Monday, November 12, 2012

A trip to the mall

It's that time of year.  Time to make your Christmas list.  I have started my shopping, barely.  Many years I'm already done by now.  I love that feeling.  I MISS that feeling!  I don't know if it's because the kids are getting older or their want list is getting more and more outrageous but I'm not liking some of the things I've witnessed lately.  Not just my own kids but students at school, neighborhood kids and friends.  I asked Jake and Annie to take time and think about what they're asking for.  Is it just a want or do they really need it?  If they're honest about their needs, they should realize they truly need nothing.  I hope they put more thought into defining their wants and WHY it's a want.  Just because, isn't a good enough reason anymore.

This afternoon the kids and I took a trip to the mall.  Sarah and I were chatting and she laughed and said, "they have malls in Kansas?"  When the kids were little somehow I inadvertently lead them to believe there were only malls in Colorado.  I've never been one to frequent the mall on a regular basis.  When the kids were tiny we got their pictures taken at JCPenneys.  But I don't remember spending much more time there than that.  When we would go visit Sarah in Colorado we would usually go to the mall, let the kids run around and occasionally find ourselves in Build a Bear Workshop.  Annie quickly remembered.  Surprisingly, Jake had no recollection.  :-)  Oh well, we all got a good laugh out of the thought.  

The reason for our trip was to find Annie's friend a birthday present.  We waited until the last possible minute, her birthday is tomorrow.  Annie wanted to get her a bow tie.  We found several on-line and thought it would be a quick, easy trip.  Ugh!  That was not the case.  BUT Annie was determined.  She would walk into a store and ask the first clerk to give her the time of day.  I was so disappointed at how Annie was treated.  "I dunno, go look over there." or a rude "NO!"  were her responses more than a few times.  BUT Annie stood tall and announced, "Well, I guess they don't want my money!" followed by, "let's go, Mom!"  And that's just what we did.  It was hard for me to hold a grudge because Annie was so matter-of-fact and didn't waste time walking out.  She was a girl on a mission and walking with a purpose, for sure.  We finally found a tie and Annie was delighted!

From Annie's perspective, Forever XXI, is a nightmare.  Total chaos.  "It stressed me out!  If I want something from this store I will order it on-line!"  I couldn't help but laugh because I was feeling the exact same way.  Aaaaahhh, mall anxiety!  Ha!  

Annie had two highlights, other than her triumph of finding a tie:  she got her first "rewards" card from Sephora - in HER name using HER e-mail address.  She was so proud!  She even showed off her card to Jack when we got home.  It was cute.  AND she got so excited when we came upon a store called Lush Homemade Cosmetics.  She was unaware this store had any locations in Kansas.  She was giddy, jumping up and down excited, I tell you!  She had a great conversation with the clerk about different products and really impressed the clerk with her knowledge.  I think if she was looking for a job she could have convinced the manager to hire her.  I had a few questions and Annie answered me without missing a beat.  I looked at the manager and she gave me a big smile and said "she knows her stuff!  She might even know it better than I do!"  It was a neat little store.  So, you might be wondering how Annie knew so much... she watches several girls on-line that have web shows on YouTube.  I know, it's such a different world than I grew up in.    

Jake did a bit of shopping himself but bought nothing.  I'm starting to think if he had his way he'd have a shoe collection as big as Imelda Marcos.  The boy loves shoes!  Not just tennis shoes or running shoes but all of them!  Does anyone know if they make Uggs for men?  You think I'm kidding, don't you?  I'm not.  I'm pretty sure he'd wear them!  He was able to give me a couple ideas for Christmas.  He found a few black t-shirts he liked.  ?  They weren't plain.  They had different graphics but they were all basically the same.  He tried on a vest, the versatile kind that can be worn with a suit or dressed down with a pair of jeans.  He looked handsome but it was still a bit big.  And I think he has finally learned it is best to look at the price tag before bringing something to my attention.  He found a ski jacket he loved.  I couldn't suppress my giggle when his eyes literally popped out of his head like a cartoon character when he looked at the tag.  He decided he didn't like it THAT much.  

It was a fun trip overall.  It was a good exercise of going for something specific and walking out with just what you needed.  No extra bags.  No extra "stuff".  

In other news: my Mom went to the doctor this morning and got the green light!  She has completed physical therapy and her doctor told her she did better than many patients 20 years younger than her.  She replied that she did much better than the first time.  :-)  Good news!

Jack is taking a golf lessons and working on his swing.  He was watching his lesson on-line (YES!  I know, that sounds crazy, but in this high tech age his lessons are video taped and put on-line for his review.)  He decided tonight what he really needs to go stretch out before he starts.  Jack was watching himself swing and split the screen and watched himself on one side compared to Tiger Woods on the other side.  !?  Crazy!  "Look how much further Tiger gets his arms back."  WOW!  How cool is that!?  Crazy cool!  :-)  I'm happy for him.

I hope you were able to find at least one reason to laugh today!  I am happy to report I did!


1 comment:

  1. I just wanted you to know that when I get to my desk and get settled every morning, I check your blog first thing to see what is going on at your house. It really brightens my day!! Now I'm going to google Lush cosmetics and ask Carson about it when I get home. <3 U all!
