Saturday, January 12, 2013

16 years

It's hard to believe it was 16 years ago yesterday that Jack and I got married.  Months of planning, anxiety and excitement all wrapped up into several hours.  

Who's idea was it to get married in January?  I don't remember why we decided on January... but 1/11 seemed to be a date we could both remember.  

Here's the way I remember it... it was a cold day, SO, SO COLD outside!  The high was below zero.  Our pastor was sick and taken to the hospital before the rehearsal started the night before, so my Dad stepped in.  I remember I had lost my voice but it didn't squash my excitement.  After the rehearsal we returned to our house for the rehearsal dinner.  Jack's family had BBQ catered in.  

The big day had finally arrived!  My friend, Judy came over and helped me with my hair.  There were a few hiccups, I had forgotten the church didn't have a CD player and needed some music so I recruited a friend to find a cassette.  That makes me laugh now because it's the only cassette I still have.  :-)

I rode with Jack, yes, we did a lot of things backwards but I have no regrets.  On our way we stopped and got sandwiches for everyone.  I had called in the order and there was a delay.  Jack was MAD!  He thought it was nuts that WE were picking it up and he was going to be livid if we were late!  We arrived with no time to spare and ate with the entire wedding party.  After lunch the girls went one way and the boys went another.  I was excited and a little nervous.  We took all the pictures before the wedding.  Finally, it was time and my Dad came in to get me.  He got a bit teary... :-)  Dad and I walked into the Narthex and could hear DJ singing (although I don't remember what).  The doors opened and we started down the aisle... so many smiling faces.  Someone had told me to 'be present, try and look at each person while your walking down the aisle to Jack.'  Well, even with the best of intentions I only made it a few feet before I burst into tears.  Huge crocodile tears.  I cried all the way down the aisle.  I had tunnel vision and I can't remember much of the ceremony.  I have a vague recollection of saying my vows, although it probably sounded like I was still an emotional mess since I didn't have much of a voice.  And I remember laughing when my Dad forgot Jack's name.  When it happened a second time... I was a little embarrassed and said "Jack!".  (My Dad has a history of forgetting names, so it was Jack's very public initiation into the family.)  

We had gotten bubbles to use instead of rice or bird seed... but I don't remember any bubbles.  I don't know if it was too cold or I've just blocked out that part, too.  I have no idea when we had our pictures taken but they were fun to look through yesterday.  Jack and I drove around a little bit before arriving at the reception.  It was at this point I realized Jack wasn't feeling too well.  My Mom and her friend had made all the food.  The buffet included many of our favorites and Jack barely ate a thing.  Also, we had a cooler full of of bottled beer underneath the head table and Jack had no interest.  We waited a little bit before we got things started because several people hadn't arrived yet - including my oldest brother and his wife as well as the Matron of Honor and her husband.  As it turned out they had gotten lost in the big city.

Jack tried so hard to make the best of it.  We cut the cake.  I just asked Jack if he ate any and he said, "I don't remember, but I love cake!  I don't care how sick I was."  ha!  As they were clearing the dance floor and moving the cake table the unity candle got too close to my freeze dried boutique and it went up in flames.  Thankfully someone was thinking fast and put out the flames with the punch.  I remember clearly seeing the flame and thinking, "oh my goodness, please don't let the curtain by the stage catch fire!"  Luckily, it didn't.  Jack remembers everyone grabbing disposable cameras we had placed on all the tables and snapping pictures.  Not putting out the flames.  Lol!

Who would have thought that was even possible?  It was a lovely boutique... made by a sweet woman in Paxico, Kansas.  She did all the flowers.  In hindsight it wasn't the best idea to have the boutonniere made of freeze dried flowers.  I don't think any survived the hugs and dancing.  Jack's looked sad and pathetic before we even left the church.

Sorry I'm jumping around... it's just kind of how my brain is working tonight.  ;-D  

I made the most of the reception and got to visit with almost everyone.  We didn't stay too late and headed off to the hotel near the airport because we had an early morning flight.  We got checked in and the excitement was far from over... (get your mind out of the gutter) the fire alarm went off at least three times throughout the night.  Yes, we were trying to get SOME rest before our 6 a.m. flight and I don't remember getting much at all.  

The craziness followed us on our honeymoon.  We took a cruise on Royal Caribbean's Grandeur of the Seas.  We had gotten a Junior Suite, which gave us more space, a balcony and a bathtub.  Jack still wasn't feeling 100% but he wasn't going to let it get him down.  We both took it easy the first day and soaked up some sunshine on deck and met our table mates at dinner.  We enjoyed the first full day at sea and had dinner in the dining room.  As we were getting ready for dinner Jack shaved off what he thought was a pimple on his face, 'the dessert last night must have been a bit too rich for me' - is what I remember him saying, however I might be paraphrasing.  

The next morning (day 1 on board) Jack woke up convinced we had bed bugs.  He was a mess and his head was pounding.  ?  I was fine.  He took a hot bath and found a bit of relief.  I double checked to make sure I didn't have any bites.  Nope, none.  We eventually found ourselves in the infirmary.  Then came the news... Jack had the chicken pox!?  AND Jack was quarantined to the cabin because may of the ships staff weren't from the United States and they didn't want an outbreak.  He was given a prescription for Benedryl and calamine lotion.  The staff tried their best.  They brought Jack a DVD player and as many movies as he wanted.  He watched Twister with Helen Hunt more than a few times.  We had a balcony so he could get some fresh air - but I remember it smelling mostly of diesel fuel.  :-(  He has not eaten room service since that cruise.  "Everything was lukewarm or cold!  Yuck!"  

I went out a few times.  I don't remember exactly how it happened but a group of older ladies took me in.  We played bingo.  It was the one activity I could do without feeling guilty.  I didn't get off the ship.  That evening was the first formal night Jack convinced me to go... I arrived to an empty table.  All our table mates had been delayed on shore.  I stayed and ate, alone.  The captain came over and visited for a bit.  The waiter arrived to make cherries jubilee tableside... for one.  :-(  The photographer stopped... and I told him to keep on walking.  :-|  I ordered Jack's food and it arrived HOT and fresh!  :-)  

The next day (I believe it was day 4) Jack had had enough and was ready to go up on deck.  He wore sunglasses, a pink polo shirt with the collar flipped up and shorts.  He was trying to in incognito.  lol!  The next day we were in Jamaica.  Jack didn't want our entire honeymoon spent on the ship, so ventured out.  We hopped in a taxi and zoomed towards town on a road too narrow for two cars.  I was holding on for dear life and glimpsed at the speedometer and saw he was going 80 mph!  My eyes about popped out of my head.  There were cars zooming in both directions.  I think we both got a little car sick.  We got out of the car, walked across the street, got in another one and headed right back to the ship.  I think I must have had my eyes closed the whole ride back.  Ugh!  It was awful!  BUT at least we could say we got off the ship, right?      

Jack was starting to feel better the day we got back to Miami.  We flew home with Jack wearing shades and collar up.  He went to the doctor the day after we got home and had to spend another week at home before he could return to work.  

What a story.  I couldn't make it up if I tried.  It was a crazy, hilarious, beautiful, cold, amazing, perfectly imperfect day.  It was full of trust and love.  I could just as easily describe our marriage with those same adjectives.  It's not perfect but it's full of trust and love.  

I really should have written this down before now.  I am pretty sure I've forgotten something.  Kristi, feel free to correct me or add anything in the comments.  You are the best at telling this tale!



  1. You did a perfect job telling this story and its one of my favorites! I remember going to the store to pick up the cassette and exactly what Blake and Carson wore that day, they were so cute! I think I remember you telling me the waiter who prepared the cherries jubilee telling you, "this is when people normally applaud", totally awkward moment.

    1. HA! I don't remember that, but there were plenty of totally awkward moments. :-)
