Monday, July 30, 2012


I'm exhausted.  Last night I turned off the tv at 10:30 p.m.  Olympics I love you, I do, but I need rest.  I set my alarm and I slept hard.  I'm not sure if the alarm didn't go off or I didn't hear it.  Jack woke me up at 6:20 a.m.  Jake had band camp at 7:00.  It begins at 7:00, which means you need to be on the lot with instrument in hand, ready to start at 7:00 a.m.  Jake arrived at 6:45 with jug full of ice water, backpack filled with music binder, sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, and lip balm.  What did he forget?  His gloves.  The tubas wear weightlifting gloves.  (His gloves are in his bag ready for tomorrow!)  Today was sack lunch day but I took him McDonald's.  He asked.  It was a simple request.  I took him some extra stuff... granola bar, fruit snacks, Powerade.  He graciously shared with someone that forgot their lunch.  (That's my boy!)

Annie and I watched the movie "A Thousand Words" with Eddie Murphy.  I did not have high expectations but was pleasantly surprised.  It was very thought provoking.  Basically Eddie's character learns to, for lack of a better term, shut up.  I'm usually one of the quieter ones in a group, but this really made me think about only speaking when necessary.  Make words matter.  It goes right along with the saying 'God gave us two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as much as you speak.'  As cute and clever as it may sound, it's true.  It's smart, not sarcastic.

Annie and I had a little chat about talking less last week after my hair appointment.  Annie really likes Natalie.  Natalie is quiet.  Annie was chatting away, Natalie tried to interject but Annie continued to chat.  Annie was talking so fast.  Natalie and I exchanged a look.  That "you know" look.  Natalie smiled, I got the giggles.  Natalie, bless her heart, would say one word every now again, giving Annie the encouragement she needed.  Oh to be a 12, with so many things you want to say and share.  God love her!  Forgive me, just thinking about it gives me a little buzzing in my ears.  (You know... nod, wink and smile.)  I know, I know, cherish it!  
This made me chuckle.  I had to share.
Annie bought a ring pop last night.  :-D

Have you ever seen "Benny and Joon"?  It's an early '90's movie with a young Johnny Depp.  I love it.  I want to watch it again with the kids.  It makes me think of how important it is to do what you love with the innocence of a child.  Who cares what people think.  (Random thought.)

Jake came home exhausted.  He went directly to his room for some down time.  I convinced him a quick shower would help.  It did and he was back downstairs within 15 minutes.  I was glad he didn't take a nap.  The tubas are going out to dinner together on Wednesday.  Tonight he's sore but happy.  He will sleep well! 

I watched water polo today.  I don't remember ever watching it before.  I watched kayaking, too.  (I want to do that someday, somewhere in a beautiful calm lagoon.)  I watched gymnastics and swimming.  Oh yeah!  I just watched Missy Franklin win.  Her tears after seeing her parents reaction, Oh, how I love it!

Ok, Olympic broadcasting people, listen up.  You have me for 40 more minutes, then I will have to turn it off.  Please make it good!  Please, oh please, oh please show the medal ceremony before my bed time!  Thank you.  ;-)  (Update:  it's 10:10 - I waited for it!  Missy is trying to sing... holding back the tears... lips quivering.  Oh this was SO WORTH STAYING UP A LITTLE LATE!) 

Good night!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Within reach

Someday I would love to visit the Sistine Chapel.  I want to experience it.  I want to stand in ah and say 'oh, I love this!'  I am fascinated by the thought of seeing the ceiling with my own eyes - specifically the painting of The Creation of Adam.  God reaching out to Adam.  Adam laying back, not giving the effort to lift his finger to touch God's outstretched hand.  Wow!  How often do I do that in my life?  God is reaching out to me and I'm not willing to lift my finger... too distracted by all the noise... too preoccupied with things in my head or on my to-do list.  ?

When I was little, we would visit my Grandparents in Richmond, Minnesota.  My Grandmother would start each day in devotion.  I was young, but I seem to remember everyone sitting around the table together as Grandma Thomas would read the scripture, devotion and finish with a prayer.  Grandma would sit at the head of the table, in front of the picture window overlooking Rice Lake.  Everyone in the house would sit and listen.  Everyone.  There was no excuse not to be at the table.  What a commitment!  What a wonderful way to begin the day - together - listening to God's word.  My Grandmother passed away when I was in 2nd grade, but I still remember... but is that really what happened or just my perception?  I'm afraid to ask anyone because I so want it to be as I remember!  I've tried to start this routine.  I would talk to my little ones about God... I would tell them stories... I would pray with them.  But somewhere along the way mornings became shorter and shorter.  It shrunk to my praying for my kids as I drove them to school.  Then carpools and noise (can we please listen to this CD or that radio station?) got in the way.  And eventually I considered it a blessing if I would get a hug and kiss before they walked out the door.  I would close my eyes and say "Lord, please guide and protect my children."  I've let the noise and life get in my way.  It's time to make some changes and reach!  It's time to make this my new screen saver as a daily reminder.  

My first daily to-do!  Reach!

My mind has been a flurry today.  I think sleep deprivation does that to me.  So many things on my mind.  I stayed up way too late watching the Olympics.  I needed a nap, but I didn't get one.  I took Jake to school for his uniform fitting.  He was a character!  Almost a cartoon character.  Oh so funny!  At one point he had almost everyone in the room laughing.  I was speechless.  Here are a few pictures to recap...

Bibs on... the dancing began.
(wrong side out is a nice look)
They checked the fit and hem. 
Hold up your instrument..

Jacket on... keep holding up your instrument. 
"I think it's something like this."

More dancing... when he was supposed to be posing for his picture.
And finally the hat, it's secure believe me.
Jake did another fancy dancing to confirm it 
(which caused the whole room to stop and laugh!)
Forgive me for not having video.

Pushed to the breaking point...
no more pictures.
Oh, he's a character all right.
And handsome!
And boy, do I love him!

Tonight was the Band Ice Cream Social and Meeting.  We ate ice cream.  We bought spirit wear.  We made our second payment.  We listened to a laundry list of do's and then the director broke the band into sections to arrange for meals twice a week during band camp.  Trombones, baritones and tubas, 18 kids in all.  Mr. Kirk noted to our group, "please make sure parents are involved over there or they'll end up having Starbursts and Skittles for lunch."  One thing is already certain... Jake fits right in!  I didn't get the warm fuzzies I was hoping for from the other parents.  I'll keep an open mind... and try to squash the anxiety.

Home to more Olympics.  (deep sigh!)  I continue to be blown away by the dedication and determination of these athletes.  Wow!  Last night - or early this morning I watched the women's weightlifting.  Unbelieveable!  And then men's gymnastics.  I said a prayer for these young men that are pushing themselves to the breaking point.  It was so painful to watch.  Time and time again I've said, "OH, I love this one!"  I could list the sports but what's the point.  I was disturbed by the AUS women playing sand volleyball with their green sports bras on the outside of their compression shirts.  What was that about?  Weird.  I just watched Dana Vollmer win the gold and set a new worlds record in the 100 butterfly.  And as she watched the American flag being raised she sang the national anthem!  I didn't cry because Jake was watching me like a hawk but again I said, "Oh, I love this!"  

I hope your day was filled with at least one "oh, I love this!" moment!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Don't change the channel!

The Olympics have begun!  Yeah!  I enjoyed the opening ceremony.  I got chills as the athletes entered the arena.  I got goosebumps when the USA team was announced.  Now, the kids are in for a treat because if they even think about changing the channel... it's out of the question.  I left the room today while doing laundry and was shocked to find out that Annie didn't believe me.  (She should be thankful we have more than one tv!)  I will watch whatever is on... I don't really care if it's archery or hand ball, biking or rowing.  I loved the men's Italian archery hats.  I was happy for Ryan Lochte's big win over Michael Phelps.  U-S-A!  I don't mind who wins, I just love the experience!  How many hours can I tape on our DVR?  Hmm.  I better figure that out quickly!  I have to get SoMe sleep!

Today was Georgia's 12th Annual Chicken Run at Deanna Rose Farmstead.  It's a kids fun run.  I have several friend's who's young children were running.  I found this picture and posted it on Facebook.  (This is for my "fan" that doesn't have FB.)
Jake and Annie with their medals in '03.
They are so cute!

Today was the beginning of the end of Summer.  Jake went to orientation for marching band.  It's official, I have a freshman in high school.  I haven't had a problem with it.  I've shed no tears.  I asked if he was excited, "yes!"  I asked if he was nervous, "na."  As I drove away after dropping him off I was sad that I didn't have my camera or phone and capture it.  Maybe tomorrow during his uniform fitting or the ice cream social.  ?  Or maybe Monday morning bright and early when I drop him off at 6:50 a.m.  It's crazy.  I must take pictures.  Jake will spend 13 of the next 15 days at school.   He will spend between 8 1/2 and 10 1/2 hours at day in band camp.  Ok, now THAT's crazy!  CrAzY!  Exciting!  FUN!  

I'm in a strange mood.  It's weird.  Yesterday and today I've been in a frenzy.  Cleaning, sort of.  Organizing.  Purging.  I started cleaning out the bathroom cabinets and drawers.  I went to Target and got some containers and sorted first aid, cold/flu, pain relievers, etc.  Totally organized.  Then I moved downstairs to the cabinet above the telephone in the kitchen... now it's practically empty.  Then on to the corner cabinet under the phone, and the craft cabinet... any bags or purses I could find... and now it's a huge mess!

It's a messy, mess.  
Lots of piles.  
The recycle bag is overflowing.  
I'm purging lots of homework papers.  (yeah, me!)

It's like cleaning with a terrible case of ADD.  I was cleaning out a cabinet and found some window cleaner... so I cleaned every mirror in the house.  I did laundry.  Then found pictures... so I had to look at them.  I gave Annie a few jobs - sorting out broken crayons and markers that have dried up.  The craft cabinet will look great when it's done.  I folded laundry.  Started another load.  I put off making dinner until the very last minute.  Oh, speaking of crafts, Annie has been wanting to make this...    
So when I found an old purse, I did this...
Yep, I cut up one of my favorite purses,
instead of letting it getting lost in the purge...
it's ready for crafting!

And guess what else I found!?
These were Annie's.
I didn't find a bottle, just the lid. ?
I hugged them.
I smiled.
I kept them.
I'm ok with that!

All day Jack's been saying "We've been robbed!"  because, "the house looks ransacked!"  He thinks it's funny.  Jake came home and asked what was going on.  Jack said, "Mom MUST be pregnant!"  While it does look like I'm nesting, no more babies here.  Jake:  "I want a baby brother."  Too bad.  Annie just read this over my shoulder and said "no he didn't!"  Me:  "yes he did."  Annie: "well I don't want another one of you, Jake."  Can you feel the love?  (wink... eye roll)  

I'm glad Jake had a great first day.  His exact words were:  "I LOVED it!"  I'm excited for him.  There was one other tuba player.  I'm not sure if he's a freshman too or just new.  He was definitely not part of the leadership team.  Jake said, "he's sloppy.  Well, ya know how I'm kinda messy?  He's REALLY sloppy."  I found it very funny to hear those words come out of Jake's mouth and I'll be curious to hear more.  I think it will help Jake get a head start on his high school experience.  Or at least I hope so.  I'll keep you posted.  

Maybe I'm feeling more like 'summer is almost over and I still have too many things on my to do list.'  While that might be true, the "things" I'm doing aren't on my list.  (LOL!)  Oh well, as long as I can have the tv on the Olympics while I'm working it's a win - win!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Growing too fast

Peter Pan was awesome!  I wish I could have taken a picture of the kids as it began.  I saw the faces of little ones full of wonder and amazement, twinkling eyes, mouths open.  I almost cried.  Then Annie brought me back to reality whispering, "WHAT are you looking at?  It's started!"  It was absolutely my favorite part of the whole evening.  
 Happiness!  Ticket, playbook, kettlecorn and big smile!

"MOM, put your phone away!  No pictures!"  Ok, I snuck one in.
Great seats!  But not close enough to feel much a/c.

We all loved it!  

I got some bug bites yesterday and when it was time for bed I could feel every single one.  So I took a Benedryl.  I slept great!  I was starting to wake up this morning... I could tell there was someone in bed with me, so I thought I'll just sleep a little longer until Jack gets up for work.  Then the phone rang.  It was Jack. (WHAT?)  "Doesn't Jake have a doctor's appointment at 9:00?" (WHAT?)  I looked over and Annie was laying in bed with me... she smiled... and gave a little wave... (Blink blink...) "Oh yeah, thanks!"  I was half way to the bathroom before my feet hit the floor.  It was 8:50!  Annie woke up Jake but he was still laying in bed when I made it to the end of the hall.  "Get up, get up, get up!  We're late!"  

We arrived at 9:02!  Jake is 5'6" and 123 pounds.  I wish I had asked how tall he was last year.  All I can say is he was shorter than me!  We saw a different doctor than usual.  I really liked this guy.  He was very personable and thorough.  He and Jake talked about lacrosse.  The doctor mentioned Gardasil for boys.  (Blank stare)  I asked if it was as painful as the girls.  "yes."  I asked what his thoughts were, "it's your choice.  I'll give you some information about it.  I don't think it's something to do today, but you need to know it's available."  (Blank stare)  Maybe my look was more along the lines of a deer in the headlights.  The doctor stepped out for a minute.  I made some comment to Jake about being promiscuous.  "Mom, I can't get one girl, what makes you think I could ever get more than one?"  I laughed.  Oh, Jake.  The realization of Jake a) having a serious girlfriend and b) getting intimate !?  I'm not one of those mom's that doesn't talk to her kids about sex... I am.  We do.  My head hurts.  I must change the subject now.  When the doctor returned he handed Jake a lacrosse stick.  It was one of his sons and it was in his trunk, so he gave it to Jake.  I think we were both in shock.  Jake got three shots.  Tetanus, Meningitis, and Hepatitus A vaccines.  The nurse was great.  She gave him options.  He chose to have two nurses give him two shots at the same time.  The only problem was he was flexing his muscle on one side so the nurse couldn't get the needle in far enough.  "YOW!"  Jake made the mistake of looking at the needles, too.  "They're HUGE!"  Not really, but...  Finally he headed to the lab for urine and blood tests. I told you, this doctor was thorough!  Jake's name was called and I walked in the doorway.  It's been a long time since Jake's had blood drawn, so I thought they should be aware.  She decided to have Jake lay down on the bed.  He laid down on his belly.  She couldn't keep a straight face and laughed as she asked him to rollover.  "Well that one didn't hurt at all!"  
   Three shots, blood drawn and he still asked for a sucker.
(You can't see it but he got a daffy duck band-aid and a wolverine band-aid.)

Annie was invited to see a movie with a friend.  I was chatting with Sarah on the phone and didn't give it a second thought - "sure!"  It didn't really hit me until she was out the door.  It was like a knot in the pit of my stomach.  I don't live in fear.  I know there is evil in this world but I try to keep a level head.  I pray my family is safe and protected.  I feel unsettled.  I feel sad.  It's scary!  It makes me angry that someone has caused these feelings!  I don't live in Colorado but I feel for every person effected.  Directly - indirectly.  The first responders.  The family in Chicago that waited countless hours only to be told their daughter was gone.  Caleb Medley, who took his pregnant wife, Katie as a final treat before becoming parents.  Now he's in ICU in a medically induced coma and baby Hugo was born in the same hospital on Tuesday.  It's overwhelming!  

I have faith.  I have hope.  I won't let evil win.  I will continue to pray.  

Annie is home safe and sound.  I am thankful.

I took a picture of Suzy this morning.  She was enjoying the cooler weather lounging on the deck.  This is the look I got when I asked her if she wanted a treat.
What a good dog! 
And compare it to '03... she's getting older.
I will always love that face!

Jake has his last summer lacrosse game tonight.  I'm glad it's cooler.

Annie is off to youth group.

I better figure out what we're having for dinner!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Red Bench

When I was a kid and company would come over for dinner my Mom would pull out the piano bench.  At one end of the table two people would share the bench.  Typically, me and someone else.  It always worked well.  When my kids outgrew their high chair, then Little Tykes table and chairs, I got a red bench.  It's about the same size as the old piano bench of my youth.  Jake and Annie have shared the red bench for the last 10 years, maybe more.  But, as children do, the kids are growing.  Jake is taller than me.  Annie... well, Annie hasn't grown much in the last two years but now she just requires more room.  Today the red bench found a new home.  Our table of six is now a table for four.  I'm a little sad.  Another milestone I wasn't ready to make, however the sibling squabbles for space I can do without.  It should be noted I haven't actually let the bench go, it will come out again when needed, but its found a new home within my house.  That bench holds to many memories... too many cherished moments... I can't let it go.  

Annie and I spent the better part of an hour looking through pictures this morning.  Here are some of our favorites...

 Annie hated this dance recital dress, age 4.  NOW, she thinks it's adorable!

Jake, age 7, and his hamster, Fred.

Jack and the kids at Heritage Square in Denver.  We LOVE alpine slides!

Annie and her beloved Chlena.  <3

And Suzy Q - "Oh Mom!  She looks so little!  So adorable!" Taken in April of 2003.

It's Mother's Day!  Or at least that's what the kids and I are celebrating tonight.  We are going to Starlight Theater to see Peter Pan with Cathy Rigby.  As soon as I heard the production was coming I said that's all I wanted for Mother's Day.  When the kids were little we had a VHS of the Broadway show.  The kids loved it.  I loved it!  And now we're going to see it!  I'm SO excited!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012


To answer the question I'm sure that has been on your mind since reading my last post... YES!  I was able to  paint all my toes - twice - and I still have some to spare.  It's a good thing I have freakishly small toenails.  Now the question is, what's the color name?  Because I really like it.  
That's one tiny bottle of nail polish.

It's been another fun filled day here. (said with a hint of sarcasm)  I washed the gray right out of my hair.  :-)  I went dark.  It came out with a hint of red.  Not gold, RED.  ?  I can't get away from it.
The box says, "natural lighter golden brown".  Lies!

My hair... when the sunlight hits it it's strawberry blonde.

Annie and I went to the grocery store.  I bought some fresh fruits and vegetables.  I love that our store has an area for locally grown produce.  Annie requested spinach and fancy cheese. ?  Ok.  She was hungry for a turkey, spinach, fancy cheese, hummus wrap.  Yum!  Oddly enough, when we got in the car to go home she begged for Taco Bell.  ?  She must have been really hungry.  "Beans, cheese and chips, please!"  

Annie took on a big, BIG job!  She went through all her clothes.  First, made sure they fit.  Second, got rid of everything that didn't fit or was unwanted.  Third, put everything away, nice and neat.  She had clothes that were three sizes too small still taking up room in her drawers.  Her closet looks so cute with turquoise hangers - Annie only hangers.  Tomorrow morning she'll tackle the rest of her room.  She's working hard! 
Taking a well deserved Juicy Juice Apple Juice Juice Box break!

I made chicken fajitas for dinner.  Jack loves walking into the house and being greeted by the smell of sauteed onions.  I didn't realize it until now that I forgot to add the peppers, oops.  I found frozen diced peppers at Trader Joe's and always have a bag in the freezer, it's so easy to add them to any recipe.  Oh well, still yummy.

Jake is enjoying another day of being spoiled by his aunt and uncle.  Uncle Dave and Jake are two peas in a pod enjoying lots of boy stuff!  Jake's been shooting guns, fishing, boating, swimming, staying up late watching scary movies and enjoying all you can eat ice cream.  He mentioned something about a bruise on his shoulder... one of the guns must have had some recoil.  ?  I'm sure I'll get the rest of the story tomorrow.  Jake is as good at goodbyes as I am, but this little get away has been great for him.
I got this text - "goin boatin wont have fon"
and this picture from Leenie a little bit ago.
What a lucky guy!  <3
I miss him!

Monday, July 23, 2012


 is spending a few days with Uncle Dave and Aunt Leenie.  F-U-N!
 This speak no evil monkey will be coming home with him.

I got this picture after lunch.  All it said was, "YUM!"  
What a happy face!

I think she's getting tired of my camera... but I love this picture!

Annie and I ran errands today.
We saw a Shlotzsky's delivery van - it said 'just hauling buns.'  
We laughed.  A lot!  I'm not sure why it's so funny, but it still gives me a giggle.

I'm going to get my haircut... maybe short... I can't decide.

Evening update... Annie went with me to get my haircut.  I got out of the car and there was a straw colored praying mantis sitting on the tire of the car next to mine.  I took a closer look because it was such a strange color.  It flew straight at me!  I ran away screaming.  Annie laughed.  Annie decided she wanted to take a closer look, brave girl.  She said, "we need to embrace nature!  And I haven't seen one in a while."  The praying mantis was now under the car.  She started to crouch down and... it flew straight for her!  So what happened next?  Annie ran away screaming!  And I laughed.  We both turned to look at it and I honestly think it was trying to attack us.  We BOTH ran away screaming.  The heat must be making it angry.  !?  We were both filled with nervous laughter walking into the store.  I only got a trim.  I was tempted to get a shag, but that's too drastic for right now - I need enough to put it back in a pony tail.  We were very nervous walking back out to the car... I was hugging Annie despite the temp.  Thankfully, there was no sign of the angry insect.

Annie and I are going to paint our nails now.  We got a tiny free sample of OPI pinkie pink.  I don't know if that's what it's called but that's what Annie called it.  I'm curious to see if it will be enough to paint all 10 toes.  I have to say, I love a challenge!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Scenic Route

Friday morning we started out early for a long weekend in St. Louis.  I had looked at the map Thursday night and had a good idea of where we'd be going but still used our GPS (Darla).  I wasn't surprised when we were asked to turn South off I-70 about 75 miles before St. Louis.  Our destination was Six Flags and is located in Eureka, about 30 miles Southwest of the city.  Little did I realize that Darla was taking us on a county road... narrow... windy... two lane road with no shoulder.  We went from one county road to another, each more beautiful than the last.  Don't get me wrong, I love taking the road less traveled on occasion, but it was a recipe for car-sickness.  Nausea aside, the trees were lush and green and there was no sign of drought - BEA-utiful!  We crossed the Mighty Mo (Missouri River) on a bridge that is not far from replacement...  (ScArY!)   and popped out in the picturesque town of Washington, on to Pacific and finally Eureka.  Darling little communities!  We grabbed an early lunch - an adventure in itself!

Many faces of Annie...  (ok, you can stop now!)

We were at Six Flags before noon.  We went on several rides - Mr. Freeze being a family favorite.  It shoots you 70 mph backwards through twists and turns then straight up 200 feet in the air where you hang for a few seconds then back through, frontwards.  It was awesome!  

Mr. Freeze - before and after.  Jake's hair makes me laugh.


The weather was gorgeous, in the mid 80's but Annie was convinced the humidity was getting to her, so we decided the rides could wait and headed over to Hurricane Harbor water park.  We enjoyed the wave pool and lazy river.  During a temporary separated from Jack the kids and I were thoroughly entertained by people walked into the almost invisible stream of freezing cold sprinkler.  Every shriek or scream received a giggle from the kids and I.  I could have sat there all day.  Seriously, it was hilarious!  Jack and Jake decided to wait in line for the new ride - Bonzai Pipeline, where you "Step into an enclosed capsule where the floor drops out, sending you free-falling down the slide at 40 mph and into a side “super loop.”  From where I was sitting it looked much more like being flushed down the drain like Nemo.  It was hard for Jack to say he liked the ride because the water was freezing and he couldn't see a thing.  Jake loved it!

We finished with a few more rides at the park, then headed to the hotel to check in before going out to dinner.  We stayed at the Doubletree in Chesterfield.  We typically use Hotwire or Priceline and have had good luck and with 2 1/2 stars.  The Doubletree was listed at 3 1/2 - without breakfast or access to their athletic club.  Hmm.  Jack was a little worried before we left home but I was optimistic.  Jack checked us in and came back out to the truck with a big frowny face.  One queen-sized bed.  One.  Four people.  One bed.  Hmm.  Jack said, "the family next to me had the same problem, but 3 kids."  Thankfully, I had thought ahead and brought an air mattress since the kids don't like to sleep together... it'll be fine.  I was optimistic.  As we walked in with kids and belongings in tow we asked if we could get a roll-away bed.  The less than friendly front desk clerk made a quick phone call and "the last one will be taken to your room."  I was optimistic.  As we got to our room my first impression was - Wow, it's SMALL!  It's cccccold.  (Please remember we've taken several cruises, an inside cabin is small. !?)  Where are we going to put the beds?  Did I mention it was small?  BUT, I remained optimistic.  I found the clock - set an hour late.  I tried unsuccessfully to change the time.  ?   Weird.  Jack had brought his computer because work is crazy.  He got his computer out.  After a quick call downstairs for an access code, he was told it would be $10 a day.  He mentioned he's a Hilton Honors member only to hear, "Oh, you qualify for two free bottles of water."  Hmm.  After fiddling with the air conditioner and wall thermostat I reset the room temperature to 79.  I was optimistic.  Jack put his computer away.  He was livid!  The roll-away arrived.  It was odd, but I was optimistic.  I aired up the mattress and made the bed and got us settled in!  (Although there was a hint of the Opryland Hotel nightmare of 2001.)
Well... it's cozy!

We went to dinner at Dewey's Pizza in Kirkwood.  It was delicious!  The area made us think Downtown Estes Park meets Austin TX.  Super cute shops, just a block from the Kirkwood Train station.  It did not feel like it was in the middle of the suburbs but a quaint town.  

Saturday morning plan was to sleep in.  Sometime during the night I lost my optimism.  I'm not sure if it was Jake's flip flopping on the air mattress and my offer to let him sleep in the bed and taking his place on the air mattress that did it, but one thing I know for sure - I require more back support than an air mattress can offer.  I woke up cccold, stiff and sore!  I snuggled into bed with Annie on the roll-away - with the support of a 2x4.  One extreme to another, I suppose.  We all woke up grumpy.  Jake has a bug bite in an unfortunate spot which caused his flip flopping, which continued in bed and kept Jack awake.  And Annie was awakened by my ice cold toes searching for warmth.  (Sorry, honey!)

We took our time getting ready.  I had a short conversation with housekeeping, requesting more blankets.  Jack watched some of the British Open.  We decided to go to lunch at The Old Spaghetti Factory which was less than a mile away before going back to the park.  Darla took us on another scenic route.  We passed a mobile home park and Annie called it "redneck chic because they're all double wide!"  We hadn't had breakfast so the family was hungry.  We took our time looking over the menu.  Our waiter brought us a loaf of bread... which we gobbled down.  We all chuckled when Jake asked if I wanted the butt - of the bread.  Jack decided to talk like a hillbilly (with a hint of Forest Gump) and describe the fancy restaurant.  Annie chimed it "only thing that would make it redneck chic is sporks!"  More laughter.  We all ordered.  (Jack ordered a spicy Italian sausage sandwich, no cheese.) We all laughed when Jack somehow brought up the fact that Annie had been vogue-ing her belly button the day before.  (Use your imagination, you're probably not far off.)  The waiter brought more bread.  (A sweet little old wheelchair bound lady and her son were seated across from us.  They looked so adorable!)  Our salads arrived.  No big deal, just ordinary salads.  Then our waiter asked, "Would you like more bread?"  Jack responded: "YES, because the people across from us keep taking ours."  The waiter, without missing a beat replies, "Oh, I'm so sorry!  I'll keep my eye on them!"  Hysteria broke out, even the waiter was laughing!  I apologized and told him we don't get out much.  He laughed and told me not to worry about it, his family is nuts, too.  There was more but I think this is a good place to stop.  It is probably in the top 5 of funniest meals ever!  
The waiter brought Jack an extra sausage because he thought it looked lonely without cheese...

Jake really enjoyed his oreo shake for dessert... until ICE CREAM HEADACHE!

Six Flags was just a fun as second day.  Annie would argue it was funner because she was able to hang out with her good friend, Kate.  What a happy coincidence!
Kate's Facebook post- "Six flags was 10x better with this girl (and her awesome family) Jake I will get revenge on you for scaring me"   Kate and her family are pretty awesome, too!

Six Flags St. Louis recap...
Jack's favorite ride - Superman Tower of Power & Lazy River / least favorite - Ninja   
Janet's favorite ride - Wahoo Racer & Mr. Freeze / least favorite - Ninja   
Jake's favorite ride - Mr. Freeze & Screaming Eagle / least favorite - Ninja  
Annie's favorite ride - Skyscreamer & Mr. Freeze / least favorite - Superman Tower of Power 

We stayed until close.  Lots of fun.  Lots of laughs.  A little motion sick.  We were all tired!  We returned to find our room had not been made up.  No blankets had been delivered.  Clean towels were left on the chair, so we knew housekeeping had come into the room... hmm. ?  I called the front desk and asked if it's typical for the room not to be made up if you stay more than one night.  Very rude desk clerk had no answers.  I requested blankets and conveyed my lack of satisfaction.  No response.  Nothing.  Not so much as a simple apology for the obvious mistake.  Bummer.  I wasn't mad,  just disappointed.  I reminded myself if this is the worst thing to happen to us I should be thankful (something I had also said to Jack the day before).

Jake got a Benedryl to ease the itching.  Annie was all tucked in like a taco, just the way she likes.  Jack took a Tylenol PM because he was feeling old and sore.  I was too tired to require anything.  Annie woke up cold and wandering.  I thought she might crawl in bed with Jake so I asked her to join me.  (I don't sleep well being the middle of a sandwich, but oh well.)  Jake got up a little bit later, I think he was sleep walking, I told him to go back to bed and he did.

Jack woke up early to watch the British Open.  We showered and packed up.  We decided to take our chances and just stop somewhere along the way for lunch.  We found this little place not far from the hotel...  
Which will soon be on Diners Drive-Ins and Dives with Guy Fieri!
They taped it on June 12th!  What a fun coincidence!

The drive home was uneventful and all highway.  No scenic route today.  Suzy was happy to have us home.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Just dance

We spent the day with my parents in Topeka.  There was no agenda.  We played gin rummy.  We played On the Farm - finishing in record time (Mom won with 11 cows, while I had 10 cows).  If only I'd been paying attention I might have won before she took her turn!  We drove over to see Christopher (my nephew), since we haven't seen him since he got back, (He's been in the Navy for the last 5 years.) but no one was home.  We ate lunch at Mr. Stirfry.  It was good, but too much!  Then home for more games:  we played Rook and Annie was the big winner.  Then Dad was ready for a nap.  He fell asleep at the table mid-conversation.  I ended it abruptly telling him to go lay down.  No more time had passed than Dad walking into the bedroom and the phone rang, it was my Aunt Virginia.  Annie had answered and after a quick visit walked into get her Grandpa - and he was already asleep - totally out - snoring.  I wish I could get to sleep that fast!  Next Mom, Jake and I played Scrabble.  Jake was talking smack with his Grandma and she was up for the challenge, giving it right back.  We used every tile.  And the big winner was... me!  Just lucky I guess.  
        Jake was so proud of his word - NINJA!    Annie got her hair in a messy bun!

It was a great visit.   

I need to get better at saying goodbye.  I didn't cry today, but just I'm terrible.  I love the phrase, "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."  It needs to be my farewell mantra.  

We no longer just ride in the car.  It might start out that way... kids plugged into their iPods or texting, but usually someone starts dancing (Ok, I admit it, it's me.) then it bursts into a full blown dance party.  Out come the earbuds - the phones are put away.  I absolutely love it!  I must have looked pretty crazy, because Annie couldn't look at me.  "You want me to take you seriously?"  I asked if she wanted me to stop and she said, "that's not necessary!"     "For me to stop or continue?"     "MOM!?"    We talked.    We laughed.    We waved at strangers.       We danced.         Annie sang.       We all sang.           It was fun.  

What the kids don't realize, is now I know exactly what moves to bring out when driving somewhere with their friends.  I can't wait!  :-)


Tuesday, July 17, 2012


One of the items on my 101 Things in 1001 Days is make a list of 100 things that make me happy.  I started my list today.  I was writing things as quickly as I thought of them.  Then I realized I was writing things I love.    While there isn't a big difference between what I love and what makes me happy there is a difference.  I had to go back through my list and make changes.  I love the smell of rain, but does it make me happy?  Sometimes.  I made it to number 70 before I got stumped.  I know there are more things that make me happy... was the point of this to complete it in one day or ponder it over several?  I'm going with ponder it.

The thought of school starting brings many emotions - including happiness.  It's hard to believe we have less than a month left.  Or that Annie will be a teenager in exactly one month from today.  Wow, 13!  After her shower tonight she tried to dry her hair with the blow dryer - for the first time.  It was a good attempt, but came out damp.  Her hair is sooo thick!  And she was not patient.  She wanted to straighten it with the flat iron and thankfully asked me a question before starting with damp hair.  She will try in the morning.  We went to a movie yesterday and she got all gussied up.  Make-up.  Hair fixed in a side pony-tail with the strays nicely pinned up and away.  She looked beautiful!  It was funny to have her primping after the movie and realize she had cried some of her eye makeup off.  She still looked beautiful!

Today we had a pajama day.  Annie said, "it's been too long since we've enjoyed a day like this!"  I did laundry.  Jake practiced his tuba.  We watched a little crap tv.  The kids played Mindcraft together and only argued a little.  Jake grilled chicken wings under Jack's supervision for dinner.  Jake is very interested in learning the art of grilling and is off to a great start!  We finished the day by watching Julie and Julia.  I just love Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, and Stanley Tucci!  What a great movie about determination and happiness.  

Sleep tight!


Sweet eats!

Found another website too good to keep to myself.  (and for some reason I can't pin it on Pinterest!?)

I made muffins for the youth brunch and tried to find something new and yummy but settled for the standard banana nut and carrot raisin muffins.  The next time I'm in the baking mood I will definitely find something to try here!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

It's quiet

If you were given three hours of quiet and were all alone what would you do?  Take a nap?  Nope, I did that this afternoon.  Go shopping.  No, there isn't a single thing I need.  Read a book?  Maybe, but not this time.  Make a nice dinner for one and watch a movie.  Aw, now I'm on to something!

I love the line "take one room and make it your own" from the movie, Under the Tuscan Sun.  Sarah is doing that as she moves into her new house.  I need to do that, too!  I've lived here 16 years but how many things have I collected but don't cherished?  How many "things" can I get rid of that just take up space? To be honest, there are probably things in the far corners of my closet that should never have moved here.  There are clothes the kids outgrew long, long ago.  I even have baby clothes in the attic.  WHY?  I have no idea.  Why is it so hard to let go?  I don't think the kids will care if I keep the boxes of their homework from grade school that are in the basement - collecting dust.  Maybe just a few pieces of artwork or a paper they worked really hard on.  So now the question is, when do I start?  Where do I start?  How?  Or do I just put in on my list for someday or my next 101 Things in 1001 Days?  All I know for sure is why... I do not - DO NOT - want to be on the show about hoarders.

Under the Tuscan Sun, what a beautiful movie!  Prayers are always answered.  Just remember to not be disappointed if they're answered in unexpected ways - keep your eyes open - and NEVER give up hope.

I love my family.  I love noise and distractions.  But I cherish quiet... except the fact that this lets my mind wander and come up with grand ideas that seem impossible.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

More sprinkles, please!

We missed most of the rain but enjoyed the sprinkles... built a dam and had leaf races.


We had ice cream with sprinkles on top for dessert tonight at the VBS party.  What a great Friday!
