Thursday, July 26, 2012

Growing too fast

Peter Pan was awesome!  I wish I could have taken a picture of the kids as it began.  I saw the faces of little ones full of wonder and amazement, twinkling eyes, mouths open.  I almost cried.  Then Annie brought me back to reality whispering, "WHAT are you looking at?  It's started!"  It was absolutely my favorite part of the whole evening.  
 Happiness!  Ticket, playbook, kettlecorn and big smile!

"MOM, put your phone away!  No pictures!"  Ok, I snuck one in.
Great seats!  But not close enough to feel much a/c.

We all loved it!  

I got some bug bites yesterday and when it was time for bed I could feel every single one.  So I took a Benedryl.  I slept great!  I was starting to wake up this morning... I could tell there was someone in bed with me, so I thought I'll just sleep a little longer until Jack gets up for work.  Then the phone rang.  It was Jack. (WHAT?)  "Doesn't Jake have a doctor's appointment at 9:00?" (WHAT?)  I looked over and Annie was laying in bed with me... she smiled... and gave a little wave... (Blink blink...) "Oh yeah, thanks!"  I was half way to the bathroom before my feet hit the floor.  It was 8:50!  Annie woke up Jake but he was still laying in bed when I made it to the end of the hall.  "Get up, get up, get up!  We're late!"  

We arrived at 9:02!  Jake is 5'6" and 123 pounds.  I wish I had asked how tall he was last year.  All I can say is he was shorter than me!  We saw a different doctor than usual.  I really liked this guy.  He was very personable and thorough.  He and Jake talked about lacrosse.  The doctor mentioned Gardasil for boys.  (Blank stare)  I asked if it was as painful as the girls.  "yes."  I asked what his thoughts were, "it's your choice.  I'll give you some information about it.  I don't think it's something to do today, but you need to know it's available."  (Blank stare)  Maybe my look was more along the lines of a deer in the headlights.  The doctor stepped out for a minute.  I made some comment to Jake about being promiscuous.  "Mom, I can't get one girl, what makes you think I could ever get more than one?"  I laughed.  Oh, Jake.  The realization of Jake a) having a serious girlfriend and b) getting intimate !?  I'm not one of those mom's that doesn't talk to her kids about sex... I am.  We do.  My head hurts.  I must change the subject now.  When the doctor returned he handed Jake a lacrosse stick.  It was one of his sons and it was in his trunk, so he gave it to Jake.  I think we were both in shock.  Jake got three shots.  Tetanus, Meningitis, and Hepatitus A vaccines.  The nurse was great.  She gave him options.  He chose to have two nurses give him two shots at the same time.  The only problem was he was flexing his muscle on one side so the nurse couldn't get the needle in far enough.  "YOW!"  Jake made the mistake of looking at the needles, too.  "They're HUGE!"  Not really, but...  Finally he headed to the lab for urine and blood tests. I told you, this doctor was thorough!  Jake's name was called and I walked in the doorway.  It's been a long time since Jake's had blood drawn, so I thought they should be aware.  She decided to have Jake lay down on the bed.  He laid down on his belly.  She couldn't keep a straight face and laughed as she asked him to rollover.  "Well that one didn't hurt at all!"  
   Three shots, blood drawn and he still asked for a sucker.
(You can't see it but he got a daffy duck band-aid and a wolverine band-aid.)

Annie was invited to see a movie with a friend.  I was chatting with Sarah on the phone and didn't give it a second thought - "sure!"  It didn't really hit me until she was out the door.  It was like a knot in the pit of my stomach.  I don't live in fear.  I know there is evil in this world but I try to keep a level head.  I pray my family is safe and protected.  I feel unsettled.  I feel sad.  It's scary!  It makes me angry that someone has caused these feelings!  I don't live in Colorado but I feel for every person effected.  Directly - indirectly.  The first responders.  The family in Chicago that waited countless hours only to be told their daughter was gone.  Caleb Medley, who took his pregnant wife, Katie as a final treat before becoming parents.  Now he's in ICU in a medically induced coma and baby Hugo was born in the same hospital on Tuesday.  It's overwhelming!  

I have faith.  I have hope.  I won't let evil win.  I will continue to pray.  

Annie is home safe and sound.  I am thankful.

I took a picture of Suzy this morning.  She was enjoying the cooler weather lounging on the deck.  This is the look I got when I asked her if she wanted a treat.
What a good dog! 
And compare it to '03... she's getting older.
I will always love that face!

Jake has his last summer lacrosse game tonight.  I'm glad it's cooler.

Annie is off to youth group.

I better figure out what we're having for dinner!


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