Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A lost art and more planning

We are still working on enrollment for next year.  Annie just finished.  She had to sign the form at the bottom of the page.  It's hilarious to watch her try and sign Julianne.  She had to ask me how to make a "u" in cursive.  There is a lot to be said of the art of handwriting, there are many schools that no longer teach cursive.  I remember well the day each of the kids brought home their cursive "license" in 3rd grade.  They both used it through 5th grade but then, it stopped, and became block letters.  Now they only sign their name that way occasionally.  And they both have to think about it.  It's actually close to the look Jack gets when he has to sign "John", it takes lots of concentration.    I love to write in cursive.  Don't get me wrong, it's not beautiful but it's mine.  I can tell my the writing on a envelope who it's from - my Mom, my sister, Sarah... I have a smile on my face even before I look at the return address or open the envelope.  It makes me a little sad to think it will someday be a lost form of art.  

Jack went to the high school tonight for "Planning for the Future".  I think it's ridiculous that they planned this meeting two days before enrollment starts.  He learned a bunch.  He came home with words of wisdom for both kids.  Jake: "push yourself!  Take classes that challenge you!"  Annie:  "Figure out what clubs/activities you want to do in high school."  Basically, he was telling her to be prepared to get involved.  Jake wants to take music theory, which I was surprised and excited about.  Annie has decided against taking PE this summer, she didn't want to wear a heart rate monitor 10 hours a week.  (I was a little disappointed because she would have given me the incentive to go to the gym everyday!  BUT, it's not about me and I totally understand that.)  The kids may end up taking the same class this summer, Design Fundamentals - a prerequisite for almost every art class.  Annie will be taking three honors classes and Latin 1.0.  Jake will be taking Algebra II, Chemistry, and German 2.0., among others.  They will both be challenging pushing themselves that's for sure  Wow, they are both so smart and talented!  Yes, I am one proud Mama!

I worked out today and I sweat so much I think I could have rung out my shirt.  It felt good!   

I was very underwhelmed with our snow fall.  I didn't even get to go out and shovel.  :-(

Only 45 days until we set sail!  Only 7 Saturdays!  Yeah!


Gully Washer

I started this last night and just realized I never finished it...

Wowza!  I prayed for rain and rain we received.  It was truly a gully washer here in southern OP!  I loved it.  I loved the sights, sounds and smells!  Tonight they say it will snow.

Jake was feeling a bit under the weather this morning.  He wasn't running a fever.  He said his throat hurt.  He was tired.  I let him sleep in until 10:00 when I called and woke him up.  Then I came home and took him to school.  He missed band and PE.  He got there in time for German and Jag (study hall).

Annie had her second orthodontist appointment.  They took out the spacers and attached a different wire on top.  She said her back teeth hurt and the wire feels so weird.  I can't get over how different she looks.  She's still a little self conscience about it and covers her mouth when she laughs.  I tried to get a picture today, but she said forget it.  Soon!  I promise.  

Wednesday - a.m.

No snow day for us.  :-(  It started snowing about 6:30 this morning and hasn't accumulated on the roads yet.  

Have a blessed day!


Monday, January 28, 2013

For the record...

I had a very unsettling early afternoon.  I've decided I like seeing the world through rose colored glasses.  I am honest and believe what I'm told, probably to a fault.  I watched a video that wants me to question whether the Sandy Hook tragedy was real or a hoax.  Honestly, I think my head is about to explode.  I can't comprehend why anyone would ever make that up.  It makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry.  It truly breaks my heart to think that it's all made it up.  Maybe it's because I work in a school or have children or breath air but it's just too real for me.  I apologize but I can't go into specifics.      

Ok, enough about that, I feel better just getting it off my chest.  Thank you.

I've had a productive day.  The morning was good, busy, the kids got to run around at recess and enjoy life without a coat on.  I came home and ate some more soup - mmm, potato soup with ham, so good.  SO full of sodium.  Now, I find myself drinking water like a camel.  Oh well, it was totally worth it.

I got the 4th bedroom ready for guests.  No, we don't have any plans for guests but it's ready none the less.  It feels good to have it back in order.  If you want to come for a visit, feel free!  Just give me enough notice to tidy the kids bathroom.

The doors are open and the warm south wind is blowing straight through the house.  Ah!  I hope tomorrow bring the much needed rain that's forecast.  My fingers and toes are crossed and I will say a prayer tonight.

Jake passed driver's ed.  He got a 90% on the final.  I'm curious what he messed up on, he wasn't forthcoming with that bit of info.  And he got to sit in on part of the brass boot camp.  He said his private lesson with Dr. Bough was awesome.  He suggested Jake get a mouthpiece.  Jake used his and was very impressed with how much more air he could manipulate.  Jake also had his lesson this evening and asked Mr. Banks his opinion on getting a mouthpiece.  Mr. Banks didn't seem to think it's an immediate need but maybe in time and said it is a costly investment.  ?  Hmm.  I'm interested to hear what the director's think.  Since we aren't paying for the instrument would it be beneficial for Jake to have his own mouthpiece?  My other question is, will he outgrow it?  Hmm.

This is spirit week at the high school.  Here's what Jake wore to school today...
It's 80's workout wear day.
"people either loved it, or hated it!"
"And no, I wasn't the most obnoxious."

 Annie had a rough Monday.  There was a boy in her math class that was giving her and her friend, Arden, a hard time.  It was almost to the point of harassment, in my opinion.  Jack commented to her that her friend, Grace, had posted on Facebook "you mess with my friends, you mess with me"  so I'm not going to spend any time worrying about it.  She is very stressed out about the musical as well.  Lots of drama.  Kids aren't practicing and my friends and I care getting called out on stupid stuff while 6th and 7th graders are doing just horrible.  She is stressed and I am almost thankful she didn't get a big part.  Maybe she just had a case of the Monday's and thankfully Monday is almost over.  Welcome to teenager drama.  Like it or not, it's arrived and it makes her moody.  Ugh!  (My can hear my mother's voice in my head saying, "I hope someday you have a daughter just like you")  I'm so sorry, Mom and Dad!  And I love you both so very much! 

Jack and I took Suzy to the dog park this evening.  We were on a time limit and we walking with a purpose for sure!  Our pace was fast but Suzy still trotted ahead of us.  The park was packed and Suzy got a little snippy with a couple dogs on leashes.  She was so naughty I threatened to put her leash on if she didn't knock it off.  No, I never did, but then again she didn't get all the hair on her back to stand up again either.  Don't mess with her when she's feeling old, grumpy and sassy!  It was awesome to get out and enjoy the weather!

Annie and I started going through the enrollment packet for next year.  I don't know why but all of a sudden I broken out in a cold sweat.  It hasn't bothered me too much but when I realized school starts on August 13...  Annie will be 13 years old the first four days of high school!  I have always known she'll be 17 when she starts college, but this... it's craziness!  Don't you agree?  I know she'll be fine.  I know she will.  But...     

Jake came and sat down with me, too.  We have his schedule completed with four alternate electives.  Of course the last class he decided he wants is probably his first choice.  The school district got a new computer system last summer.  I like it as far as checking grades and such but now we have to go in and enter his schedule.  I'm saving that for another day.

Both kids want to take summer classes and we can't enroll until March 1.  Enrollment is due February 1 and we are selecting classes based off of prerequisites that they will hopefully take in the summer.  Seems a little backwards to me.  Isn't it?

Jack just asked me what I want to do in retirement.  Wow, that's such a weird question.  I want to travel - preferably not by RV (no offense to my parents).  Except maybe in Alaska in the middle of the summer.  Someday.  Maybe.  ?  I'm horrible at making long term plans.  I always hated that question in interviews.  I wonder, do they even ask that question now?  Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years.  There is one thing I know for certain, in 5 years my house will be very quiet.  Makes me kind of sad to think about it.  

And for the second time today I'm going to pretend I'm an ostrich and stick my head in the sand instead of thinking about that any further.  It's either that or cry and I'm not crying over my kids growing up.  It makes me more nervous and excited and anxious and overwhelmed.  Oh great.  Maybe I will just cry.  I'm a mess.  

I realize this post has been a bit all over the place.  I hope you were able to follow along. 

Sleep tight!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Good and Evil

We enjoyed going to worship last night at COR.  The sermon series is the line between good and evil, last night was the 7 deadly sins.  It was interesting to hear his perspective.  It was so good, I want to share it with you.  During the introduction, they placed a thrown sitting on a platform next to the pastor.  He said everything, every single thing, starts from good.  Why is it that often it gets distorted and turns into something for us to worship like God?  He asked, "what one thing is most important in your life?"  Do you (knowingly or unknowingly) put in on the thrown and displace God?  He went through the list and gave perfect examples.  When he got to pride, which is distorted self esteem, he sat on the thrown.  Wow.  It was so powerful.  Especially since he preached in front of the President last Tuesday during the National Day of Prayer service.  So, what are our weapons in our battle for the soul?  7 heavenly virtues.
Here's a quick recap.  The seven deadly sins are gateway sins.  The first sin is lust.  It sounds so harsh but it can start with just a flirt.  Fight it with faithfulness.  Second is gluttony, or over-indulgence.  Who doesn't struggle with that from time to time?  Fight it with self-restraint / moderation.  Third is greed, always needing more, more, more.  Keeping up with the Jones... more money, more stuff, more whatever.  Ugh!  What can combat greed?  Generosity!  Next is sloth; indifference or laziness.  You can fight it with sacrifice.  Sacrifice to the point of being uncomfortable.  Next is anger - rath.  Wow, another harsh word, rath.  Fight it with forgiveness.  Sixth is envy, distorted admiration.  Kill it with kindness.  And last is pride.  Don't feed it, fight it with humility.  You are not above another else.  Ever.

The pastor closed by telling a story about his dog.  They have an electric fence but the dog, a beagle, can get through it.  She runs and runs and likes to roll in stink.  They often have to make the dog sleep in the garage due to the stink she brings home.  Then he asked, "how often do you find yourself rolling in the stink?"  I think I'm going to make a sign for the family room.   'Don't roll in the stink!'  We're all human, we all make mistakes and yes, we do occasionally find ourselves all smelly, but thankfully God is full of grace.  I think I need the sign to remind me of that grace.  To God give the glory. (I'll put that on the back.)  Worthy or not, He forgives so much faster than I forgive or deserve forgiveness.  I need that reminder.  I need to make that sign!  

(Hey Dad, I need that piece of barn board now that I know what I'm gonna do with it.)

Jake had his last Driver's Ed driving lesson this morning.  He came home with a sign certificate.  He  even parallel parked.  It only took him 3 tries.  He has over 20 hours of driving completed of his 50 required.  

Annie spent the night at a friends house.  I have a feeling she's going to be tired when she gets home from youth group.  She is really trying to connect with several girls since two of her good friends are moving.  I like that she's putting herself out there.  

Jack didn't buy anything at the woodworking show.  

Sue and I didn't make it to the casino yesterday.  My car started acting up.  It was low on oil and antifreeze.  And gas.  I think I had let it go a little too low on gas and it put some gunk in the engine.  It's better today.  

I'm in charge of finding people to make dinner for the youth.  I checked the schedule at noon today realized the calendar was blank.  I searched the fridge and cabinet and decided to make two kinds of soup - potato and tortilla.  I sent veggies and dessert.  Now, I'm waiting for Jack and the kids to get back so I can eat dinner.  And I'm hungry!

Hmm, it's not a bad thing to be uncomfortable now and again.  I just stuff my hunger with reality.  I am so fortunate.   I am bless beyond my wildest dreams.  


Saturday, January 26, 2013


It's Saturday morning.  Annie had a friend spend the night and Jake has to be up and out the door by 9:45... my first thought was to surprise them all with donuts BUT I just can't do it.  I don't have the willpower to get donuts or munchkins at Dunkin Donuts and NOT get something for myself.  So, sorry kids but cereal will have to do.

Jack was up early and is long gone.  It's the Woodworking Show weekend.  This year it moved from the Overland Park Convention Center down to the American Royal by Kemper Arena.  Jack and his friend Scott usually took of part of Friday afternoon and enjoyed it to the fullest.  They did not go yesterday.  They did go to Overland Tool for lunch and found very few people.  It will be interesting to hear if the turn out downtown is small as well.  Honestly, I think he might have been more excited about breakfast than the show.  A group of guys (that met on-line on a woodworking forum) have gotten together for breakfast for the last... hmmm... I'm not sure how long - maybe 10 years?  We usually have our friend Terry from Arkansas stay with us but he didn't come up this year.  Jack was excited none the less and had nothing on this "wish list" so I wonder what he'll come home with.  

Jake was asked to go to a girls basketball tourney in Lawrence last night and act as Assistant Manager.  I picked him up 10:45 p.m.  It was so weird to see a van pull up with the coach driving and four other occupants.  Jake, his friend Jack and two girls from the team.  Everyone else rode home with their parents.  Jake said the last 30 minutes of the drive was just plain awkward.  The tourney continues today so he'll be leaving soon.  

I haven't seen or heard the girls yet...  I'm surprised I haven't seen Annie but Grace is a sleeper.  I wonder how late they stayed up.  Hm.  Lots of wondering this fine morning.

I already have the laundry sorted and second load in the washer.  Woo hoo!  I want to get the house picked up and just might tackle our closet.  Naa.  Who am I kidding?  That place intimidates me.  There are baby things in there!  I think I may have just confessed too much.  I've come this far, so I might as well tell you I have the closet of a hoarder.  It gives me anxiety.  It is on my short this of to-dos.  One of these days it will get to-done!  :-)

One last thing... here's a picture my sister sent me from a visit last Wednesday.  She took our parents to lunch with her grandsons.  The pizza place had an arcade.  First, she played Dad and told me, "I really tried to win!" but she got beat.  My family is so competitive!  I just love this picture!  And thought it needed a place on the world wide web.  Definitely blog worthy stuff!!  
My folks playing air hockey.
Mom won!

Here's how Suzy enjoys a lazy Saturday morning.
She LOVES Jack's blanket.
She's snoring, crazy dog.

Ok, enough blog procrastination.  Time to get something done so I can go play at the casino with Sue this afternoon.  Wish me luck!


Thursday, January 24, 2013

What day is it?

Why is it that one day off throws the whole week off?  What day is it?  I don't know.  BUT I have a training class on Friday... tomorrow.  :-)  

I am back in the swing of keeping track of every calorie that goes into my mouth.  AND I am down to 1 - just one - soda per day.  I have worked out the last two days and I'm feeling stronger.  I didn't keep track over my wild weekend but tried to be sensible.  I wore heels, which I hadn't in quite some time and my calves were really hurting by Monday.  I liked feeling tall, but ouch!

Annie is doing better.  She has been very uncomfortable.  She is taking ibuprofen on a regular basis and we will be giving her something to help her sleep because she didn't get much last night.  Due to her overbite she has "bumpers" on the middle bottom braces and her teeth fit together a bit differently.  I don't think her mouth closes in the back and she's having quite a bit of sensitivity in front teeth - top and bottom.  She went to a friends house after school and seemed to be doing a little better.  Thank goodness!
The bumpers are on the bottom 
and greenish
You can see three in the picture.  

Jake is doing great in Drivers Ed.  They had a pizza party today.  I think he's enjoying it.  His driving skills have really improved.  I'm not saying he's ready to hit the road alone... he's far from that.  I am far far far from that, too.  His final is Monday but we are trying to postpone it a day due to a band "brass boot camp".  Jake signed up for a private lesson during the day but I'm hoping he gets to go to the camp too.  It's with Thomas Bough, a Yamaha Educational Artist and Performer.  What a cool opportunity! 

Hmm... what's new with Jack?  I had to ask.  His response was "nothing."  Ok, well, I think he's dreaming of warmer weather so he can be outside grilling and smoking.  He's watching a video about smoking ribs right now.  I couldn't do that... it would make me hungry and we just ate.  (;-)  Just kidding.  Now he's looking at smokers on Craigslist... ?  He has a great smoker.  He doesn't need one on wheels.  Seriously!  ?  Maybe I'm missing something.  

I took Suzy over to my friend Mary's today to meet her dog.  They are going to watch Suzy over Spring Break and she wanted the dogs to be introduced sooner than later in case they didn't get along.  They did great.  Mary has two little girls that are so excited about having a "little" dog in the house.  Mary is excited because if all goes well they will become a two dog family soon after Suzy's departure in March.  

I was just reading Sarah's blog.  She commented that they are having some warm winter days.  (I'm jealous!)  And that Barrow, Alaska saw the first sunrise today in over two months.  I can't imagine.  I too, am grateful for the sunrise!  When I was in Alaska in 1993 it was crazy because Mom and I took at walk after midnight in Homer and it appeared to be dusk.   We have extremes in weather - which I prefer over extremes in daylight and darkness.  

I'm so glad the weekend is near!  I hope you are too!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Braces day for Annie

Before and

We got to see her 3D x-ray.
Kinda creepy, huh?
We could even see all 4 wisdom teeth.


She liked this picture much better.

So far, so good.  She took some Advil.  And now she's eating pretzels.  PRETZELS?  "I'm sucking on them."  ?  I didn't think she'd want a crunchy snack, but I was wrong.  What does she want for dinner?  Mac and cheese!  (Yea, I don't understand it either!)


Monday, January 21, 2013

I survived!

Since it's the title of my post, yes, I survived Lauren's 21st birthday celebration weekend!  Woo Hoo!  Here's a recap with lots of pics.

SATURDAY evening!

Our first destination was Harrah's North Kansas City Casino.  I was a little late leaving.  I got on the road convinced I knew exactly where I was going.  I was wrong, so wrong.  Thankfully, Siri was able to help me out and I arrived safely.  I had a little trouble finding the room, only because I got on the wrong elevator and it only went up to floor 6, not 7.  Luckily, I realized it before the doors closed.  Though no less embarrassing on a crowded elevator.  After I got my bag dropped of I made my way to the casino to find Sue.  She was already winning at the poker machine.  :-)   I watched for a bit and it was time to meet the others for our limo ride downtown.
The birthday girl.
Happy 21st, Lauren!

for me, hydration was key.

Sue and I in the limo

Our driver stopped at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.
Lauren and friend - silhouettes in front of the reflection pool.

The motley crew
minus Sue, Michelle (CJ's mom) and I

Our destination

Lauren is ready to celebrate!

We started at the Pizza Bar.
$1 slices of pizza and $3 draws
on right - my dinner
on left - Jack's pizza required a little help.

Next stop - Angels Rock Bar
Jack and I only lasted a few minutes.
It was very loud and (umm...) a little too wild for us.

The plan was to take taxi's back to Harrah's but it was early and Jack decided to join us, so he drove 6 of us back and save some of the kids a little money.  We hit the Blackjack table and... lost.  Bummer.  Jack headed home to be with the our own kids and Sue and I played Poker for another hour.  Lauren stopped by our room to check in around 12:30 - she was doing much better than we expected.   


I woke up early (6:15) feeling great.  I was excited and ready to celebrate another day!  Everyone in our room was still asleep so I played games and read until they were ready to get up and around... I can't remember what time that was, maybe 8:30 or 9?

We played a little video poker, then I introduced Sue to Wheel of Fortune!  And she won! We both put in $20 - I doubled my money and she turned her's into a C note!  Woo Hoo!  And that was before brunch!
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

After brunch we decided to get players cards - the casino reward program for those that frequent the casino.  I thought I might have gotten one years ago, but couldn't remember.  Surprise, surprise, I did.  And it was under my maiden name.  Ha!  Lauren got a players card to and a die on a chain for her birthday!  We gambled a little more then headed over to the Argosy Casino and Hotel, where we spent night #2.  (Lauren's Aunt Patty got us rooms at two hotels for us - how nice is that!?)  We were expecting a standard room similar to the night before but were SHOCKED and delighted to find this...
A fabulous 1 bedroom suite!
(including two bathrooms AND a doorbell!)

from the tub.

Master bath... wowza!

Our view of downtown KC.

We went down to the casino and decided to get player's cards there too.  I put mine on the same strap as the one from Harrah's.  I was holding it while waiting for the others.  As we walked in the casino they asked to swipe your card.  I looked in my purse, no card.  I checked my pockets, no card.  ???  I went back to the desk thinking I left it there.  No card. What in the world?  I was to the point of asking for a new one and guess what???  It was around my neck!  ha ha!  How embarrassing!

And Sue continued to win!
Me?  Well, no.

At one point we decided the hotel suite was perfect and we were going to move in.  I 

We went out to dinner at Styx at the Legends and then took in a show at Stanford's Comedy Club and saw AJ Finney.  Then back to the hotel, who am I kidding?  We only dropped our coats off in the room then went back to the casino.  We tried some new (to us) games.  Lauren and CJ played roulette - but there were no chips or elbows flying on this table - it was all electronic, except for the wheel and ball.  It was fun to watch.  I was the first to call it quits and was in bed by midnight.  I slept like a log.  I didn't hear anyone or anything!  We had closed the blinds and the room was pitch black.  


I got up at 6:30 but found my way back to sleep until 8:00!   
Cold and dreary KC

Sue got up and around first.  She called me into the bathroom to show me the shower... WOW!  How much cooler could this room get?  Definitely the nicest room I've ever stayed in!   
 I'm guessing you could fit a full sized mattress in there.
That is one seriously big shower.

The young ones weren't ready to get up yet - even after we opened the shades, so Sue and I went down and placed a penny slot.  I can't remember what it was called but if you got three of "special" icon you got to roll digital dice.  You got to continue rolling the dice and earning credits until you rolled a 7.  It was SO fun!  I put in a couple bucks and did really well.  The first time I had the dice come up Sue was showing me how to roll the dice and she rolled me a 7 and it was over before it even started.  It was fun to tease her about that, for sure!  We must have been a little loud and excited for a Monday morning so a few people came over to join the fun.  They were playing more than our 10 cents per pull and lost their money way too fast (in my opinion) but we made it fun and I walked away with $6 and change!

We ate breakfast together and I jokingly asked if anyone was ready to go to the casino.  Lauren looked at me like I was crazy, not picking up the sarcasm in my question.   We walked through the warmth of the hotel to our cars and hugs before we parted ways.   What a fun weekend.  

I was home by 11:45. 

Now, I get to enjoy the afternoon with my family before the craziness of the week begins. 


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Smile, it's Saturday!

I love this song...

It makes me think of Jack.  And makes my heart smile.

It's early... I've been awake since 5, watched GMA at 6, sorted clothes and started laundry at 7 and have already worked out - Day 4! - and eaten breakfast.  Now, I'm ready for a nap.  HA!  Just kidding, but I definitely need a nap before I leave this afternoon.  :-)

The sun is shining.  It's going to be a beautiful day and the kids are still asleep.  

Happy Saturday!


Friday, January 18, 2013

We're in!

We are Team Mile High on Color.
Color Run Denver here we come.
Well, not yet, but June 16th
(Father's Day)
that's where we'll be!

So far our team consists of me,
Jake and Annie,
Sarah and Matt.
and yes, there is someone missing...
he hasn't decided if he's going to join us, yet.
Come on, Jack!
It'll be fun!

After all the Color Run IS
the Happiest 5k on the planet.

I'm so excited!

I worked out again today.  Day 3.  And I recorded all my food.  I drank lots of water.  And the kids joined me for a walk around "snake lake", aka "goose poop lake."  Today there were no snakes and lots of poop and mud.  It was windy and chilly but we enjoyed our trek.  My knee is feeling good, although I didn't push myself.  

We enjoyed a movie night.  First up was I Am Legend with Will Smith.  I had seen it several years ago and forgotten how intense it was.  Annie didn't last too long, too scary.  Now Jake is watching a movie on his laptop while the rest of us are watching Definitely Maybe.  It's one of Annie and I's favorites.  

We are all looking forward to the long weekend.  I probably won't post again until Monday.  Tomorrow is Lauren's 21st birthday and I will be joining the celebration.  Tomorrow night is casino night and then we're going to Power and Light for some nightlife.  It should be fun.  I'm spending the night at the casino with the girls and Jack will come home to be with the kids.  We're spending Sunday night out, too!  Ok, it might be Tuesday before you hear from me, but hopefully I'll have some fun party pics.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

This is the day

This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24

I heard this verse in three different settings before noon today and decided I needed to take it to heart.  This needs to be what enters my mind first thing in the morning.  

I heard a story this morning on my way home from taking Annie and Shelby to school.  I was listening to K-Love and it kept me in the car even after I pulled in the driveway.  The DJ's were in tears as they shared their experience.  This K-Love team is based in Indianapolis but flew to LA earlier this week...

"Early this week we all waited to get off the plane and for good reason: 

A fallen soldier's body was being received by his comrades. It was very sobering. The plane was silent, but for one little 5-year-old boy who wondered why he had to wait to get off. His mother said, "There is a man who gave his life for you son, and we're waiting for him to get off first." 

Let us never forget. And keep praying!"

It definitely puts things in perspective for me.  Keep praying!

The morning was went well.  We took our class on the big bus down to the Kauffman Center for Performing Arts to see The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley.  It was cute.  We had one little girl that was terrified.  Her dad had come along and unfortunately spent almost all of the performance in the hallway.  We had a couple other students that needed to take a walk and have a snack about halfway through, but Mary took them out.  I did a lot of chair hopping but enjoyed the show.  On the way back most of the kids fell asleep.  I sat next to a little boy that let me know where we were - street by street.  He wasn't giving me directions, just telling me where we were.  It was quite funny.

I worked out for the second day in a row.  Less than 60 days until we set sail.  I'm not trying to drop any weight, I just want my clothes to feel a little looser.  I did weigh myself and take my measurements, but only as a baseline.  I am entering every bite of food that enters my mouth on myfitnesspal.  I slept better last night than I have in months.  A bonus  incentive!  THEN, I was getting in the car and I'm not sure how it happened but I twisted by knee funny.  Now it's painful.  :-(  Hopefully it's nothing more than a tweak and I will be able to keep moving again tomorrow.  If nothing else I'll go for a walk... I'm already thinking about my options just in case.  

Tonight was 'Sound Bite' an informational meeting for all incoming 8th grade band families.  Jake went as a band representative.  He didn't have to speak in front of the group but chatted with a few families and answered questions.  I am so happy he has found something he loves.  We have talked about the leadership team... he thinks another tuba, who will be a senior next year, has already stepped up but if something changes he thinks he wants to do it.  It would be a big responsibility and I couldn't be prouder.  

We learned the band is getting new uniforms next year.  This is the first time in 12 years.  Here's a little glimpse.
I love the tall red plume!

Annie has gotten Jake to read one of her favorite books.  She's letting him use her Kindle, too.  They started discussing it today and I had to interrupt, because I want to read it too and I don't want them to accidentally let something slip.  In turn he found a new band - I'm not sure if they're really new or just new to him - anyway, she decided to give it a listen.  She wants to put it on her playlist.  I like that they are sharing life with each other.  I like that they are spending more time liking each other than arguing.  Fingers crossed that will continue.  ;-)  Even if it was just a good day, I'm taking it!  I am rejoicing in it!

Tonight was Jack's fantasy football draft for the "Super Bowl" on Sunday.  He and Scott had first pick.  I think the guys they played the last couple weeks must have been suffering from a brain fart because tonight was much harder.  ;-)  I think Jack called them idiots.  It will be interesting.  

Someone "pinned" this on Pinterest and I just loved it!  Words to live by, for sure!


One more...

Annie found out the night before last that another close friend (Maggie) is moving.  Her father accepted a job in North Carolina and they will be moving in June.  I reminded her that they can keep in touch through video chat and all technology has to offer but it doesn't make it any easier.   I pray the girls - all of them, including Grace and Maggie can make the most of the time they have together.   And I am glad they have a group of 6, rather than 3.  


Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I have had so many things swirling in my head the last few days,  

Yesterday, Sarah took Addy Bea to an eye specialist and she was diagnosed with exotopia.  Sarah said, 'it's a condition which usually worsens over time and usually requires surgery to "fix" the weakened eye muscle.'  They had noticed one eye was drifting a bit.  This condition is very common but unnerving none the less.  Please keep Addy in your prayers.

I heard from Kristi that Carson was having thyroid issues.  Today, they found out she is also acutely anemic.  Thyroid tests came back normal.  I pray that they are able to get some answers on the cause of anemia.  Please keep Carson in your prayers.

This week has been a tough one at school.  Katie has been out all week.  We had a sub Monday and Tuesday but district office thought we should be fine today with the OT.  And Mary had to go do an observation of a new student today... Ugh!  We are struggling with a couple students in our class.  They are challenging little puzzles and we struggling to see  improvements.  It has made for some hard days.  Today was extra hard because I got very snippy with one parent this morning and it threw my whole morning off.  We have had to change our arrival and dismissal routine due to safety and security issues (since the tragedy in Newtown, CT).  We are still struggling with families unable to follow "rules".  I was doing my best but my hands were overfull.  I made a request and the Mom wanted to argue with me.  I didn't have time to argue, with 5 children standing with me, and firmly asked her to move her car immediately and walked away.  Thankfully, Mary was very understanding and was able to speak to the family and hopefully correct their behavior.  We shall see tomorrow.  Please pray for us.  Each day is... interesting in our classroom.  Usually, I love it and can find a balance but today I got stuck focusing on correcting bad behaviors and not praising good ones.  I was exhausted.  

I can't end without something positive...

Tomorrow, we are going on a field trip to the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts to see The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley.  I am excited that we made it to Thursday without Katie and she will be back on Monday!

The kids are good.  Jack is good.  I am otherwise good.  We are all healthy. (knock on wood).  

We are all counting the days until Spring Break... 59 days, 2 hours, 7 minutes and 15 seconds as of right now until we set sail.  ;-)


Monday, January 14, 2013

A bit of humor...

Laughter is good for the soul... here are a couple recent conversations from our house.

Sunday morning - January 13th
Jack:  Jake, I need you to go out and shovel.  There's about a foot of snow.
Jake: Really?
Jack:  Yep, at least get behind my truck so I can leave.
Jake:  UGH, ok.  (Jake got up, put on his shoes and coat and then looked outside)
          DAD!  That is so not funny!
The forecast was for snow, but it missed us so no snow.
That's what happens when you fall asleep on the couch.

Annie: (when she got home after Jack had told her the story)  Jake, you did such a good job shoveling you can't even tell it snowed!  :-)

Sunday night - January 13th (at youth group during happy's and crappy's  - aka highs/lows)
Janet:  My happy was Jack and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary.
Elizabeth:  (looking at Jake) How old are you???
Jake:  15! YEP, I'm a honeymoon baby!!!
All youth in the room unrelated to me: (8-0  (a look to complete and utter shock!)
Everyone related to me: HAHA!!
My reaction?  Shocked and embarrassed.  He'd never said before.

Monday - January 14th (at dinner)
Jake: Hey Dad, are you gonna be in the Super Bowl?
Jack: Yep!
Annie: The Super Bowl?  The Chiefs?  REALLY!?
Everyone but Annie:  Hahahahahaha!

(the boys were talking Fantasy Football.)


Saturday, January 12, 2013

16 years

It's hard to believe it was 16 years ago yesterday that Jack and I got married.  Months of planning, anxiety and excitement all wrapped up into several hours.  

Who's idea was it to get married in January?  I don't remember why we decided on January... but 1/11 seemed to be a date we could both remember.  

Here's the way I remember it... it was a cold day, SO, SO COLD outside!  The high was below zero.  Our pastor was sick and taken to the hospital before the rehearsal started the night before, so my Dad stepped in.  I remember I had lost my voice but it didn't squash my excitement.  After the rehearsal we returned to our house for the rehearsal dinner.  Jack's family had BBQ catered in.  

The big day had finally arrived!  My friend, Judy came over and helped me with my hair.  There were a few hiccups, I had forgotten the church didn't have a CD player and needed some music so I recruited a friend to find a cassette.  That makes me laugh now because it's the only cassette I still have.  :-)

I rode with Jack, yes, we did a lot of things backwards but I have no regrets.  On our way we stopped and got sandwiches for everyone.  I had called in the order and there was a delay.  Jack was MAD!  He thought it was nuts that WE were picking it up and he was going to be livid if we were late!  We arrived with no time to spare and ate with the entire wedding party.  After lunch the girls went one way and the boys went another.  I was excited and a little nervous.  We took all the pictures before the wedding.  Finally, it was time and my Dad came in to get me.  He got a bit teary... :-)  Dad and I walked into the Narthex and could hear DJ singing (although I don't remember what).  The doors opened and we started down the aisle... so many smiling faces.  Someone had told me to 'be present, try and look at each person while your walking down the aisle to Jack.'  Well, even with the best of intentions I only made it a few feet before I burst into tears.  Huge crocodile tears.  I cried all the way down the aisle.  I had tunnel vision and I can't remember much of the ceremony.  I have a vague recollection of saying my vows, although it probably sounded like I was still an emotional mess since I didn't have much of a voice.  And I remember laughing when my Dad forgot Jack's name.  When it happened a second time... I was a little embarrassed and said "Jack!".  (My Dad has a history of forgetting names, so it was Jack's very public initiation into the family.)  

We had gotten bubbles to use instead of rice or bird seed... but I don't remember any bubbles.  I don't know if it was too cold or I've just blocked out that part, too.  I have no idea when we had our pictures taken but they were fun to look through yesterday.  Jack and I drove around a little bit before arriving at the reception.  It was at this point I realized Jack wasn't feeling too well.  My Mom and her friend had made all the food.  The buffet included many of our favorites and Jack barely ate a thing.  Also, we had a cooler full of of bottled beer underneath the head table and Jack had no interest.  We waited a little bit before we got things started because several people hadn't arrived yet - including my oldest brother and his wife as well as the Matron of Honor and her husband.  As it turned out they had gotten lost in the big city.

Jack tried so hard to make the best of it.  We cut the cake.  I just asked Jack if he ate any and he said, "I don't remember, but I love cake!  I don't care how sick I was."  ha!  As they were clearing the dance floor and moving the cake table the unity candle got too close to my freeze dried boutique and it went up in flames.  Thankfully someone was thinking fast and put out the flames with the punch.  I remember clearly seeing the flame and thinking, "oh my goodness, please don't let the curtain by the stage catch fire!"  Luckily, it didn't.  Jack remembers everyone grabbing disposable cameras we had placed on all the tables and snapping pictures.  Not putting out the flames.  Lol!

Who would have thought that was even possible?  It was a lovely boutique... made by a sweet woman in Paxico, Kansas.  She did all the flowers.  In hindsight it wasn't the best idea to have the boutonniere made of freeze dried flowers.  I don't think any survived the hugs and dancing.  Jack's looked sad and pathetic before we even left the church.

Sorry I'm jumping around... it's just kind of how my brain is working tonight.  ;-D  

I made the most of the reception and got to visit with almost everyone.  We didn't stay too late and headed off to the hotel near the airport because we had an early morning flight.  We got checked in and the excitement was far from over... (get your mind out of the gutter) the fire alarm went off at least three times throughout the night.  Yes, we were trying to get SOME rest before our 6 a.m. flight and I don't remember getting much at all.  

The craziness followed us on our honeymoon.  We took a cruise on Royal Caribbean's Grandeur of the Seas.  We had gotten a Junior Suite, which gave us more space, a balcony and a bathtub.  Jack still wasn't feeling 100% but he wasn't going to let it get him down.  We both took it easy the first day and soaked up some sunshine on deck and met our table mates at dinner.  We enjoyed the first full day at sea and had dinner in the dining room.  As we were getting ready for dinner Jack shaved off what he thought was a pimple on his face, 'the dessert last night must have been a bit too rich for me' - is what I remember him saying, however I might be paraphrasing.  

The next morning (day 1 on board) Jack woke up convinced we had bed bugs.  He was a mess and his head was pounding.  ?  I was fine.  He took a hot bath and found a bit of relief.  I double checked to make sure I didn't have any bites.  Nope, none.  We eventually found ourselves in the infirmary.  Then came the news... Jack had the chicken pox!?  AND Jack was quarantined to the cabin because may of the ships staff weren't from the United States and they didn't want an outbreak.  He was given a prescription for Benedryl and calamine lotion.  The staff tried their best.  They brought Jack a DVD player and as many movies as he wanted.  He watched Twister with Helen Hunt more than a few times.  We had a balcony so he could get some fresh air - but I remember it smelling mostly of diesel fuel.  :-(  He has not eaten room service since that cruise.  "Everything was lukewarm or cold!  Yuck!"  

I went out a few times.  I don't remember exactly how it happened but a group of older ladies took me in.  We played bingo.  It was the one activity I could do without feeling guilty.  I didn't get off the ship.  That evening was the first formal night Jack convinced me to go... I arrived to an empty table.  All our table mates had been delayed on shore.  I stayed and ate, alone.  The captain came over and visited for a bit.  The waiter arrived to make cherries jubilee tableside... for one.  :-(  The photographer stopped... and I told him to keep on walking.  :-|  I ordered Jack's food and it arrived HOT and fresh!  :-)  

The next day (I believe it was day 4) Jack had had enough and was ready to go up on deck.  He wore sunglasses, a pink polo shirt with the collar flipped up and shorts.  He was trying to in incognito.  lol!  The next day we were in Jamaica.  Jack didn't want our entire honeymoon spent on the ship, so ventured out.  We hopped in a taxi and zoomed towards town on a road too narrow for two cars.  I was holding on for dear life and glimpsed at the speedometer and saw he was going 80 mph!  My eyes about popped out of my head.  There were cars zooming in both directions.  I think we both got a little car sick.  We got out of the car, walked across the street, got in another one and headed right back to the ship.  I think I must have had my eyes closed the whole ride back.  Ugh!  It was awful!  BUT at least we could say we got off the ship, right?      

Jack was starting to feel better the day we got back to Miami.  We flew home with Jack wearing shades and collar up.  He went to the doctor the day after we got home and had to spend another week at home before he could return to work.  

What a story.  I couldn't make it up if I tried.  It was a crazy, hilarious, beautiful, cold, amazing, perfectly imperfect day.  It was full of trust and love.  I could just as easily describe our marriage with those same adjectives.  It's not perfect but it's full of trust and love.  

I really should have written this down before now.  I am pretty sure I've forgotten something.  Kristi, feel free to correct me or add anything in the comments.  You are the best at telling this tale!
