Sunday, January 27, 2013

Good and Evil

We enjoyed going to worship last night at COR.  The sermon series is the line between good and evil, last night was the 7 deadly sins.  It was interesting to hear his perspective.  It was so good, I want to share it with you.  During the introduction, they placed a thrown sitting on a platform next to the pastor.  He said everything, every single thing, starts from good.  Why is it that often it gets distorted and turns into something for us to worship like God?  He asked, "what one thing is most important in your life?"  Do you (knowingly or unknowingly) put in on the thrown and displace God?  He went through the list and gave perfect examples.  When he got to pride, which is distorted self esteem, he sat on the thrown.  Wow.  It was so powerful.  Especially since he preached in front of the President last Tuesday during the National Day of Prayer service.  So, what are our weapons in our battle for the soul?  7 heavenly virtues.
Here's a quick recap.  The seven deadly sins are gateway sins.  The first sin is lust.  It sounds so harsh but it can start with just a flirt.  Fight it with faithfulness.  Second is gluttony, or over-indulgence.  Who doesn't struggle with that from time to time?  Fight it with self-restraint / moderation.  Third is greed, always needing more, more, more.  Keeping up with the Jones... more money, more stuff, more whatever.  Ugh!  What can combat greed?  Generosity!  Next is sloth; indifference or laziness.  You can fight it with sacrifice.  Sacrifice to the point of being uncomfortable.  Next is anger - rath.  Wow, another harsh word, rath.  Fight it with forgiveness.  Sixth is envy, distorted admiration.  Kill it with kindness.  And last is pride.  Don't feed it, fight it with humility.  You are not above another else.  Ever.

The pastor closed by telling a story about his dog.  They have an electric fence but the dog, a beagle, can get through it.  She runs and runs and likes to roll in stink.  They often have to make the dog sleep in the garage due to the stink she brings home.  Then he asked, "how often do you find yourself rolling in the stink?"  I think I'm going to make a sign for the family room.   'Don't roll in the stink!'  We're all human, we all make mistakes and yes, we do occasionally find ourselves all smelly, but thankfully God is full of grace.  I think I need the sign to remind me of that grace.  To God give the glory. (I'll put that on the back.)  Worthy or not, He forgives so much faster than I forgive or deserve forgiveness.  I need that reminder.  I need to make that sign!  

(Hey Dad, I need that piece of barn board now that I know what I'm gonna do with it.)

Jake had his last Driver's Ed driving lesson this morning.  He came home with a sign certificate.  He  even parallel parked.  It only took him 3 tries.  He has over 20 hours of driving completed of his 50 required.  

Annie spent the night at a friends house.  I have a feeling she's going to be tired when she gets home from youth group.  She is really trying to connect with several girls since two of her good friends are moving.  I like that she's putting herself out there.  

Jack didn't buy anything at the woodworking show.  

Sue and I didn't make it to the casino yesterday.  My car started acting up.  It was low on oil and antifreeze.  And gas.  I think I had let it go a little too low on gas and it put some gunk in the engine.  It's better today.  

I'm in charge of finding people to make dinner for the youth.  I checked the schedule at noon today realized the calendar was blank.  I searched the fridge and cabinet and decided to make two kinds of soup - potato and tortilla.  I sent veggies and dessert.  Now, I'm waiting for Jack and the kids to get back so I can eat dinner.  And I'm hungry!

Hmm, it's not a bad thing to be uncomfortable now and again.  I just stuff my hunger with reality.  I am so fortunate.   I am bless beyond my wildest dreams.  


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