Monday, January 7, 2013

Letting go... a little at a time

The new semester is already in full swing.  Jake started Driver's Ed today.  He also has tuba lessons, which means he was at school for almost 12 hours.  Wowza!  He called me around 5:15 asking if he'd left his practice books on the table.  Yes, in fact he did.  Since his class ended early, he was hanging out until his lesson at 6:00 and asked if I could bring him the books, which of course I could.  I headed out the door grabbing him a drink.  I got to the school and asked if he wanted to come home since he had some time.  "Sure!"  He drove home.  I got the giggles and asked, "do you want to know another reason why I asked if you'd come back with me?"  ???  He nodded, keeping both eyes on the road.  "I forgot your books."  We both laughed.  Obviously, forgetfulness runs in the family.  On our second trip home a car ran a red light, turned a corner right in our path and really scared Jake.  He tried to honk the horn but it didn't work the first time.  He was scared and mad and put them in the club!  His Dad will be so proud.  We talked about being a defensive driver and as we pulled in the driveway he said "I did it, I put my arm in front of you... I didn't even think about it.  It just happened."   I don't think he ever really understood it until now.  He was the driver and he was protecting his passenger.  (Aww!)

Am I ready for him to be a driver?  Not yet, but he has to start sometime.  And he still has over 9 months before he takes the road alone.  And after another round of band camp - even if we carpool - I will be ready to greatly limit my trips out to the high school.  ;-)

Annie's last picture without braces.

Annie did not get braces today, as we had expected.  It was records day for her.  They took a couple sets of x-rays, separate from the ones the dentist had sent over.  She has to wait two more weeks.  :-(  But, "yeah popcorn!" was Annie's first thought!  :-)  

One of the hardest things the kids have dealt with more than a couple times is friends moving away.  When I was the kid, I was the one who moved and it's just as hard to watch it from the other side.  Annie has a dear friend that will be moving to Chicago over Spring Break.  She's a close friend.  Close enough that she refers to me as Mom.  Annie and Grace share so much - including a huge love of music.  I am confident that they will stay close thanks to telephones and the internet (which makes me feel old because it was a BIG deal to make a long distance call.  I would write my friends but wasn't very good at it.  So, I have to say technology is just plain cool!)  

Today, they found out one of their very favorite bands will be in concert in Chicago on May 3rd.  I could tell when Annie approached me, it was going to be big.  She didn't know what to say first.  She was talking really fast.  REALLY FAST.  There were lots of IF's and THEN's and AND's in the conversation.  I had to pay close attention, because I didn't want to slow her down by asking questions.  If Arden's Dad says it's ok, then her Mom will drive us to Chicago, and we can stay at Grace's house and her Mom and Dad will both be going to the concert with us.  "I have the money!  I have it right now in cash in my room!  I can go get it!"  I asked a couple "what about..." questions and she had it all thought out.  Ok, I admit it, it created some anxiety in me.  I knew Jack was still in Phoenix on his layover so I dialed the phone.  He was already on the plane but had just a few minutes before they closed the doors.  I quickly gave him the run down.  Neither of us like to make quick so I was taken aback when he said, he doesn't have a problem with it."  In my head I was screaming, "WHAT!?"  I thought I would tell him and we would both think it over a bit and maybe decide later tonight when he's settled into his hotel room, but nope.  And at that point he had to go.  I'm sure there will be more conversation later but I went ahead and told Annie - who had been listening from a short distance - the good news.  Oh My Goodness!  She was so excited!  Over the moon, jumping up and down, hugging and thanking me.  Now we wait to see if Arden's Dad says it's a go.   

Oh wait, there is one more problem... tickets don't go on sale until January 12th, Saturday!  "Oh, and Mom, there won't be a mosh pit."  ?!  (Now I'm laughing in my head!)  And now we wait to Arden gets to go AND see if they are actually able to get tickets on Saturday.  I'll keep you posted.  :-) 

Jack is in California until late Thursday night.  He is checked into his hotel and "it's fancy!"  I guess he had booked this one by accident and everyone else booked there because he did... it's called Hyatt House and it's Hyatt's equivalent to Embassy Suites.  They are going down for happy hour now.  It's in an area similar to Town Center, so there are restaurants close by.  The purpose of the trip is to complete a months worth of work in two days.  All the key players are supposed to be in the same room so there will be no delays.  I hope he gets to enjoy some good food and relax a bit in the evenings.  It's been three years since his traveling days... I know he enjoys it, but I hope it doesn't become commonplace. 

I enjoyed a weekend full of parties.  Saturday night was the staff party.  It was fun to get together, even though it was the weekend after we returned from the Christmas break.  Lots of laughs.  We don't get to know many people since we only have a morning class.  It was truly delightful!  Last night the Early Childhood ladies had a little party of our own.  My friend Marena summed it up best with this Facebook post, "I believe in surrounding yourself with people you just love.  I spent part of the evening with a group of women that are encouraging, fun, inspiring, passionate and full of laughter.  They are the reason I believe we should clone people."  I said it before and I'll say it again, I'm so thankful and grateful for all of them!  They make me smile, grow, rejoice in every success and want to be a better person. 

The other area in my life I need to start letting go is all the kid stuff that takes up space in the attic, basement, garage and other various spots in my house.  I am trying to embrace the idea of "traveling light".  It is interesting to think about all the physical stuff that is taking up space and thinking of it in terms of the "stuff" that is taking up space in our hearts and minds.  Be it baggage that we thought we'd gotten past a long time ago; regret, shame, disappointment, whatever.  Let it go!  I'm not proud of some of my actions from years past but I am confident they are part the reason I am who and what I am today.   I  need to remember to make it part of my daily prayers.   And always be mindful of...

Don't forget to say your prayers.


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