Monday, January 28, 2013

For the record...

I had a very unsettling early afternoon.  I've decided I like seeing the world through rose colored glasses.  I am honest and believe what I'm told, probably to a fault.  I watched a video that wants me to question whether the Sandy Hook tragedy was real or a hoax.  Honestly, I think my head is about to explode.  I can't comprehend why anyone would ever make that up.  It makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry.  It truly breaks my heart to think that it's all made it up.  Maybe it's because I work in a school or have children or breath air but it's just too real for me.  I apologize but I can't go into specifics.      

Ok, enough about that, I feel better just getting it off my chest.  Thank you.

I've had a productive day.  The morning was good, busy, the kids got to run around at recess and enjoy life without a coat on.  I came home and ate some more soup - mmm, potato soup with ham, so good.  SO full of sodium.  Now, I find myself drinking water like a camel.  Oh well, it was totally worth it.

I got the 4th bedroom ready for guests.  No, we don't have any plans for guests but it's ready none the less.  It feels good to have it back in order.  If you want to come for a visit, feel free!  Just give me enough notice to tidy the kids bathroom.

The doors are open and the warm south wind is blowing straight through the house.  Ah!  I hope tomorrow bring the much needed rain that's forecast.  My fingers and toes are crossed and I will say a prayer tonight.

Jake passed driver's ed.  He got a 90% on the final.  I'm curious what he messed up on, he wasn't forthcoming with that bit of info.  And he got to sit in on part of the brass boot camp.  He said his private lesson with Dr. Bough was awesome.  He suggested Jake get a mouthpiece.  Jake used his and was very impressed with how much more air he could manipulate.  Jake also had his lesson this evening and asked Mr. Banks his opinion on getting a mouthpiece.  Mr. Banks didn't seem to think it's an immediate need but maybe in time and said it is a costly investment.  ?  Hmm.  I'm interested to hear what the director's think.  Since we aren't paying for the instrument would it be beneficial for Jake to have his own mouthpiece?  My other question is, will he outgrow it?  Hmm.

This is spirit week at the high school.  Here's what Jake wore to school today...
It's 80's workout wear day.
"people either loved it, or hated it!"
"And no, I wasn't the most obnoxious."

 Annie had a rough Monday.  There was a boy in her math class that was giving her and her friend, Arden, a hard time.  It was almost to the point of harassment, in my opinion.  Jack commented to her that her friend, Grace, had posted on Facebook "you mess with my friends, you mess with me"  so I'm not going to spend any time worrying about it.  She is very stressed out about the musical as well.  Lots of drama.  Kids aren't practicing and my friends and I care getting called out on stupid stuff while 6th and 7th graders are doing just horrible.  She is stressed and I am almost thankful she didn't get a big part.  Maybe she just had a case of the Monday's and thankfully Monday is almost over.  Welcome to teenager drama.  Like it or not, it's arrived and it makes her moody.  Ugh!  (My can hear my mother's voice in my head saying, "I hope someday you have a daughter just like you")  I'm so sorry, Mom and Dad!  And I love you both so very much! 

Jack and I took Suzy to the dog park this evening.  We were on a time limit and we walking with a purpose for sure!  Our pace was fast but Suzy still trotted ahead of us.  The park was packed and Suzy got a little snippy with a couple dogs on leashes.  She was so naughty I threatened to put her leash on if she didn't knock it off.  No, I never did, but then again she didn't get all the hair on her back to stand up again either.  Don't mess with her when she's feeling old, grumpy and sassy!  It was awesome to get out and enjoy the weather!

Annie and I started going through the enrollment packet for next year.  I don't know why but all of a sudden I broken out in a cold sweat.  It hasn't bothered me too much but when I realized school starts on August 13...  Annie will be 13 years old the first four days of high school!  I have always known she'll be 17 when she starts college, but this... it's craziness!  Don't you agree?  I know she'll be fine.  I know she will.  But...     

Jake came and sat down with me, too.  We have his schedule completed with four alternate electives.  Of course the last class he decided he wants is probably his first choice.  The school district got a new computer system last summer.  I like it as far as checking grades and such but now we have to go in and enter his schedule.  I'm saving that for another day.

Both kids want to take summer classes and we can't enroll until March 1.  Enrollment is due February 1 and we are selecting classes based off of prerequisites that they will hopefully take in the summer.  Seems a little backwards to me.  Isn't it?

Jack just asked me what I want to do in retirement.  Wow, that's such a weird question.  I want to travel - preferably not by RV (no offense to my parents).  Except maybe in Alaska in the middle of the summer.  Someday.  Maybe.  ?  I'm horrible at making long term plans.  I always hated that question in interviews.  I wonder, do they even ask that question now?  Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years.  There is one thing I know for certain, in 5 years my house will be very quiet.  Makes me kind of sad to think about it.  

And for the second time today I'm going to pretend I'm an ostrich and stick my head in the sand instead of thinking about that any further.  It's either that or cry and I'm not crying over my kids growing up.  It makes me more nervous and excited and anxious and overwhelmed.  Oh great.  Maybe I will just cry.  I'm a mess.  

I realize this post has been a bit all over the place.  I hope you were able to follow along. 

Sleep tight!


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