Monday, October 15, 2012

No rest for the weary...

I found it!  Yeah!  Here is a link to the performance last Saturday!  
(Psst, Dad, just double click on it and wait!)  We had a hard time getting it to start, so have patience.  Jake is the second from the top in the third row at the beginning.  And if you're wondering who the two guys are wandering around the field during the performance, they are judges.

Here's a portion of an email the director sent us last night... 
Rain aside, we were prepared, we were focused, and we made a VERY solid impression on many band programs in Arkansas and Oklahoma.  It was fun being me in the Director's Lounge after the Awards Ceremony.  Though a Union Band Parent gave me a cross look and told me "students are not allowed in here" - - she then quickly back peddled when I introduced myself.  :)  Her face was a moment for the memory capsule, for sure.  My band colleagues were very impressed with our program and students.  Class Champions, and 3rd place overall!!!  It's beyond words people.  One week hard push to St. Louis and we're are home free. Let's do this!   

I am excited to see what happens this weekend in the dome!

Here are a couple pictures of Jake from the show...

Jake is in front.

5 Tubas!  (left to right)
Evan, Hythem, Jake, Shabad & Chall

Annie had a choir concert tonight, her first since 5th grade.  It was very enjoyable.  They sang 5 amazing multi-cultural songs.  I had never seen the choir director before, she was very sweet and not at all what I had in my minds eye.  Her humor was delightful.

The 8th grade choir.
Not the best picture, sorry.

Annie front and center (in the pic).
My goodness she loves to sing!  I love it!



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