Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I have had so many things swirling in my head the last few days,  

Yesterday, Sarah took Addy Bea to an eye specialist and she was diagnosed with exotopia.  Sarah said, 'it's a condition which usually worsens over time and usually requires surgery to "fix" the weakened eye muscle.'  They had noticed one eye was drifting a bit.  This condition is very common but unnerving none the less.  Please keep Addy in your prayers.

I heard from Kristi that Carson was having thyroid issues.  Today, they found out she is also acutely anemic.  Thyroid tests came back normal.  I pray that they are able to get some answers on the cause of anemia.  Please keep Carson in your prayers.

This week has been a tough one at school.  Katie has been out all week.  We had a sub Monday and Tuesday but district office thought we should be fine today with the OT.  And Mary had to go do an observation of a new student today... Ugh!  We are struggling with a couple students in our class.  They are challenging little puzzles and we struggling to see  improvements.  It has made for some hard days.  Today was extra hard because I got very snippy with one parent this morning and it threw my whole morning off.  We have had to change our arrival and dismissal routine due to safety and security issues (since the tragedy in Newtown, CT).  We are still struggling with families unable to follow "rules".  I was doing my best but my hands were overfull.  I made a request and the Mom wanted to argue with me.  I didn't have time to argue, with 5 children standing with me, and firmly asked her to move her car immediately and walked away.  Thankfully, Mary was very understanding and was able to speak to the family and hopefully correct their behavior.  We shall see tomorrow.  Please pray for us.  Each day is... interesting in our classroom.  Usually, I love it and can find a balance but today I got stuck focusing on correcting bad behaviors and not praising good ones.  I was exhausted.  

I can't end without something positive...

Tomorrow, we are going on a field trip to the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts to see The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley.  I am excited that we made it to Thursday without Katie and she will be back on Monday!

The kids are good.  Jack is good.  I am otherwise good.  We are all healthy. (knock on wood).  

We are all counting the days until Spring Break... 59 days, 2 hours, 7 minutes and 15 seconds as of right now until we set sail.  ;-)


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