Sunday, July 15, 2012

It's quiet

If you were given three hours of quiet and were all alone what would you do?  Take a nap?  Nope, I did that this afternoon.  Go shopping.  No, there isn't a single thing I need.  Read a book?  Maybe, but not this time.  Make a nice dinner for one and watch a movie.  Aw, now I'm on to something!

I love the line "take one room and make it your own" from the movie, Under the Tuscan Sun.  Sarah is doing that as she moves into her new house.  I need to do that, too!  I've lived here 16 years but how many things have I collected but don't cherished?  How many "things" can I get rid of that just take up space? To be honest, there are probably things in the far corners of my closet that should never have moved here.  There are clothes the kids outgrew long, long ago.  I even have baby clothes in the attic.  WHY?  I have no idea.  Why is it so hard to let go?  I don't think the kids will care if I keep the boxes of their homework from grade school that are in the basement - collecting dust.  Maybe just a few pieces of artwork or a paper they worked really hard on.  So now the question is, when do I start?  Where do I start?  How?  Or do I just put in on my list for someday or my next 101 Things in 1001 Days?  All I know for sure is why... I do not - DO NOT - want to be on the show about hoarders.

Under the Tuscan Sun, what a beautiful movie!  Prayers are always answered.  Just remember to not be disappointed if they're answered in unexpected ways - keep your eyes open - and NEVER give up hope.

I love my family.  I love noise and distractions.  But I cherish quiet... except the fact that this lets my mind wander and come up with grand ideas that seem impossible.


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