Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dog Park

We took Suzy to the dog park today.  I think we could all agree it was good to get out and stretch our legs.  (Well, Jack, Suzy and I that is.  Annie stayed home and Jake is with friends having a grand ole time at the paint ball park.)  The snow has melted and left the park nice and wet.  I didn't take any pictures during our walk because I had gloves on but here are a few of Suzy after... what a dirty dog.
a happy dirty dog

she was soaked from the belly down
her paws looked like she'd been four wheeling
she had mud and pebbles caked in

We wrapped her in Jack's coat
in hopes of containing the mess

She was exhausted and fell asleep
And my back seat got dirty.

We gave Suzy a bath as soon as we got home and now this...
Still damp and already snoring away.

My Mom got into a car accident today.  First and foremost, she's ok, thank goodness!  She cut a corner too close on a left turn and hit a truck as she pulled into the neighborhood.  The airbag didn't deploy... thankfully.  She didn't have the cell phone and neither did the man she hit so he ran home and got his.  Another thankful moment was that Scott was at the house at the time and came down with Dad.  Scott took care of so much... he called the insurance, the tow truck, and was there for moral support.  Mom said it took the police an hour to get there.  She got a ticket and has to go to court in a couple weeks.  The officer said she has a great driving record - mom said, "I use to."  :-)
Marlene called while we were in church and I called her back on the ride home.  Mom had called and left a message on the home machine.  I called Mom and she didn't seem to rattled.  We are all thankful, that is for sure!

Please be safe on the road.  I've seen and heard of a lot of accidents lately.


Oh, one last thing.  Tonight's sermon was on Evil in the Name of God.  Rev. Hamilton only briefly touched on the group in Topeka.  He told a story and showed a picture I have never heard nor seen before.  While walking around the Washburn University campus a woman and her son saw the Westboro Baptist group with signs in hand.  This young boy told his Mom he wanted to make a poster of his own.  
If you can't read his sign says "GOD HATES NO ONE."  
What an incredible little man!  

If you'd like to read the whole story here's a link: 

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