Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gully Washer

I started this last night and just realized I never finished it...

Wowza!  I prayed for rain and rain we received.  It was truly a gully washer here in southern OP!  I loved it.  I loved the sights, sounds and smells!  Tonight they say it will snow.

Jake was feeling a bit under the weather this morning.  He wasn't running a fever.  He said his throat hurt.  He was tired.  I let him sleep in until 10:00 when I called and woke him up.  Then I came home and took him to school.  He missed band and PE.  He got there in time for German and Jag (study hall).

Annie had her second orthodontist appointment.  They took out the spacers and attached a different wire on top.  She said her back teeth hurt and the wire feels so weird.  I can't get over how different she looks.  She's still a little self conscience about it and covers her mouth when she laughs.  I tried to get a picture today, but she said forget it.  Soon!  I promise.  

Wednesday - a.m.

No snow day for us.  :-(  It started snowing about 6:30 this morning and hasn't accumulated on the roads yet.  

Have a blessed day!


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