my life.  I hope you find time to do the same.


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