Friday, January 18, 2013

We're in!

We are Team Mile High on Color.
Color Run Denver here we come.
Well, not yet, but June 16th
(Father's Day)
that's where we'll be!

So far our team consists of me,
Jake and Annie,
Sarah and Matt.
and yes, there is someone missing...
he hasn't decided if he's going to join us, yet.
Come on, Jack!
It'll be fun!

After all the Color Run IS
the Happiest 5k on the planet.

I'm so excited!

I worked out again today.  Day 3.  And I recorded all my food.  I drank lots of water.  And the kids joined me for a walk around "snake lake", aka "goose poop lake."  Today there were no snakes and lots of poop and mud.  It was windy and chilly but we enjoyed our trek.  My knee is feeling good, although I didn't push myself.  

We enjoyed a movie night.  First up was I Am Legend with Will Smith.  I had seen it several years ago and forgotten how intense it was.  Annie didn't last too long, too scary.  Now Jake is watching a movie on his laptop while the rest of us are watching Definitely Maybe.  It's one of Annie and I's favorites.  

We are all looking forward to the long weekend.  I probably won't post again until Monday.  Tomorrow is Lauren's 21st birthday and I will be joining the celebration.  Tomorrow night is casino night and then we're going to Power and Light for some nightlife.  It should be fun.  I'm spending the night at the casino with the girls and Jack will come home to be with the kids.  We're spending Sunday night out, too!  Ok, it might be Tuesday before you hear from me, but hopefully I'll have some fun party pics.


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