Tuesday, July 17, 2012


One of the items on my 101 Things in 1001 Days is make a list of 100 things that make me happy.  I started my list today.  I was writing things as quickly as I thought of them.  Then I realized I was writing things I love.    While there isn't a big difference between what I love and what makes me happy there is a difference.  I had to go back through my list and make changes.  I love the smell of rain, but does it make me happy?  Sometimes.  I made it to number 70 before I got stumped.  I know there are more things that make me happy... was the point of this to complete it in one day or ponder it over several?  I'm going with ponder it.

The thought of school starting brings many emotions - including happiness.  It's hard to believe we have less than a month left.  Or that Annie will be a teenager in exactly one month from today.  Wow, 13!  After her shower tonight she tried to dry her hair with the blow dryer - for the first time.  It was a good attempt, but came out damp.  Her hair is sooo thick!  And she was not patient.  She wanted to straighten it with the flat iron and thankfully asked me a question before starting with damp hair.  She will try in the morning.  We went to a movie yesterday and she got all gussied up.  Make-up.  Hair fixed in a side pony-tail with the strays nicely pinned up and away.  She looked beautiful!  It was funny to have her primping after the movie and realize she had cried some of her eye makeup off.  She still looked beautiful!

Today we had a pajama day.  Annie said, "it's been too long since we've enjoyed a day like this!"  I did laundry.  Jake practiced his tuba.  We watched a little crap tv.  The kids played Mindcraft together and only argued a little.  Jake grilled chicken wings under Jack's supervision for dinner.  Jake is very interested in learning the art of grilling and is off to a great start!  We finished the day by watching Julie and Julia.  I just love Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, and Stanley Tucci!  What a great movie about determination and happiness.  

Sleep tight!


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