Thursday, January 3, 2013


Just a quick post today...

I had a quick Facetime chat with Addy today.  It made my heart smile.  Not just a happy smile but a BIG cheesy grin smile.  She called (with Sarah's help) just to say "I miss you, Aunt Mimi!"  (BIG SIGH!)  It was magical.  I almost cried.  Wow, I love her so much!

I should have taken a screen shot... but I'm not good at taking those when I want to.  They only seem to happen when I'm not trying.  Oh well, I will have that image imprinted on my heart and her sweet little voice in my head forever.  (2nd deep sigh!)

The kids love to play IN the game cabinet at my folks.
Addy's not different.

And Jake still fits!
The crazy boy only broke one box.

Jake finished his finals today.  We had lunch together and planned to go see a movie... but he got a better offer and spent the afternoon with a friend.  :-)  

All is well.  Tomorrow starts 2nd semester.  I volunteered to pass out schedules and have to be at the high school at 6:55 a.m.  (WHAT was I thinking?)  Wish me luck!

Sweet dreams.


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