Monday, January 14, 2013

A bit of humor...

Laughter is good for the soul... here are a couple recent conversations from our house.

Sunday morning - January 13th
Jack:  Jake, I need you to go out and shovel.  There's about a foot of snow.
Jake: Really?
Jack:  Yep, at least get behind my truck so I can leave.
Jake:  UGH, ok.  (Jake got up, put on his shoes and coat and then looked outside)
          DAD!  That is so not funny!
The forecast was for snow, but it missed us so no snow.
That's what happens when you fall asleep on the couch.

Annie: (when she got home after Jack had told her the story)  Jake, you did such a good job shoveling you can't even tell it snowed!  :-)

Sunday night - January 13th (at youth group during happy's and crappy's  - aka highs/lows)
Janet:  My happy was Jack and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary.
Elizabeth:  (looking at Jake) How old are you???
Jake:  15! YEP, I'm a honeymoon baby!!!
All youth in the room unrelated to me: (8-0  (a look to complete and utter shock!)
Everyone related to me: HAHA!!
My reaction?  Shocked and embarrassed.  He'd never said before.

Monday - January 14th (at dinner)
Jake: Hey Dad, are you gonna be in the Super Bowl?
Jack: Yep!
Annie: The Super Bowl?  The Chiefs?  REALLY!?
Everyone but Annie:  Hahahahahaha!

(the boys were talking Fantasy Football.)


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