Sunday, October 21, 2012

It happened...

Katie started her preventative action on Wednesday.  Sadly, all my of denial couldn't keep it away... and on our drive to St. Louis, it happened.  It started with just a bit of a sore throat.  As we brought our bags up to our room I probably had the chills but I thought I was just cold.  By morning there was no doubt, I was sick.  I had been infected by the little petri dishes I work with, a class full of coughing, sneezing, boogie filled kids all week.  I was trying to keep my hands clean but must have caught one of their germs that didn't get captured in an elbow or kleenex.  :-(  I wasn't going to let it stop me from attending Jake's big event, so I loaded up on water and medicine and off we went.  I don't feel like typing, so I will share the rest in pictures. 

Friday morning project:
There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly
Thanks for letting us borrow your trash can, Annie!

We tried to hit the road early - but got called back because  
Jake needed a hat.  The band still played at half time.
Here they are warming up on a cold evening.

Isn't the Arch beautiful at night!?

We arrived about 10 minutes after the Cardinals game ended...
Jack got out and walked to the hotel while I waited in traffic.

The view from our room.
The Arch and lots of traffic.

The hotel was just a block East of Busch Stadium.

Annie stayed with friends, instead of going with us.
She got to dress up for Trunk or Treat/Block Party event at church!
They're so cute - Dorothy and Minnie Mouse.
Annie created big shoes by putting bright yellow socks over her shoes.

Annie fell in love with their cat, George.

We had originally thought we'd walk over from the hotel
but we drove, since I was feeling poorly.
We found the band before finding a place to park.

Jack helped unload (and load) the trucks.
The gravel lot made it a bit tougher than usual.
I went ahead and watched some of the other bands perform.

It was a field of buses.

Sorry, I didn't take any pictures of our band.
I was an anxious mess!
In my opinion, they were great.

Jack schlepped, helped move the tarp on and off the field.
He said it was cool but he was nervous as he stepped on the field.
The Edward Jones Dome (home of the St. Louis Rams) is massive.

Jake said he was REALLY excited when he first stepped onto the field!
He said it was his best performance.

After Jack's duties were complete he joined me in the stands.

We enjoyed watching the Marching Mizzou 
before the Drum Major Award Ceremony.
The had 22 tubas!

Drum Major Award Ceremony
BVW received Outstanding Music Performance!
And placed 21st out of 58 bands.  We are so proud!
(It was their first recognition award in 6 years.)

Jake took this cool panoramic picture of the Arch.
I love it!

I got a bed all to myself, since I was sick.
And the boys wrestled, a lot.
Here Jake was wiping off a zerber.  Lol!

Beautiful morning view!

Jake slept in.
Awww, so sweet!

After we dropped Jake off 
(at the correct hotel - it only took 2 tries)
Jack and I stopped for breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

Yum, chocolate! 
They look like regular sized bars, until...

You compare it to Jack's hand!
Annie would LOVE it!  
We're going find another one before Christmas!

Jake with his friend, Jaden.
Here they are posing with a statue at 
the St. Louis Zoo.
Me, "Who is it, Jake?"
Jake, "Some guy."
Ok, then.  :-)

More pics of Jake at the St. Louis Zoo with Jaden and his little brother.

Our drive was uneventful.
Sadly, we didn't see a lot of colors.
I'm glad to be home.


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