Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Happy Friday!  We have survived VBS!  Yipee!  (I hope I didn't just jinx myself, since I still have this afternoon.)  And Annie just hit her funny bone on the corner of cabinet... uh oh.

I woke up happy.  I woke up to my people saying "Good Morning America!"  It was the first day this week.  Time Warner Cable - our cable provider - was in contract negotiations with KMBC Channel 9, our ABC affiliate and terminated contract negotiations last Sunday.  Monday I did not wake up to the friendly voices of my beloved GMA crew.  Sounds silly, I know, but I missed them!  Everyday we kept thinking the problems would be resolved but no such luck.  Jack and I talked about changing providers but honestly that's a pain... and the competitors rates were awful.  We didn't want to pay more for less and give up our land line telephone.  (I know it's crazy but I'm just not ready, yet.)  Long story short, Jack came home last night with an old fashioned pair of rabbit ears for the tv in our bedroom and in no time we were back in ABC business!  

What has this lesson taught me?  I am officially old.  I am a creature of habit.  I can't just get up in the morning when the alarm goes off.  I like going to sleep and waking up to familiar voices.  Yesterday morning I tried to watch Today.  These people are strangers!  The silver lining was two former GMAers had segments, thank you Kate and Nancy.  Even though your traders.  ;-)

Tomorrow is going to be crazy.  The kids will be preparing for the Mission Trip Shareholders brunch on Sunday.  Set up starts at 8 am.  I have a breakfast date with a girlfriend. The afternoon will bring a trip to the pool - OR - a nap and the evening will be fun for two lucky Diemer's at a Royal's baseball game.  Jack hasn't decided who he's taking yet.  Could be me, could be Jake?  Annie has had a hard week and wants to get lost in a book or watch tv or ... she just wants/needs some me time.  I'm so glad she recognizes what she needs.  

Jake had a lacrosse game last night.  It's a high school rec league.  No practices, just games.  Jack went and said it was a beautiful evening.  (It's so strange to see Jake standing among guys a head taller than him.)  He really enjoys it and it will be exciting to see him play in next year on the JV team.

It's raining this morning.  What a calming sound.  I was going to go color the gray out of my hair but carpe diem... I'm going to go play in the rain with my kids.


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