Monday, November 19, 2012

Give me a break

This morning I was so excited, only two days of school this week.  I was ready for anything.  But it was a hard day.  H-A-R-D, hard.  There is something to be said about preschoolers needing a routine.  Ours was a bit out of sorts today.  I am prepared for tomorrow to be equally rough.  Our parents are invited to a little preschool program followed by a Thanksgiving feast.  Sadly, several parents never responded.  We have no idea if they'll be there or bring something to share.  This is the season for sharing and caring, so I'm trying my hardest to just let it slide.  I will say a prayer, followed by a pep talk in the morning.  I know I will survive.  :-)

Jack smoked a turkey breast for me to take to the feast.  I smells SO good!  He offered me a nibble but I declined.  He took a sample.  I think a good chef (or grill master) always tests his food.  It's required, isn't it?  He will be smoking a whole bird on Wednesday.  

I just found this little guy on Pinterest.  I'm gonna make him next year...
It's a fruit turkey.
He's making my mouth water.

I got really excited today about our cruise.  I started looking at excursions.  It's so hard to choose.  We have NEVER done an excursion.  Never!  We will be doing something this time.  What?  I have no idea.  Too many choices.  There was one in Cozumel called River Boarding.  I was telling the boys about it and accidentally called it Water Boarding.  Jake thought it sounded great.  Jack hesitated and said it sounded like torture, then he laughed.  Wooops!  
Jack is thinking he'd like to float in a tube.

Annie really wants to go snorkeling.  I think that sounds like fun.  We might have to have to split up boys and girls.  For some reason I've been fascinated with sailing for as long as I can remember.  When I was little my Dad had a tiny little 2-3 person sailboat.  He and Bob built it.  I recently learned Scott, was terrified of it.  (I laughed so hard I cried.  Oh, and if you don't remember, both Bob and Scott are my brothers.)  Anyway, I found an excursion where you get to "race aboard an authentic America's Cup racing yacht as a working crew member or passenger."  It sounds exhilarating!  It's probably a far fetched dream, but it doesn't make it any less fun.  :-)

Jake drove for over an hour tonight.  We were delivering pastries from a school fundraiser.  We had two nervous moments.  I used my urgent voice, but never yelled.  I hope I get through this process without wearing a hole in the floorboard on the passenger side where the imaginary brake is.  I was calm but found myself stepping on the "brake" several times.  Don't get me wrong, he's doing a fine job.  And honestly I'm not worried about him so much as other drivers.  Yesterday, I enrolled him in Driver's Ed in January.  He will spend time in the classroom as well as have drive time with the instructor.  He should have a good chunk of his 50 driving hours completed by then, but I think it's a great idea to get instruction from an impartial party.  Not to mention our insurance rates will be lower once he get's his restricted license.  

Annie is really into music right now.  She likes bands that are transitioning from punk (to what I'm not exactly sure.  LOL!)  One of her favorites is Pierce the Veil.  She and her friend, Kate, spent close to an hour on-line adding music to Annie's Spotify account.  Spotify is an on-line radio station that you get to program yourself.  You can follow friends like on Facebook or Pinterest, to see what your friends are listening to and add what you like.  The funny thing was Kate was at her house and Annie was here and they were chatting on-line.  I have to say that Annie's typing skills are impressive.  Chalk another one up to technology!

Ok, it's past my bedtime.  Sleep well!


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