Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween '12

I started the day as Mimi Mouse - Minnie's Auntie.

Jake decided to go out tonight with friends...

Even ninja's have to multi-task sometimes.
(He has carried that bag for many years.  flick!)

Annie had plans with friends
so I looked for another costume...
This was close but not exactly what I was looking for.

After we picked up the kids we grabbed a quick bite.
They look grumpy, must be tired and hungry.

This looks serious,
but it's not, just a staring contest.

All's well.
It looks like Annie's hand holding Jake's arm, but he has his arms crossed.
It makes me laugh.  Annie, not so much.

I even got Jack to dress up with me!
Don't we look cute as Fred and Wilma?

Happy Halloween!!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

audition, encore, and a peaceful evening

Yesterday, Jake had try-outs for concert season.  He had chosen to try out for the Symphonic band.  It's made up of 40-45 students and "the expectations for this ensemble is to display the very highest levels in musicianship, tone mastery, and technique development."  It was be a blind audition, student and directors are divided by a mountain of chairs covered with brown paper.  You walk in, play your music and don't say a word.  Jake had to start over once, then played it through.  One of his tuba friends was in the hall and told him, "you did really well."  Before the audition Jake had changed his mind and wanted to be in the Concert Band.  ?  The Rosters will be posted on-line on Saturday.   Now we wait.

Tonight was the Jazz Ensemble Concert and Red and Silver Brigade Final Encore.  I think I just renamed it, but I like it better.  It was awesome.  The concert was held in the Performing Arts Center and the sound was incredible.  It was surprisingly emotional.  Jake has grown up  so much since marching band started the end of July.  He's grown as a student, a musician and a young man.  It makes me happy and sad.  

 The BVW Red and Silver Brigade final performance of The Next Step.

If you didn't see their field performance, here's a YouTube link.
As they walk to the chairs at the beginning, Jake is the 3rd tuba on the top row.

There was a reception for the Director after tonight performance.
It was very sweet to see Jake let Annie sit with him and his friends.

AND as we were leaving Jack and I briefly met Abbie's Mom... and Abbie (Jake's girlfriend).  :-)   I'm afraid I was painfully awkward.  Uh... Hi!  I hope it wasn't as bad it is replaying in my head.  I can't even remember if I said, "it was nice meeting you" before we parted ways.  Ugh.  (Honestly, in my head I looked and sounded like Patrick from SpongeBob.)


Hurricane Sandy definitely as had me on edge the last 36 hours.  I can't imagine the devastation.  My heart goes out to the families of those that were lost.  

I heard from Kristi, who lives northwest of Philadelphia just after her power went out last night.  She was looking forward to a marathon of board games by candlelight and wine.  She posted on Facebook that their power came back on at 4:00 a.m.  She made no other posts today... and I didn't hear from her.  It's too late now.  I will call her tomorrow - since I know schools and  her office are still closed.  

I got a couple message from Annemarie in Ocean City, Maryland.  I can't remember what time I heard from her saying they were evacuating.  It was very unsettling to read posts on Facebook from her nephews in London saying their hometown made the BBC news.  I was relieved to get word late this afternoon that they "are back at home.  Other homes in the area had water and trees rearranged.  We have power & are dry."  I pray she has the peaceful evening she was hoping for!

I have also heard from several other friends in Ohio dealing with snow.  :-(


Tomorrow is Halloween and I'm supposed to dress up.  But honestly it's the furthest thing from my mind.  Watching tv and seeing people that lost everything.  What matters most to me?    My family, my relationships...     

Ok, one last picture to make you smile.  Addy dressed up for Trunk or Treat at preschool today.  
Isn't she just too stinking cute!?

Stay safe my friends - near and far.  Stay warm and dry.  My heart and prayers are with you.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pictures and a prayer


Jake and Annie were goofing around tonight after church.
I guess it just goes to show that they really do like each other.
It makes my heart smile!

Some pics from yesterday...

5 tuba hats

Emily, Taylor, Jake and Jaden
Just muggin for the camera.

Jake's become very social.

Another candid shot.

I told Jake today that Kansas State has 25 tubas in their marching band.  He response?  "I already knew that!  I've been doing my research!"  I was surprised.  And delighted!

Hurricane Sandy is approaching with a vengeance.  I'm praying it isn't as bad as they expect.  I'm praying my friends, their families, friends and neighbors are kept safe and dry.  Have faith dear ones for where faith exists, fear is weak.

Strength, peace and love.


Odessa Invitational

I hope I can do this in quick order.  I apologize in advance for my errors in grammar or spelling.  It's late and I'm tired.

On the way to Odessa I had a new light appear on my dashboard.  It said CHECK BRAKE PADS!  Hmm.  That's a new one.  And all the others have been fixed.  :-(  Jack was amazed at the German engineering.  He had just checked them recently and thought they looked ok, so this code surprised him.  I guess he'll be missing football tomorrow afternoon while he works on my car.  (His words, not mine!)

We arrived in Odessa to find the trucks were already unloaded.  I'm not sure if Jack does this by design or if it's just bad timing.  ;-)  I'm kidding.  He was surprised.

I gave Jake some cold medicine and he ate some dinner.  He was feeling pretty punky this morning.  I was a little worried he might not make it, but he did.  Gotta give him props for that!  

We were the first to compete in the Red division.  I have to say all the bands I watched did a great job. I felt so sorry for the guy that fell down - not from our school.  Jake said he made a couple mistakes, but only one was noticeable to me.  And it was minor.

BVW Red and Silver Brigade was named Champions in our division and our Color Guard received top honors of all the bands.  Woo Hoo!  What a great way to end the season!

Another parent took lots of pictures tonight.  I didn't take any during the performance.  I wanted to sit and enjoy it.  I will upload some when I can.

Here are a few others from our day.

Annie enjoying a good book
in a warm car
before heading out into the cold.

We witnessed a beautiful sunset.

BVW band watching and waiting.

Drum Major / Color Guard Manager Awards Ceremony
< every Drum Major needs a fancy dance!
> standing proud behind their two awards.

Annie and Jack had a little fun.
I love this picture.
(Annie does not.)

< We he first got home, feeling icky, hungry and tired.
> grilled cheese and hot chocolate helped.

But kettle corn did the trick.
What a messy eater.  ;-)

My niece Heidi Jo played volleyball for the State title today and came in 2nd place.  They entered the tourney as the 7th seed and made it to the State finals!  Woo hoo!  Great job, ladies!  
Heidi is in the blue jersey.

Sleep tight!


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday Fun Day!

Yeah!  No school!  What do we do first?  SLEEP IN!  I'd forgotten what it felt like.  I know, I know, that sounds crazy.  And it wasn't like I spent all morning in bed... I woke up a little after 8:00.  (kinda sad, huh?)  

Jake and his friend, Jack were up earlier than I expected.  They had fun playing a game called Mindcraft on Xbox.  It's not usually a violent game. It's a game about where each person places blocks to build anything they can imagine.  At night monsters and zombies come out and each player has tools to defend themself.  I'm not sure how it happened but I found myself saying something I never imagined... "friends don't hit friends with axes."  Of course, the boys both thought it was hilarious.  

I surprised the kids with real bacon.   As good as it smelled the amount of grease produced was disgusting.  It's official, I prefer turkey bacon. 

Both kids needed a couple new warm shirts before the cold weather arrives.  I took them shopping and let them wander.  Jake returned with one pair of sweats.  Annie took an arm full into the dressing room and returned with one top (I wouldn't say it was particularly warm but she promised to layer), a pair of knee socks and a pair of gloves - and   ?  Yes, I was surprised.  Wouldn't you be?

Tonight was the last home football game, Senior Night and half time performance.  It was COLD!  Jake wore an extra layer on top but he really needed one on the bottom too.  I came prepared and still got chilly.  I found it a great opportunity to determine what I will need to for tomorrow nights even colder performance.  Jake will have many layers - as will Jack, Annie and I.  Here are a few pics...
Jack schlepping the front wall.
He lead the charge pulling the cart.

And not far behind,
the rest of the pit and band.

Working fast...
He has no preference - front wall or tarp.

Due to time limits
the band started at the beginning of part 2.

During the show...

Jake is  in the front corner.

Jack stayed until the end.  Final score:  Blue Valley West 45 - Blue Valley 21.  :-)  

Annie got to stay warm and went to a party at a friends house.  I'm glad she's social!

Stay well, stay warm and enjoy the changing weather!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Catching up

Fall is here!
I wasn't sure what made me take this picture yesterday
 but it was a glorious day.
TODAY is cold and windy.  
How long will I have to wait to see this again?

It's been a busy week, although nothing particular prior to yesterday sticks out in my mind.  Yesterday was a so fun.  We took our first field trip to Paradise Park.  It was the first time several students had ever taken a ride on a school bus.  Our class got all settled and belted in with most not being able to see more than the trees and clouds, but the smiles on their faces were priceless.  Here are a few pictures I can share.  

We enjoyed the weather,
went on a pumpkin hunt
and took a hayride in a wagon behind a tractor.

We heard a story and built a scarecrow...
his hat wouldn't stay on.

We burned some energy in the play area.

And Miss Mary got attacked by a "spider" on the bus.

The ride home included tickle monsters, singing songs, 
lots of big bumps and laughter from our seats in the back of the bus!

Jake had his last 7:00 a.m. band rehearsal yesterday.  Yeah!  Tonight is his last 3 hour evening rehearsal!  Woo Hoo!  Last night we endured our first parent-teacher-student conferences at the high school.  It wasn't really that bad, actually it was nice to meet with his teachers.  It was reassuring to hear they know both his strengths and areas he can improve on.  His favorite class is Biology.  His teacher reminds us all of my nephew, Patrick.  :-)  It was been an incredibly busy quarter for Jake but he has taken it on like a champion!  We are so proud of him!  
Seating was limited, so Jake sat on Jack's lap.
I couldn't resist the photo op!
It makes me laugh.

We had Annie's parent-teacher conferences bright and early this morning.  Everyone agreed she is a smart girl but she needs to focus a bit more on details and asking questions to clarify.  I was glad it wasn't all smiles and nods.  It was good to hear honest feedback.  Annie switched from band to choir and is really enjoying it a lot.  It will be interesting to see if she continues on in music in high school or goes in a different direction.  She is also taking her first art class and is really excelling.  Instead of just letting her turn in assignments ahead of time her teacher is asking her to include more challenging details to add to her projects.  I love that Annie is trying new things!  

I am so incredibly grateful that both kids have teachers that get them, truly understand and push them.  I'm not sure I could have honestly said that before.      

The elementary and middle schools were out today for parent-teacher conferences.  Instead of  hanging out at home alone, Annie joined me.  We put her to work doing little projects and gave her some down time, too.  I think she enjoyed it.  I work with two incredible women and it was fun to let Annie see a little bit of what we do when students aren't around.  LOTS of laughter, for sure!  

Jake has German Club after school.  I'm not sure he'll make it home before band or if I'll just take him dinner, warm clothes, music and concert tuba since he has lessons after rehearsal.   :-)

We're off to the library.  Annie and I both need a new book or two.  

Oh and here are a couple more pictures of Annie at the Block Party...

Minnie Mouse and mini Minnie!

Minnie Mouse, Prom Queen and Cowgirl
aka Annie, Katie and Melanie
(Katie was home from KU - we all miss her.)

Stay warm and dry!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

It happened...

Katie started her preventative action on Wednesday.  Sadly, all my of denial couldn't keep it away... and on our drive to St. Louis, it happened.  It started with just a bit of a sore throat.  As we brought our bags up to our room I probably had the chills but I thought I was just cold.  By morning there was no doubt, I was sick.  I had been infected by the little petri dishes I work with, a class full of coughing, sneezing, boogie filled kids all week.  I was trying to keep my hands clean but must have caught one of their germs that didn't get captured in an elbow or kleenex.  :-(  I wasn't going to let it stop me from attending Jake's big event, so I loaded up on water and medicine and off we went.  I don't feel like typing, so I will share the rest in pictures. 

Friday morning project:
There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly
Thanks for letting us borrow your trash can, Annie!

We tried to hit the road early - but got called back because  
Jake needed a hat.  The band still played at half time.
Here they are warming up on a cold evening.

Isn't the Arch beautiful at night!?

We arrived about 10 minutes after the Cardinals game ended...
Jack got out and walked to the hotel while I waited in traffic.

The view from our room.
The Arch and lots of traffic.

The hotel was just a block East of Busch Stadium.

Annie stayed with friends, instead of going with us.
She got to dress up for Trunk or Treat/Block Party event at church!
They're so cute - Dorothy and Minnie Mouse.
Annie created big shoes by putting bright yellow socks over her shoes.

Annie fell in love with their cat, George.

We had originally thought we'd walk over from the hotel
but we drove, since I was feeling poorly.
We found the band before finding a place to park.

Jack helped unload (and load) the trucks.
The gravel lot made it a bit tougher than usual.
I went ahead and watched some of the other bands perform.

It was a field of buses.

Sorry, I didn't take any pictures of our band.
I was an anxious mess!
In my opinion, they were great.

Jack schlepped, helped move the tarp on and off the field.
He said it was cool but he was nervous as he stepped on the field.
The Edward Jones Dome (home of the St. Louis Rams) is massive.

Jake said he was REALLY excited when he first stepped onto the field!
He said it was his best performance.

After Jack's duties were complete he joined me in the stands.

We enjoyed watching the Marching Mizzou 
before the Drum Major Award Ceremony.
The had 22 tubas!

Drum Major Award Ceremony
BVW received Outstanding Music Performance!
And placed 21st out of 58 bands.  We are so proud!
(It was their first recognition award in 6 years.)

Jake took this cool panoramic picture of the Arch.
I love it!

I got a bed all to myself, since I was sick.
And the boys wrestled, a lot.
Here Jake was wiping off a zerber.  Lol!

Beautiful morning view!

Jake slept in.
Awww, so sweet!

After we dropped Jake off 
(at the correct hotel - it only took 2 tries)
Jack and I stopped for breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

Yum, chocolate! 
They look like regular sized bars, until...

You compare it to Jack's hand!
Annie would LOVE it!  
We're going find another one before Christmas!

Jake with his friend, Jaden.
Here they are posing with a statue at 
the St. Louis Zoo.
Me, "Who is it, Jake?"
Jake, "Some guy."
Ok, then.  :-)

More pics of Jake at the St. Louis Zoo with Jaden and his little brother.

Our drive was uneventful.
Sadly, we didn't see a lot of colors.
I'm glad to be home.
