Thursday, October 25, 2012

Catching up

Fall is here!
I wasn't sure what made me take this picture yesterday
 but it was a glorious day.
TODAY is cold and windy.  
How long will I have to wait to see this again?

It's been a busy week, although nothing particular prior to yesterday sticks out in my mind.  Yesterday was a so fun.  We took our first field trip to Paradise Park.  It was the first time several students had ever taken a ride on a school bus.  Our class got all settled and belted in with most not being able to see more than the trees and clouds, but the smiles on their faces were priceless.  Here are a few pictures I can share.  

We enjoyed the weather,
went on a pumpkin hunt
and took a hayride in a wagon behind a tractor.

We heard a story and built a scarecrow...
his hat wouldn't stay on.

We burned some energy in the play area.

And Miss Mary got attacked by a "spider" on the bus.

The ride home included tickle monsters, singing songs, 
lots of big bumps and laughter from our seats in the back of the bus!

Jake had his last 7:00 a.m. band rehearsal yesterday.  Yeah!  Tonight is his last 3 hour evening rehearsal!  Woo Hoo!  Last night we endured our first parent-teacher-student conferences at the high school.  It wasn't really that bad, actually it was nice to meet with his teachers.  It was reassuring to hear they know both his strengths and areas he can improve on.  His favorite class is Biology.  His teacher reminds us all of my nephew, Patrick.  :-)  It was been an incredibly busy quarter for Jake but he has taken it on like a champion!  We are so proud of him!  
Seating was limited, so Jake sat on Jack's lap.
I couldn't resist the photo op!
It makes me laugh.

We had Annie's parent-teacher conferences bright and early this morning.  Everyone agreed she is a smart girl but she needs to focus a bit more on details and asking questions to clarify.  I was glad it wasn't all smiles and nods.  It was good to hear honest feedback.  Annie switched from band to choir and is really enjoying it a lot.  It will be interesting to see if she continues on in music in high school or goes in a different direction.  She is also taking her first art class and is really excelling.  Instead of just letting her turn in assignments ahead of time her teacher is asking her to include more challenging details to add to her projects.  I love that Annie is trying new things!  

I am so incredibly grateful that both kids have teachers that get them, truly understand and push them.  I'm not sure I could have honestly said that before.      

The elementary and middle schools were out today for parent-teacher conferences.  Instead of  hanging out at home alone, Annie joined me.  We put her to work doing little projects and gave her some down time, too.  I think she enjoyed it.  I work with two incredible women and it was fun to let Annie see a little bit of what we do when students aren't around.  LOTS of laughter, for sure!  

Jake has German Club after school.  I'm not sure he'll make it home before band or if I'll just take him dinner, warm clothes, music and concert tuba since he has lessons after rehearsal.   :-)

We're off to the library.  Annie and I both need a new book or two.  

Oh and here are a couple more pictures of Annie at the Block Party...

Minnie Mouse and mini Minnie!

Minnie Mouse, Prom Queen and Cowgirl
aka Annie, Katie and Melanie
(Katie was home from KU - we all miss her.)

Stay warm and dry!


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