Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Drama (eye roll)

I started the morning writing an email.  I had to clear the air in response to that telephone call last night.  As a friend to both women, it's only right.  It's only fair.  If someone questions a friends character it is my duty to stand up and speak the truth.  I feel much better.  :-)

Annie was feeling a little punky last night.  I woke her up early to see how she was feeling... then told her to go back to sleep and turned off her alarm.  She stayed home.  :-(

Jack had planned on working from home today.  We have a new tv being delivered.  When the delivery arrived he was shocked to find out that Suzy wasn't shut in the laundry room like he thought but came out barking and bit the man carrying our tv.  Of course, he dropped it.  (8-0  Thankfully she didn't break the skin on his ankle.  I'm guessing she got mostly jeans.  He proceeded to cuss at her in Spanish.  Jack was shocked and apologized profusely.  I am overly cautious when it comes to delivery men.  Suzy HATES them.  She's chased more than a couple UPS guys out to their trucks, although she never got caught up to them before they slammed the truck door shut.  After this I think we will all be extra careful about our sweet little guard dog and might think about putting up a warning sign.  

Jake went to a friends house after school.  He's so busy.  I'm happy for him.  Well, I'm happy for him as long as he keeps homework and school a priority.  Yes, he's still dating Abby.  He's very low key about it.  It's cute.  

Annie is feeling much better.  She did a bunch of homework that is due tomorrow.  ?  Sometimes I wonder how she could be my kid.   But hey, I'm not complaining.

Did you get a Powerball ticket?  I bought one $2, quick pick.  The odd are the same  -  1 in 175 million.  Can you imagine?  I can't, but I was at the grocery store and it was like I was a lost sheep and followed the masses, right into line.  I can't tell you if we won or not... you'll just have to wait and see.  ;-)  I have to call my financial planner and attorney first.  

Sleep tight!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


We got a visit today from a sweet little neighbor girl, her younger sister, little brother and their babysitter... "is this your dog?"  It was sweet of them to ask, especially since Suzy practically attacked the door at their ring of the doorbell.  I went outside to see if I recognized the dog.  I did not.  As it turns out they live a couple streets over and found the dog without a collar, in their garage.  They bundled up and had been hitting the pavement knocking on every door.  Trying to find it's home.  It was a chilly afternoon and they looked miserable but hopeful.  I suggested I take the dog up to the vet clinic and see if he had a microchip.  They were so excited and thanked me several times.  I came in, got a leash and told Annie where I was going.  Of course, she immediately jumped up and wanted to go along.  I put him in the car and the little girl asked if I could call her, so they knew he was taken care of.  OR if he didn't have a microchip they wanted me to return him so they could make signs and keep him safe.  It was adorable.  I got the babysitters phone number and promised to call.  The dog was tall and skinny and I wasn't sure of the breed.  One thing was certain, he LOVED the car ride!  I wasn't sure if he'd jump out so I only put the window down enough for him to stick his head out.  The clinic did a quick check and voila, one quick phone call and the owner was found and on her way.  I offered to deliver him but she declined.  Annie and I looked at each other and wanted - needed a little more.  I asked, "what's his name?"   "Hmm, I don't know."  ?  The receptionist got a leash and took him around the desk.  Wow, that was it?  No, thank you.  No message.  Nothing?  (Not that we needed it, but...)  We said a quick goodbye.  I called the babysitter and fibbed.  "The owner asked me make sure the kids are aware how thankful she is for their help!"  I could her the smile, filled with relief.  It was a random act on a cold afternoon - finding a lost pets owner, but it had a ripple effect.  I wanted to make sure they knew someone was thankful for their kindness.  They don't need to know that person was me.  ;-)  
Annie and a large, excited lap dog.
She got attacked several times.

I got a call tonight from a friend I hadn't talked to in a while.  I can't tell you why she called... it seemed like she needed to share her moment of judgement, she was being horribly hypocritical about another friend of mine that she had never even met.  I tried to change the subject.  I asked about her family.  I searched for the good that I know is in her heart.  I hung up feeling sour.  I said a prayer.  I paused to reflect.  Maybe I'm Polly Anna... I want to find the good.  I pray that in my attempts to redirect her negativity she found some relief.  I don't want her rant to effect our friendship.  (deep breath)  I don't want to lose her.  I don't think I'm the only one that's ever felt this way.  Am I?         

I ended the night with a good, happy cry watching Parenthood.  A shared moment between a mother and child gets me every time.   


Monday, November 26, 2012

Uh Oh!

Jake has logged almost 6 hours driving time now.  This afternoon we ran an errand before his tuba lesson.  Jake pulled in the parking spot.  We looked at each other and laughed - he was totally crooked.  He put the car in reverse and started to back up.  He went back a lot further than I would have gone, but I didn't say anything.  He went a little further back and we heard a strange noise.  "Jake, what was that?"  No response just this...
Uh oh!

He backed over a cone...

A great learning moment
and it really freaked him out.

Then we got the nervous giggles that took a while to stop.


The other day Annie and I went shopping.
She really wants this hat.
Cute, huh?
MAYBE Jake got it for her.
We shall see.


Saturday, November 24, 2012


Yesterday, Jack and I started thinking about where we were going to put the Christmas tree this year.  It didn't take long to find the perfect spot.  As excited as I was, it filled me with a bit of dread.  The perfect spot is in the spot currently occupied by the work station in the sitting room.  We knew it wasn't going to be a small task, which caused my apprehension.  This morning I headed upstairs to clear space in the spare bedroom, I wasn't sure where I wanted it exactly, so I cleared out two corners.  We got it moved, although Jack wasn't happy with me when I wanted to check out my options but hey, a girls gotta make sure it's right.  ;-)  We put a few things in the desk but I was anxious to get started on the Christmas decorating.  

We got a new tree last year after Christmas.  It's shorter and skinnier than our old tree.  It's got colored lights, instead of white.  I wasn't sure how easy it would be to get up but I was happily surprised.  Since it is only 6' tall, I decided it needed a little help and set it on top of the coffee table.  I think it looks perfect!  
Our large tree

with a new topper

My fascinator put me in the decorating spirit

Our medium tree #1
(Yes, I have two of these - the other one is going on the landing.)

And our wee tree.

None of our trees have decorations on them yet.  
I haven't gotten into the depths of the boxes yet. 
I love decorating for Christmas!  
Why try and do it all in one day???

We received our first Christmas greeting card yesterday from a former co-worker of Jack's.  He has a way with words and his writing is very lyrical.  It's impossible to read without smiling. I look forward to reading many more letters and cards.  As I typed, I realized I haven't even thought about writing my own yet.  If I wake up tonight, at least I'll have something to think about... and maybe, just maybe it will be written by morning.  ;-)

Our mantle is a work in progress...

I found this last year...
and thought it was a perfect reminder.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday, buttons and bowling

Even though we didn't need a single thing, the kids and I went out at 6 a.m. We went two places.  JCPenneys in search of promo buttons.  We watch Ellen and she is the spokesperson for JCP and really really promoted the heck out of the event.  There is one button somewhere in the world which will win a trip to her show.  Each button has a code.  That's all it took for me to give it a try.  The parking lot was a madhouse.  I dropped the kids off and parked - far, far away.  Once I got into the store I was given two buttons, then throughout the store there were button stations.  We came home with maybe 30 buttons.  And we left without buying a thing.  Our next and only other stop was the bagel shop in the parking lot.  Jake didn't want a bagel and got chocolate milk.  Annie and I split a plain bagel with a bit of walnut and something cream cheese.  And we were home by 6:30.  :-)  We entered the codes - only two per email addess - per day is allowed.  We'll be doing this for a few days.  That's ok though.  We won over $50 worth of JCP gift cards, that will be mailed to us.   
Cute buttons!
Perfect for Annie's button collection!!!

We were shocked to find Jack up when we returned.  He and I went back out just before 8 a.m. to a couple golf shops, but again left with our money and empty arms.  We stopped at Sam's Club in search of something to grill, smoke or cook.  We ended up with a roast I threw in the crock-pot.  I already had veggies.

I did buy a few things on-line.  A couple sweaters for Annie and a ski jacket for Jake.  This might be the first year without surprises.  I'm a little sad about it.  Annie said, "don't worry Mom, if you need any 'surprise' suggestions, just look at my Pinterest wishlist board for ideas."  I had to laugh.

I wanted to get the tree up today, but Jack and I decided we're going to take old desk/cabinet out of the living room and make it more of a sitting room.  That means tomorrow we will be doing some heavy duty purging and furniture moving.  You may be wondering why we didn't do it today?  Because the morning was too early and we had plans in the afternoon - so we made a plan for tomorrow.  Ok?  ;-)

Our old neighbors are in town visiting her parents.  She suggested going bowling - little did we know most of our community.  Her Dad got their at 2:30 and put his name on the wait list.  We arrived at 3:15 and they couldn't give us an exact time.  At a few minutes after 4:00 the kids got their shoes.  The range of ages is wide, so they decided they wanted to use bumpers.  They all made great fun of seeing how many times they could go from one side to the other before making it to the pins.  
Neighbor reunion.

We miss them!

I decided to go out one more time, my friend and I went in search of shoes.  I need a new pair of black pumps.  We found great sales.  I ended up with a pair of black pump, a pair of brown flats (that are as comfortable as slippers), and a pair of shoes for Christmas for each of the kids!  Success!  

Sweet dreams.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We were on the road headed to my parents house before 8 a.m.  We made one quick stop for candy corn - only to discover that candy corn was no where to be found... so I grabbed M&M instead.

I am not someone that requires instant gratification.  I'm usually a bargain shopper and wait for the right price.  I've used a point and shoot camera forever but recently decided I wanted a serious camera.  Jack did his research and asked around and narrowed my choices down to one.  I went to Best Buy a few days ago and checked it out.  I compared it to several others.  I looked at Sams again the other day when I stopped to get milk... I liked it, a lot!  I digress... long story short, Jack found it on sale this morning and the store was open, so we bought it!  :-)  I LOVE IT!  But more about that later.

I just asked Jake to let Addy out... I'm really tired.  Addy's not here, Suzy needed to go out.  Ugh!  I think it's best to say we had a wonderful day.  We got some great news and at the end of July we will welcome a new member of the family.  :-)  (No, it's not Sarah.)  ;-)

Some of these pictures were taken on my new camera and some were taken on my phone.  

A thankful table...

full of family.

Yes, the brothers and their families were missing.

Addy was really hungry and ready to pray.

It's always fun to play in Great Grammy's cabinet!

Isaac thought so too!

After dinner Dad waited for dessert.
He was alone.

The kids played outside.
Nice hit Isaac.

Addy practiced her balancing and side steps.

Sam only stopped for a moment.

Jake served pie.

Sample plate - sweet potato, apple and pecan pies.

 Saying goodbye to my folks is never easy.
And I zoomed in.


And a few pictures of the moon,
trying out my zoom!

Here's my new camera.
Nikon P510.
It's a hybrid (point and shoot/DSLR)

And crossing the Kansas River on our way home.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It's Friday - no wait, it's only Tuesday.

The morning was a huge success.  Every student had someone show up.  One child had grandparents, parents and siblings join us unexpectedly.  No problem, the more the merrier.  The program was cute, of course it wasn't perfect or anywhere near good, but all the families LOVED it.  We had more than enough food.  It's hard for most people to eat a large meal at 10:45 a.m.  No one left without a smile on their face.  Am I saying it wasn't a hard morning?  No.  It was wild and crazy and unpredictable as usual but better than I expected and it went lightning fast.  :-D  Yeah!  Now to enjoy 5 whole days off with my family.  Double yeah!

Jake and Annie both had plans with friends after school.  I got a call from Annie asking if she could stay longer.  Then Jake called and asked if he could spend the night.  Since Jake wasn't going to be home and I had plans to go out with Mary and Katie, Jack decided to take Annie out to dinner.  It made me smile when I got this picture from him.  

Annie ice skating.
Unplanned Dad/Daughter date night!
Love it!

Aww, Daddy/Daughter date night!  Dinner, ice skating and Blue Chip Cookies, which is "their place!"    :-)

Mary, Katie and I met for dinner.  Mary had commented during the morning that I could just swing by and get her.  Of course, she was filled with guilt into forcing herself on me.  My reply text informed her to throw her guilt out the window immediately.  She's so fun to tease.  We all got carded.  Of course Katie would get carded, kids at school think she's a tall 5th grader.  But me?  I didn't believe it at first, then laughed and appreciated it.  I am truly grateful to work with them both.  Katie did share that she may be leaving us in December.  She is so level headed and told us about her pro/con list.  She cried when she said the only con was leaving us because we make such an incredible team.  We were all in tears.  We hugged it out.  She said last year gave her a false sense of what a team should look like.  Since doing her student teaching she has seen that there is WAY more drama than she ever expected.  Even with our tough class we all compliment each other so well - bring out the best in each other and truly respect each other.  I broke the tension by saying if Mary bails and finds a different job and Katie has a need I would be honored to work with her.  After Mary's shock wore off she joined in our laughter.  Our waitress had to leave so we paid our bill.  She gave each of us a card for a free dessert.  As soon as she left, Mary decided she needed to have her dessert immediately.  :-)  We shared a hot fudge brown a la mode.  We closed the restaurant and weren't ready for the night to end, so we relocated.  Katie and Mary got carded, again.  The waitress said I could show her my id if I wanted to.  I replied, "I don't need your pitty request."  She laughed.  :-|  "Not funny, Missy!" was my reply, in my head. (Our friend Marena told me this morning that at least the waitress didn't say, "it's so nice of you to take your daughters out for a drink."  I have no idea how I would have replied to that!)   My phone died so I wasn't able to take many pictures.  But here are a few.  
Mary really likes dessert, especially when it's free!

Mary, "Quit making me laugh, my cheeks hurt!"

Katie is one of the most photogenic people I know and the pictures of her were horrible.

So, I stole this one from FB, since she was wearing the same thing.

We talked about everything under the sun.  It was a great night.  It was a late night.  I love these two girls!  

What a great Friday... I mean Tuesday!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Give me a break

This morning I was so excited, only two days of school this week.  I was ready for anything.  But it was a hard day.  H-A-R-D, hard.  There is something to be said about preschoolers needing a routine.  Ours was a bit out of sorts today.  I am prepared for tomorrow to be equally rough.  Our parents are invited to a little preschool program followed by a Thanksgiving feast.  Sadly, several parents never responded.  We have no idea if they'll be there or bring something to share.  This is the season for sharing and caring, so I'm trying my hardest to just let it slide.  I will say a prayer, followed by a pep talk in the morning.  I know I will survive.  :-)

Jack smoked a turkey breast for me to take to the feast.  I smells SO good!  He offered me a nibble but I declined.  He took a sample.  I think a good chef (or grill master) always tests his food.  It's required, isn't it?  He will be smoking a whole bird on Wednesday.  

I just found this little guy on Pinterest.  I'm gonna make him next year...
It's a fruit turkey.
He's making my mouth water.

I got really excited today about our cruise.  I started looking at excursions.  It's so hard to choose.  We have NEVER done an excursion.  Never!  We will be doing something this time.  What?  I have no idea.  Too many choices.  There was one in Cozumel called River Boarding.  I was telling the boys about it and accidentally called it Water Boarding.  Jake thought it sounded great.  Jack hesitated and said it sounded like torture, then he laughed.  Wooops!  
Jack is thinking he'd like to float in a tube.

Annie really wants to go snorkeling.  I think that sounds like fun.  We might have to have to split up boys and girls.  For some reason I've been fascinated with sailing for as long as I can remember.  When I was little my Dad had a tiny little 2-3 person sailboat.  He and Bob built it.  I recently learned Scott, was terrified of it.  (I laughed so hard I cried.  Oh, and if you don't remember, both Bob and Scott are my brothers.)  Anyway, I found an excursion where you get to "race aboard an authentic America's Cup racing yacht as a working crew member or passenger."  It sounds exhilarating!  It's probably a far fetched dream, but it doesn't make it any less fun.  :-)

Jake drove for over an hour tonight.  We were delivering pastries from a school fundraiser.  We had two nervous moments.  I used my urgent voice, but never yelled.  I hope I get through this process without wearing a hole in the floorboard on the passenger side where the imaginary brake is.  I was calm but found myself stepping on the "brake" several times.  Don't get me wrong, he's doing a fine job.  And honestly I'm not worried about him so much as other drivers.  Yesterday, I enrolled him in Driver's Ed in January.  He will spend time in the classroom as well as have drive time with the instructor.  He should have a good chunk of his 50 driving hours completed by then, but I think it's a great idea to get instruction from an impartial party.  Not to mention our insurance rates will be lower once he get's his restricted license.  

Annie is really into music right now.  She likes bands that are transitioning from punk (to what I'm not exactly sure.  LOL!)  One of her favorites is Pierce the Veil.  She and her friend, Kate, spent close to an hour on-line adding music to Annie's Spotify account.  Spotify is an on-line radio station that you get to program yourself.  You can follow friends like on Facebook or Pinterest, to see what your friends are listening to and add what you like.  The funny thing was Kate was at her house and Annie was here and they were chatting on-line.  I have to say that Annie's typing skills are impressive.  Chalk another one up to technology!

Ok, it's past my bedtime.  Sleep well!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Homeless for a night.

It's that time of year again.  Youth group Box Out!  Thankfully the weather was calm, clear and dry.  Yes, it was still cold, but no wind, no rain, and no snow.  I had gotten new long underwear for both kids.  They dressed in layers and took more to add as needed, including ski bibs and winter coats.  Each took a waterproof/fleece blanket to lay on, a sleeping bag and an extra blanket to use as a door to their temporary home.  They each had a roll of duct tap to use as needed, as well as a flash light.  They felt prepared.

We picked up Annie's friends and were the first to arrive at 6:50 p.m.  We helped set up their boxes.  Jack added the firewood we'd brought to the pile, moved over the fire pit over from the Boy Scouts tree lot in the west lot and started a fire.  Annie and her friends had a very large box that they decided to share.  It was perfect for 3.  Jack had a large box but he didn't plan on sharing.  The kids were ready for their adventure in homelessness to begin.  (forgive me, I didn't take any pictures.)

Jack and I left, grabbed a bite to eat and ran an errand.  We stopped back by to deliver smore fixin's before we headed home.  We were surprised when we pulled in the parking lot and didn't see a soul.  It was odd and a little unsettling, but we quickly discovered they were inside working on a mission project.  It didn't take very long, but they couldn't work on it outside.

 Tying knots in a quilt.
Annie loved it and wants to make more.
I believe these are going to Spofford Home.

This morning I arrived to find them praying.
I love this group.

Breakfast is served!
They weren't as hungry as I thought they'd be.

Tired girls heading home.
Grace (left) wasn't left out, her bunny hat was in her bag.

I heard several youth say they didn't sleep well because they were so cold.  When I asked Jake and Annie if they ever got cold, they both said no. I heard everyone was asked to go to their boxes at 2 a.m.  I think Jake got more sleep than most.  He needs it, so that made me happy.  I'm not sure Annie got as much but she had a good day.  Both kids took a bit of a nap this afternoon.  I know they are thankful tonight for a shower and their warm bed.

I am grateful that they have adult sponsors willing to endure this hardship with the youth.  Thank you Elizabeth and Deb!!

Stay warm and be thankful!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

First date

He's a smart kid.  He wants to take her to the movies.  He lets her pick which one.  He purchased the tickets on-line, so they don't have to wait.  He's so excited.  

His Dad torments him for the 24 hours leading up to it.  His Dad wants to drive him.  His Dad wants to embarrass him.  He doesn't want Dad to drive, but Mom is unavailable.  Or is she?  At the last moment her plans change and she offers.  Teasingly Mom and Dad argue about who gets the privilege.  Mom wins.  His sister comes along for the ride.  

They find her house.  He goes to the door.  Her parents aren't home, darn it.  They walk to the car, both smiling ear to ear.  She looks happy.  He looks a little nervous.  He forgets to open her door... that's ok.  They chit chat.  His Mom is quiet... until she remembers what's in the glove box.  She smiles to herself in anticipation.  Ok, the moment is right, "I have the best picture of him taking a bath in a sink.  Would you like to see it?"  Without hesitation she almost screams "YES!"  His quiet but firm voice says, "Don't you darn!"  His sister flips the latch and starts rummaging through the maps and car repair/oil change receipts.  Hmmm, no luck.  We pull up at the theater.  Mom suggests he go on in and get the tickets and she can wait with us.  With narrowed eyes he agrees.  Quickly we grab everything out of the compartment and  start searching.  "HERE IT IS!  Ooops, nope, wrong photo."  With one eye watching for his return, I finally found it.  And hand it back to her.  Laughter fills the car.  His sister comments that she has the cutest laugh.  We have shared a moment.  :-)  

Oh yes I did!

He walks back out to the car with tickets in hand.  The look on his face is happy, nervous and disbelief when he realizes the photo was located.  He hands his Mom her credit card.  He opens her door. (I think, I can't remember exactly because I was wrapped up in pride of a job well done.)

I played the dutiful wife and took a quick pic of the picture and sent it in a text message to his Dad and said "Adequately embarrassed him in front of her just thought you'd like to know.    :-) Yes, I showed her this picture."  I quickly received a phone call and heard "THAT'S AWESOME!"  

We have waited all afternoon with anticipation to hear the details.  What will he share?  His Dad already has his line planned... he will get right up next to his face and point at his mouth and say, "is that a little lipstick?"  Haha!      

After the movie they planned to go to lunch and walk around the outdoor shopping area.  

He got home at 4:38pm.  HUGE smile on his face.  He walks over and hands me  two hand sanitizers from Bath and Body Works.  Him: "She wanted the 5 for $5 deal."  Me: "Aw, you bought her 3?"  :-)  Me: "So, where'd you eat lunch?"  Him: "we had a cookie at Blue Chip and ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery."   Me: "What happened to lunch?"  Him:  "well, we had sweets! :-)"   Me:  "Did you have fun?"  Him:  "Yes!"

His Dad laid on his bit.  His eyes roll and he leaves.   

Oh, how fun!  :-)

Happy Saturday!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday... many of my friends on Facebook started writing 25 daily thankful thoughts, which began Nov. 1st.  Each has warmed my heart.  I am thankful for those daily nuggets of goodness.  Now it's my turn.  I am thankful that God allows me to wake up every morning.  I am grateful for my family and friends that love me just the way I am, flawed and imperfect.  I am thankful for Suzy Q, best dog in the world.  I am thankful for laughter.  I am SO grateful for my co-workers, laughter is always present which makes everyday better and the yuck days not so yucky.  I am thankful for music and the tunes that are constantly going through my head - even the preschool songs that get stuck on replay.  I am thankful for this blog; my outlet, my therapy.  I am thankful for strangers that hold the door open or smile for no reason.  I could go on and on... and on.     

I am so thankful for these smiles!!!
Beautiful girl.

Handsome boy.

Sweet friends.

Great memories.
(The kids and Aunt Muggs in 2010.)
Prayers continue.

Thanksgiving is a week away.  The turkey has been purchased.  I am looking forward to seeing family from near and far.  


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

And so it begins... again

We have decided to take a trip over Spring Break.  We are going somewhere warm.  

It's the one on the left.
We are all very excited!

Sooo... what does that mean?  Time to jump on the eating right band wagon again, get my hiney off the couch and try to shed some of these pounds that somehow found their way back to my waist.  I have 122 days!  I'm using to track every bite - every morsel that touches my lips.  Being accountable for every calorie does wonders.  Thankfully all the Halloween candy is gone and there are no more Swedish fish in the house mocking me.  Tempting me.  Forcing me to gobble them down.  

Mmm.  I love Swedish fish.  I think they're my favorite candy.  

Ugh.  It's gonna be a long night.  I hope I don't dream about little red fish - laughing at me.  :-(  

We decided we wanted to take a trip and forgo our Summer vacation.  The kids schedules are busy and it just makes sense.  We all agreed last summer was crazy busy.  We will still take our annual pilgrimage West.  And our I am certain Fall will be filled with weekend trips to wherever the band is competing.  I have to say, I really enjoy it this year!

We have only taken one other trip over Spring Break.  Two years ago we went to California to visit my Aunt Margaret.  She lives between Salinas and Monterey in the hills.  It's a beautiful area.  We took a drive down 17 Mile Drive around Pebblie Beach (that's what she calls Pebble Beach) the day of the tsunami warning.  The kids got out and walked on the beach and rocks at Seal Rock.  Jack and I got out of the car, too.  Aunt Muggs stayed in the car and prayed the whole time.  :-)  
Aunt Margaret's house is on the left.
Steinbeck country!

Aunt Muggs holds a special place in my heart.  I continue to keep her close in thought and prayer.  She has kidney cancer.  She will have another surgery soon.  Please continue to  pray for her.  
