Tuesday, November 6, 2012


This is a photo of Susan B. Anthony trying to vote in 1872, when it was illegal for a woman to vote. She was beaten and arrested for trying to do something we all take for granted today.  Don't forget to exercise your right as an American.

What a great reminder.
I wish I had posted this yesterday!


I went to vote this morning at 7:15.  The line was out the door and down the walk.  I drove right on past.  I returned this afternoon around 2:00.  The line was out the door.  I waited for over 40 minutes.  I heard several people in line complain, but I waited happily.  I found it odd that not all the machines were being used, but I said nothing.  I waited patiently.  I noticed the people working looked weary.  I heard one say there had been a line all day.  I smiled and thanked them for their time.  They looked shocked and returned a heart felt thank you.  I left without a sticker, they had run out, but I don't need a sticker on my jacket to prove anything.  I know what I did and I'm grateful for the opportunity!


It's been a few days since I've written.  I'm not sure why.  I've been busy.  I've had a lot on my mind.  But I've wanted to sit with my thoughts, not share them.  It's all good, no worries.

Here are a few pictures to bring you up to speed of whats been happening in my world.  :-)

 < Jake organized the candy drawer with his haul.
Although he offered to share with the family, he and Annie took most of it
to the movies on Saturday night and shared with friends.
 > And this is what it looks like tonight.

The BVW Football team is playing post season!
The band was asked to play and had a great time.
 < Abbie (Jake's girlfriend) plays clarinet but came up and sat with Jake for a little while.  :-)
I had to be sneaky.
> The tubas (and Jaden on bari sax) got fancy on the last note!

BVW won their game and moves on to quarter finals this Friday night!

Last Saturday we went to Topeka.  Jack helped with some electrical issues Dad was having in the basement.  It didn't take nearly as long as Jack (or Dad) feared it might.  :-)

Jake mowed.   
Jake's driven the mower many times, but had never put the blade down.
Here's Grandpa giving him some instructions.
Jake was happy to help!

After lunch Jake enjoyed a bowl of ice cream
Interesting choice of spoon, don't cha think?

And of course we had time for a few hands of cards.
< Jake taking his time.
> His grandparents thinking it's time to shuffle up and deal!
(Mom, don't hate me for posting this picture.  xo)

Fall at my house.

Annie has been a bit camera shy but she's doing great.  :-)


On this Election Day, let's remember the words of John Wesley:  "Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike?  May be not be of one heart, thought we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, may we.  Herein all the children of God may unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences."

We all have our candidates, some will win and some will lose.  To my friends and family that voted differently than me, I love that we can be so different but still love each other.  No matter what, I love you and I love who you are!


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