Tuesday, July 24, 2012


To answer the question I'm sure that has been on your mind since reading my last post... YES!  I was able to  paint all my toes - twice - and I still have some to spare.  It's a good thing I have freakishly small toenails.  Now the question is, what's the color name?  Because I really like it.  
That's one tiny bottle of nail polish.

It's been another fun filled day here. (said with a hint of sarcasm)  I washed the gray right out of my hair.  :-)  I went dark.  It came out with a hint of red.  Not gold, RED.  ?  I can't get away from it.
The box says, "natural lighter golden brown".  Lies!

My hair... when the sunlight hits it it's strawberry blonde.

Annie and I went to the grocery store.  I bought some fresh fruits and vegetables.  I love that our store has an area for locally grown produce.  Annie requested spinach and fancy cheese. ?  Ok.  She was hungry for a turkey, spinach, fancy cheese, hummus wrap.  Yum!  Oddly enough, when we got in the car to go home she begged for Taco Bell.  ?  She must have been really hungry.  "Beans, cheese and chips, please!"  

Annie took on a big, BIG job!  She went through all her clothes.  First, made sure they fit.  Second, got rid of everything that didn't fit or was unwanted.  Third, put everything away, nice and neat.  She had clothes that were three sizes too small still taking up room in her drawers.  Her closet looks so cute with turquoise hangers - Annie only hangers.  Tomorrow morning she'll tackle the rest of her room.  She's working hard! 
Taking a well deserved Juicy Juice Apple Juice Juice Box break!

I made chicken fajitas for dinner.  Jack loves walking into the house and being greeted by the smell of sauteed onions.  I didn't realize it until now that I forgot to add the peppers, oops.  I found frozen diced peppers at Trader Joe's and always have a bag in the freezer, it's so easy to add them to any recipe.  Oh well, still yummy.

Jake is enjoying another day of being spoiled by his aunt and uncle.  Uncle Dave and Jake are two peas in a pod enjoying lots of boy stuff!  Jake's been shooting guns, fishing, boating, swimming, staying up late watching scary movies and enjoying all you can eat ice cream.  He mentioned something about a bruise on his shoulder... one of the guns must have had some recoil.  ?  I'm sure I'll get the rest of the story tomorrow.  Jake is as good at goodbyes as I am, but this little get away has been great for him.
I got this text - "goin boatin wont have fon"
and this picture from Leenie a little bit ago.
What a lucky guy!  <3
I miss him!

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