Sunday, July 29, 2012

Within reach

Someday I would love to visit the Sistine Chapel.  I want to experience it.  I want to stand in ah and say 'oh, I love this!'  I am fascinated by the thought of seeing the ceiling with my own eyes - specifically the painting of The Creation of Adam.  God reaching out to Adam.  Adam laying back, not giving the effort to lift his finger to touch God's outstretched hand.  Wow!  How often do I do that in my life?  God is reaching out to me and I'm not willing to lift my finger... too distracted by all the noise... too preoccupied with things in my head or on my to-do list.  ?

When I was little, we would visit my Grandparents in Richmond, Minnesota.  My Grandmother would start each day in devotion.  I was young, but I seem to remember everyone sitting around the table together as Grandma Thomas would read the scripture, devotion and finish with a prayer.  Grandma would sit at the head of the table, in front of the picture window overlooking Rice Lake.  Everyone in the house would sit and listen.  Everyone.  There was no excuse not to be at the table.  What a commitment!  What a wonderful way to begin the day - together - listening to God's word.  My Grandmother passed away when I was in 2nd grade, but I still remember... but is that really what happened or just my perception?  I'm afraid to ask anyone because I so want it to be as I remember!  I've tried to start this routine.  I would talk to my little ones about God... I would tell them stories... I would pray with them.  But somewhere along the way mornings became shorter and shorter.  It shrunk to my praying for my kids as I drove them to school.  Then carpools and noise (can we please listen to this CD or that radio station?) got in the way.  And eventually I considered it a blessing if I would get a hug and kiss before they walked out the door.  I would close my eyes and say "Lord, please guide and protect my children."  I've let the noise and life get in my way.  It's time to make some changes and reach!  It's time to make this my new screen saver as a daily reminder.  

My first daily to-do!  Reach!

My mind has been a flurry today.  I think sleep deprivation does that to me.  So many things on my mind.  I stayed up way too late watching the Olympics.  I needed a nap, but I didn't get one.  I took Jake to school for his uniform fitting.  He was a character!  Almost a cartoon character.  Oh so funny!  At one point he had almost everyone in the room laughing.  I was speechless.  Here are a few pictures to recap...

Bibs on... the dancing began.
(wrong side out is a nice look)
They checked the fit and hem. 
Hold up your instrument..

Jacket on... keep holding up your instrument. 
"I think it's something like this."

More dancing... when he was supposed to be posing for his picture.
And finally the hat, it's secure believe me.
Jake did another fancy dancing to confirm it 
(which caused the whole room to stop and laugh!)
Forgive me for not having video.

Pushed to the breaking point...
no more pictures.
Oh, he's a character all right.
And handsome!
And boy, do I love him!

Tonight was the Band Ice Cream Social and Meeting.  We ate ice cream.  We bought spirit wear.  We made our second payment.  We listened to a laundry list of do's and then the director broke the band into sections to arrange for meals twice a week during band camp.  Trombones, baritones and tubas, 18 kids in all.  Mr. Kirk noted to our group, "please make sure parents are involved over there or they'll end up having Starbursts and Skittles for lunch."  One thing is already certain... Jake fits right in!  I didn't get the warm fuzzies I was hoping for from the other parents.  I'll keep an open mind... and try to squash the anxiety.

Home to more Olympics.  (deep sigh!)  I continue to be blown away by the dedication and determination of these athletes.  Wow!  Last night - or early this morning I watched the women's weightlifting.  Unbelieveable!  And then men's gymnastics.  I said a prayer for these young men that are pushing themselves to the breaking point.  It was so painful to watch.  Time and time again I've said, "OH, I love this one!"  I could list the sports but what's the point.  I was disturbed by the AUS women playing sand volleyball with their green sports bras on the outside of their compression shirts.  What was that about?  Weird.  I just watched Dana Vollmer win the gold and set a new worlds record in the 100 butterfly.  And as she watched the American flag being raised she sang the national anthem!  I didn't cry because Jake was watching me like a hawk but again I said, "Oh, I love this!"  

I hope your day was filled with at least one "oh, I love this!" moment!


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