Saturday, July 28, 2012

Don't change the channel!

The Olympics have begun!  Yeah!  I enjoyed the opening ceremony.  I got chills as the athletes entered the arena.  I got goosebumps when the USA team was announced.  Now, the kids are in for a treat because if they even think about changing the channel... it's out of the question.  I left the room today while doing laundry and was shocked to find out that Annie didn't believe me.  (She should be thankful we have more than one tv!)  I will watch whatever is on... I don't really care if it's archery or hand ball, biking or rowing.  I loved the men's Italian archery hats.  I was happy for Ryan Lochte's big win over Michael Phelps.  U-S-A!  I don't mind who wins, I just love the experience!  How many hours can I tape on our DVR?  Hmm.  I better figure that out quickly!  I have to get SoMe sleep!

Today was Georgia's 12th Annual Chicken Run at Deanna Rose Farmstead.  It's a kids fun run.  I have several friend's who's young children were running.  I found this picture and posted it on Facebook.  (This is for my "fan" that doesn't have FB.)
Jake and Annie with their medals in '03.
They are so cute!

Today was the beginning of the end of Summer.  Jake went to orientation for marching band.  It's official, I have a freshman in high school.  I haven't had a problem with it.  I've shed no tears.  I asked if he was excited, "yes!"  I asked if he was nervous, "na."  As I drove away after dropping him off I was sad that I didn't have my camera or phone and capture it.  Maybe tomorrow during his uniform fitting or the ice cream social.  ?  Or maybe Monday morning bright and early when I drop him off at 6:50 a.m.  It's crazy.  I must take pictures.  Jake will spend 13 of the next 15 days at school.   He will spend between 8 1/2 and 10 1/2 hours at day in band camp.  Ok, now THAT's crazy!  CrAzY!  Exciting!  FUN!  

I'm in a strange mood.  It's weird.  Yesterday and today I've been in a frenzy.  Cleaning, sort of.  Organizing.  Purging.  I started cleaning out the bathroom cabinets and drawers.  I went to Target and got some containers and sorted first aid, cold/flu, pain relievers, etc.  Totally organized.  Then I moved downstairs to the cabinet above the telephone in the kitchen... now it's practically empty.  Then on to the corner cabinet under the phone, and the craft cabinet... any bags or purses I could find... and now it's a huge mess!

It's a messy, mess.  
Lots of piles.  
The recycle bag is overflowing.  
I'm purging lots of homework papers.  (yeah, me!)

It's like cleaning with a terrible case of ADD.  I was cleaning out a cabinet and found some window cleaner... so I cleaned every mirror in the house.  I did laundry.  Then found pictures... so I had to look at them.  I gave Annie a few jobs - sorting out broken crayons and markers that have dried up.  The craft cabinet will look great when it's done.  I folded laundry.  Started another load.  I put off making dinner until the very last minute.  Oh, speaking of crafts, Annie has been wanting to make this...    
So when I found an old purse, I did this...
Yep, I cut up one of my favorite purses,
instead of letting it getting lost in the purge...
it's ready for crafting!

And guess what else I found!?
These were Annie's.
I didn't find a bottle, just the lid. ?
I hugged them.
I smiled.
I kept them.
I'm ok with that!

All day Jack's been saying "We've been robbed!"  because, "the house looks ransacked!"  He thinks it's funny.  Jake came home and asked what was going on.  Jack said, "Mom MUST be pregnant!"  While it does look like I'm nesting, no more babies here.  Jake:  "I want a baby brother."  Too bad.  Annie just read this over my shoulder and said "no he didn't!"  Me:  "yes he did."  Annie: "well I don't want another one of you, Jake."  Can you feel the love?  (wink... eye roll)  

I'm glad Jake had a great first day.  His exact words were:  "I LOVED it!"  I'm excited for him.  There was one other tuba player.  I'm not sure if he's a freshman too or just new.  He was definitely not part of the leadership team.  Jake said, "he's sloppy.  Well, ya know how I'm kinda messy?  He's REALLY sloppy."  I found it very funny to hear those words come out of Jake's mouth and I'll be curious to hear more.  I think it will help Jake get a head start on his high school experience.  Or at least I hope so.  I'll keep you posted.  

Maybe I'm feeling more like 'summer is almost over and I still have too many things on my to do list.'  While that might be true, the "things" I'm doing aren't on my list.  (LOL!)  Oh well, as long as I can have the tv on the Olympics while I'm working it's a win - win!


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