Sunday, November 18, 2012

Homeless for a night.

It's that time of year again.  Youth group Box Out!  Thankfully the weather was calm, clear and dry.  Yes, it was still cold, but no wind, no rain, and no snow.  I had gotten new long underwear for both kids.  They dressed in layers and took more to add as needed, including ski bibs and winter coats.  Each took a waterproof/fleece blanket to lay on, a sleeping bag and an extra blanket to use as a door to their temporary home.  They each had a roll of duct tap to use as needed, as well as a flash light.  They felt prepared.

We picked up Annie's friends and were the first to arrive at 6:50 p.m.  We helped set up their boxes.  Jack added the firewood we'd brought to the pile, moved over the fire pit over from the Boy Scouts tree lot in the west lot and started a fire.  Annie and her friends had a very large box that they decided to share.  It was perfect for 3.  Jack had a large box but he didn't plan on sharing.  The kids were ready for their adventure in homelessness to begin.  (forgive me, I didn't take any pictures.)

Jack and I left, grabbed a bite to eat and ran an errand.  We stopped back by to deliver smore fixin's before we headed home.  We were surprised when we pulled in the parking lot and didn't see a soul.  It was odd and a little unsettling, but we quickly discovered they were inside working on a mission project.  It didn't take very long, but they couldn't work on it outside.

 Tying knots in a quilt.
Annie loved it and wants to make more.
I believe these are going to Spofford Home.

This morning I arrived to find them praying.
I love this group.

Breakfast is served!
They weren't as hungry as I thought they'd be.

Tired girls heading home.
Grace (left) wasn't left out, her bunny hat was in her bag.

I heard several youth say they didn't sleep well because they were so cold.  When I asked Jake and Annie if they ever got cold, they both said no. I heard everyone was asked to go to their boxes at 2 a.m.  I think Jake got more sleep than most.  He needs it, so that made me happy.  I'm not sure Annie got as much but she had a good day.  Both kids took a bit of a nap this afternoon.  I know they are thankful tonight for a shower and their warm bed.

I am grateful that they have adult sponsors willing to endure this hardship with the youth.  Thank you Elizabeth and Deb!!

Stay warm and be thankful!


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