Tuesday, November 27, 2012


We got a visit today from a sweet little neighbor girl, her younger sister, little brother and their babysitter... "is this your dog?"  It was sweet of them to ask, especially since Suzy practically attacked the door at their ring of the doorbell.  I went outside to see if I recognized the dog.  I did not.  As it turns out they live a couple streets over and found the dog without a collar, in their garage.  They bundled up and had been hitting the pavement knocking on every door.  Trying to find it's home.  It was a chilly afternoon and they looked miserable but hopeful.  I suggested I take the dog up to the vet clinic and see if he had a microchip.  They were so excited and thanked me several times.  I came in, got a leash and told Annie where I was going.  Of course, she immediately jumped up and wanted to go along.  I put him in the car and the little girl asked if I could call her, so they knew he was taken care of.  OR if he didn't have a microchip they wanted me to return him so they could make signs and keep him safe.  It was adorable.  I got the babysitters phone number and promised to call.  The dog was tall and skinny and I wasn't sure of the breed.  One thing was certain, he LOVED the car ride!  I wasn't sure if he'd jump out so I only put the window down enough for him to stick his head out.  The clinic did a quick check and voila, one quick phone call and the owner was found and on her way.  I offered to deliver him but she declined.  Annie and I looked at each other and wanted - needed a little more.  I asked, "what's his name?"   "Hmm, I don't know."  ?  The receptionist got a leash and took him around the desk.  Wow, that was it?  No, thank you.  No message.  Nothing?  (Not that we needed it, but...)  We said a quick goodbye.  I called the babysitter and fibbed.  "The owner asked me make sure the kids are aware how thankful she is for their help!"  I could her the smile, filled with relief.  It was a random act on a cold afternoon - finding a lost pets owner, but it had a ripple effect.  I wanted to make sure they knew someone was thankful for their kindness.  They don't need to know that person was me.  ;-)  
Annie and a large, excited lap dog.
She got attacked several times.

I got a call tonight from a friend I hadn't talked to in a while.  I can't tell you why she called... it seemed like she needed to share her moment of judgement, she was being horribly hypocritical about another friend of mine that she had never even met.  I tried to change the subject.  I asked about her family.  I searched for the good that I know is in her heart.  I hung up feeling sour.  I said a prayer.  I paused to reflect.  Maybe I'm Polly Anna... I want to find the good.  I pray that in my attempts to redirect her negativity she found some relief.  I don't want her rant to effect our friendship.  (deep breath)  I don't want to lose her.  I don't think I'm the only one that's ever felt this way.  Am I?         

I ended the night with a good, happy cry watching Parenthood.  A shared moment between a mother and child gets me every time.   


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