Thursday, January 24, 2013

What day is it?

Why is it that one day off throws the whole week off?  What day is it?  I don't know.  BUT I have a training class on Friday... tomorrow.  :-)  

I am back in the swing of keeping track of every calorie that goes into my mouth.  AND I am down to 1 - just one - soda per day.  I have worked out the last two days and I'm feeling stronger.  I didn't keep track over my wild weekend but tried to be sensible.  I wore heels, which I hadn't in quite some time and my calves were really hurting by Monday.  I liked feeling tall, but ouch!

Annie is doing better.  She has been very uncomfortable.  She is taking ibuprofen on a regular basis and we will be giving her something to help her sleep because she didn't get much last night.  Due to her overbite she has "bumpers" on the middle bottom braces and her teeth fit together a bit differently.  I don't think her mouth closes in the back and she's having quite a bit of sensitivity in front teeth - top and bottom.  She went to a friends house after school and seemed to be doing a little better.  Thank goodness!
The bumpers are on the bottom 
and greenish
You can see three in the picture.  

Jake is doing great in Drivers Ed.  They had a pizza party today.  I think he's enjoying it.  His driving skills have really improved.  I'm not saying he's ready to hit the road alone... he's far from that.  I am far far far from that, too.  His final is Monday but we are trying to postpone it a day due to a band "brass boot camp".  Jake signed up for a private lesson during the day but I'm hoping he gets to go to the camp too.  It's with Thomas Bough, a Yamaha Educational Artist and Performer.  What a cool opportunity! 

Hmm... what's new with Jack?  I had to ask.  His response was "nothing."  Ok, well, I think he's dreaming of warmer weather so he can be outside grilling and smoking.  He's watching a video about smoking ribs right now.  I couldn't do that... it would make me hungry and we just ate.  (;-)  Just kidding.  Now he's looking at smokers on Craigslist... ?  He has a great smoker.  He doesn't need one on wheels.  Seriously!  ?  Maybe I'm missing something.  

I took Suzy over to my friend Mary's today to meet her dog.  They are going to watch Suzy over Spring Break and she wanted the dogs to be introduced sooner than later in case they didn't get along.  They did great.  Mary has two little girls that are so excited about having a "little" dog in the house.  Mary is excited because if all goes well they will become a two dog family soon after Suzy's departure in March.  

I was just reading Sarah's blog.  She commented that they are having some warm winter days.  (I'm jealous!)  And that Barrow, Alaska saw the first sunrise today in over two months.  I can't imagine.  I too, am grateful for the sunrise!  When I was in Alaska in 1993 it was crazy because Mom and I took at walk after midnight in Homer and it appeared to be dusk.   We have extremes in weather - which I prefer over extremes in daylight and darkness.  

I'm so glad the weekend is near!  I hope you are too!


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