Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday, buttons and bowling

Even though we didn't need a single thing, the kids and I went out at 6 a.m. We went two places.  JCPenneys in search of promo buttons.  We watch Ellen and she is the spokesperson for JCP and really really promoted the heck out of the event.  There is one button somewhere in the world which will win a trip to her show.  Each button has a code.  That's all it took for me to give it a try.  The parking lot was a madhouse.  I dropped the kids off and parked - far, far away.  Once I got into the store I was given two buttons, then throughout the store there were button stations.  We came home with maybe 30 buttons.  And we left without buying a thing.  Our next and only other stop was the bagel shop in the parking lot.  Jake didn't want a bagel and got chocolate milk.  Annie and I split a plain bagel with a bit of walnut and something cream cheese.  And we were home by 6:30.  :-)  We entered the codes - only two per email addess - per day is allowed.  We'll be doing this for a few days.  That's ok though.  We won over $50 worth of JCP gift cards, that will be mailed to us.   
Cute buttons!
Perfect for Annie's button collection!!!

We were shocked to find Jack up when we returned.  He and I went back out just before 8 a.m. to a couple golf shops, but again left with our money and empty arms.  We stopped at Sam's Club in search of something to grill, smoke or cook.  We ended up with a roast I threw in the crock-pot.  I already had veggies.

I did buy a few things on-line.  A couple sweaters for Annie and a ski jacket for Jake.  This might be the first year without surprises.  I'm a little sad about it.  Annie said, "don't worry Mom, if you need any 'surprise' suggestions, just look at my Pinterest wishlist board for ideas."  I had to laugh.

I wanted to get the tree up today, but Jack and I decided we're going to take old desk/cabinet out of the living room and make it more of a sitting room.  That means tomorrow we will be doing some heavy duty purging and furniture moving.  You may be wondering why we didn't do it today?  Because the morning was too early and we had plans in the afternoon - so we made a plan for tomorrow.  Ok?  ;-)

Our old neighbors are in town visiting her parents.  She suggested going bowling - little did we know most of our community.  Her Dad got their at 2:30 and put his name on the wait list.  We arrived at 3:15 and they couldn't give us an exact time.  At a few minutes after 4:00 the kids got their shoes.  The range of ages is wide, so they decided they wanted to use bumpers.  They all made great fun of seeing how many times they could go from one side to the other before making it to the pins.  
Neighbor reunion.

We miss them!

I decided to go out one more time, my friend and I went in search of shoes.  I need a new pair of black pumps.  We found great sales.  I ended up with a pair of black pump, a pair of brown flats (that are as comfortable as slippers), and a pair of shoes for Christmas for each of the kids!  Success!  

Sweet dreams.


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