Thursday, January 17, 2013

This is the day

This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24

I heard this verse in three different settings before noon today and decided I needed to take it to heart.  This needs to be what enters my mind first thing in the morning.  

I heard a story this morning on my way home from taking Annie and Shelby to school.  I was listening to K-Love and it kept me in the car even after I pulled in the driveway.  The DJ's were in tears as they shared their experience.  This K-Love team is based in Indianapolis but flew to LA earlier this week...

"Early this week we all waited to get off the plane and for good reason: 

A fallen soldier's body was being received by his comrades. It was very sobering. The plane was silent, but for one little 5-year-old boy who wondered why he had to wait to get off. His mother said, "There is a man who gave his life for you son, and we're waiting for him to get off first." 

Let us never forget. And keep praying!"

It definitely puts things in perspective for me.  Keep praying!

The morning was went well.  We took our class on the big bus down to the Kauffman Center for Performing Arts to see The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley.  It was cute.  We had one little girl that was terrified.  Her dad had come along and unfortunately spent almost all of the performance in the hallway.  We had a couple other students that needed to take a walk and have a snack about halfway through, but Mary took them out.  I did a lot of chair hopping but enjoyed the show.  On the way back most of the kids fell asleep.  I sat next to a little boy that let me know where we were - street by street.  He wasn't giving me directions, just telling me where we were.  It was quite funny.

I worked out for the second day in a row.  Less than 60 days until we set sail.  I'm not trying to drop any weight, I just want my clothes to feel a little looser.  I did weigh myself and take my measurements, but only as a baseline.  I am entering every bite of food that enters my mouth on myfitnesspal.  I slept better last night than I have in months.  A bonus  incentive!  THEN, I was getting in the car and I'm not sure how it happened but I twisted by knee funny.  Now it's painful.  :-(  Hopefully it's nothing more than a tweak and I will be able to keep moving again tomorrow.  If nothing else I'll go for a walk... I'm already thinking about my options just in case.  

Tonight was 'Sound Bite' an informational meeting for all incoming 8th grade band families.  Jake went as a band representative.  He didn't have to speak in front of the group but chatted with a few families and answered questions.  I am so happy he has found something he loves.  We have talked about the leadership team... he thinks another tuba, who will be a senior next year, has already stepped up but if something changes he thinks he wants to do it.  It would be a big responsibility and I couldn't be prouder.  

We learned the band is getting new uniforms next year.  This is the first time in 12 years.  Here's a little glimpse.
I love the tall red plume!

Annie has gotten Jake to read one of her favorite books.  She's letting him use her Kindle, too.  They started discussing it today and I had to interrupt, because I want to read it too and I don't want them to accidentally let something slip.  In turn he found a new band - I'm not sure if they're really new or just new to him - anyway, she decided to give it a listen.  She wants to put it on her playlist.  I like that they are sharing life with each other.  I like that they are spending more time liking each other than arguing.  Fingers crossed that will continue.  ;-)  Even if it was just a good day, I'm taking it!  I am rejoicing in it!

Tonight was Jack's fantasy football draft for the "Super Bowl" on Sunday.  He and Scott had first pick.  I think the guys they played the last couple weeks must have been suffering from a brain fart because tonight was much harder.  ;-)  I think Jack called them idiots.  It will be interesting.  

Someone "pinned" this on Pinterest and I just loved it!  Words to live by, for sure!


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