Saturday, January 26, 2013


It's Saturday morning.  Annie had a friend spend the night and Jake has to be up and out the door by 9:45... my first thought was to surprise them all with donuts BUT I just can't do it.  I don't have the willpower to get donuts or munchkins at Dunkin Donuts and NOT get something for myself.  So, sorry kids but cereal will have to do.

Jack was up early and is long gone.  It's the Woodworking Show weekend.  This year it moved from the Overland Park Convention Center down to the American Royal by Kemper Arena.  Jack and his friend Scott usually took of part of Friday afternoon and enjoyed it to the fullest.  They did not go yesterday.  They did go to Overland Tool for lunch and found very few people.  It will be interesting to hear if the turn out downtown is small as well.  Honestly, I think he might have been more excited about breakfast than the show.  A group of guys (that met on-line on a woodworking forum) have gotten together for breakfast for the last... hmmm... I'm not sure how long - maybe 10 years?  We usually have our friend Terry from Arkansas stay with us but he didn't come up this year.  Jack was excited none the less and had nothing on this "wish list" so I wonder what he'll come home with.  

Jake was asked to go to a girls basketball tourney in Lawrence last night and act as Assistant Manager.  I picked him up 10:45 p.m.  It was so weird to see a van pull up with the coach driving and four other occupants.  Jake, his friend Jack and two girls from the team.  Everyone else rode home with their parents.  Jake said the last 30 minutes of the drive was just plain awkward.  The tourney continues today so he'll be leaving soon.  

I haven't seen or heard the girls yet...  I'm surprised I haven't seen Annie but Grace is a sleeper.  I wonder how late they stayed up.  Hm.  Lots of wondering this fine morning.

I already have the laundry sorted and second load in the washer.  Woo hoo!  I want to get the house picked up and just might tackle our closet.  Naa.  Who am I kidding?  That place intimidates me.  There are baby things in there!  I think I may have just confessed too much.  I've come this far, so I might as well tell you I have the closet of a hoarder.  It gives me anxiety.  It is on my short this of to-dos.  One of these days it will get to-done!  :-)

One last thing... here's a picture my sister sent me from a visit last Wednesday.  She took our parents to lunch with her grandsons.  The pizza place had an arcade.  First, she played Dad and told me, "I really tried to win!" but she got beat.  My family is so competitive!  I just love this picture!  And thought it needed a place on the world wide web.  Definitely blog worthy stuff!!  
My folks playing air hockey.
Mom won!

Here's how Suzy enjoys a lazy Saturday morning.
She LOVES Jack's blanket.
She's snoring, crazy dog.

Ok, enough blog procrastination.  Time to get something done so I can go play at the casino with Sue this afternoon.  Wish me luck!


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