Tuesday, October 30, 2012

audition, encore, and a peaceful evening

Yesterday, Jake had try-outs for concert season.  He had chosen to try out for the Symphonic band.  It's made up of 40-45 students and "the expectations for this ensemble is to display the very highest levels in musicianship, tone mastery, and technique development."  It was be a blind audition, student and directors are divided by a mountain of chairs covered with brown paper.  You walk in, play your music and don't say a word.  Jake had to start over once, then played it through.  One of his tuba friends was in the hall and told him, "you did really well."  Before the audition Jake had changed his mind and wanted to be in the Concert Band.  ?  The Rosters will be posted on-line on Saturday.   Now we wait.

Tonight was the Jazz Ensemble Concert and Red and Silver Brigade Final Encore.  I think I just renamed it, but I like it better.  It was awesome.  The concert was held in the Performing Arts Center and the sound was incredible.  It was surprisingly emotional.  Jake has grown up  so much since marching band started the end of July.  He's grown as a student, a musician and a young man.  It makes me happy and sad.  

 The BVW Red and Silver Brigade final performance of The Next Step.

If you didn't see their field performance, here's a YouTube link.
As they walk to the chairs at the beginning, Jake is the 3rd tuba on the top row.

There was a reception for the Director after tonight performance.
It was very sweet to see Jake let Annie sit with him and his friends.

AND as we were leaving Jack and I briefly met Abbie's Mom... and Abbie (Jake's girlfriend).  :-)   I'm afraid I was painfully awkward.  Uh... Hi!  I hope it wasn't as bad it is replaying in my head.  I can't even remember if I said, "it was nice meeting you" before we parted ways.  Ugh.  (Honestly, in my head I looked and sounded like Patrick from SpongeBob.)


Hurricane Sandy definitely as had me on edge the last 36 hours.  I can't imagine the devastation.  My heart goes out to the families of those that were lost.  

I heard from Kristi, who lives northwest of Philadelphia just after her power went out last night.  She was looking forward to a marathon of board games by candlelight and wine.  She posted on Facebook that their power came back on at 4:00 a.m.  She made no other posts today... and I didn't hear from her.  It's too late now.  I will call her tomorrow - since I know schools and  her office are still closed.  

I got a couple message from Annemarie in Ocean City, Maryland.  I can't remember what time I heard from her saying they were evacuating.  It was very unsettling to read posts on Facebook from her nephews in London saying their hometown made the BBC news.  I was relieved to get word late this afternoon that they "are back at home.  Other homes in the area had water and trees rearranged.  We have power & are dry."  I pray she has the peaceful evening she was hoping for!

I have also heard from several other friends in Ohio dealing with snow.  :-(


Tomorrow is Halloween and I'm supposed to dress up.  But honestly it's the furthest thing from my mind.  Watching tv and seeing people that lost everything.  What matters most to me?    My family, my relationships...     

Ok, one last picture to make you smile.  Addy dressed up for Trunk or Treat at preschool today.  
Isn't she just too stinking cute!?

Stay safe my friends - near and far.  Stay warm and dry.  My heart and prayers are with you.


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