Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Is it really February?

This morning was horrible!  From the way our class acted you would have thought it was August - maybe early September.  Students crying, wetting their pants, arguing... no hitting, no biting, thankfully.  It continues to amaze me how some families are completely controlled by their preschooler.  I know morning are difficult for some but we have students that don't have a bedtime.  ?  Sounds crazy but it's true.  We have students that I'm convinced come straight from bed.  They have neither eaten nor gone potty.  ?  Ridiculous, I know.  

I had a conversation with a parent this morning asking for a little help before their child arrives to school.  She was very passive.  "(insert name) will do it for you, but not me.  I try."  My response?  "Try harder.  You're the parent."  I know it's sounds harsh but Mary has said many times she needs to start a parenting class.  I could teach a session on carpooling too!   :-)  ha ha!

This is what I found this morning.
Parked in the carpool lane...
in the middle of the crosswalk!
I was speechless.
And no, I never saw the driver (luck for them).

My friend Kristi sent me this link... I think it's awesome!  Feel free to send it to anyone that needs a reminder.  10 Steps to a Successful School Drop Off  Thanks again, Kristi!  

It's was a beautiful day.   Sunny and warm.  I exercised (Level 2, Day 5 - half way through the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.  Woo Hoo!) and then Suzy took me on a walk.  She has gotten out of practice on the leash.  I'm a bad doggie Mama because she was totally in control.  The walk did us both good and she was snoring in no time after we returned.  

We've been eating dinner in the dining room.  I have to say, I really like it.  No distractions, just us, eating and enjoying each others company.  

We are still waiting to see how Jake did on his Geometry test yesterday.  It still hasn't been posted.  And until it is... Jake is still grounded.  Ugh!  It's horribly painful to wait but wait we must.  Jake comes in every 30 minutes... "anything yet?"  Nope.  He's itching to play video games    

Annie has been waiting weeks for a magazine and signed poster of her favorite band (Pierce the Veil) to arrive.  Today, it finally arrived.  She is over the moon excited.  Do you remember when you were young and there were posters in magazines?  They were 4x the size of the magazine.  Sometimes it if was just the right person you might hang it on your wall and stare at it for hours?  Maybe?  Annie's "poster" was 8" x 10" on card stock.  ?  I didn't say anything.  Each band member signed their name in silver metallic ink.  It did look cool, I admit that.  But... hmm.    

Jack is close to having a new golf swing.  I don't think they have very many patrons that have truly utilized their facility like Jack.  I'm not sure if he's on a first name basis with the entire staff but they all know him.  :-)  Ok, I asked Jack when he got home and everyone DOES know his name.   tee hee!

Still no test grade... so we will continue to wait.  


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