Tuesday, February 12, 2013

long winded and all over the place

Sunday, February 10 p.m.

I'm very tired so my post will be short.

My iPhone has had issues today.  I am not attached to it, but it's just weird to be without it.  I didn't realize how often I text.  I send quite a few short messages.  It was a little disconcerting the first hour or two, but I survived.

I realized I have a lot of telephone numbers in my phone that I don't have written down.  That makes me uneasy and a little crazy.

Jack is sitting next to me trying with all his might to preform CPR.  So far he's had to start over 4 times.  I'd be hitting my head against the wall by now.

Monday, February 11 p.m.

My phone was not fixable.  There is a chance it will work with a new battery.  Jack ordered one on eBay.  I am so thankful that he works in a job where he can bring me home a substitute to use until mine is fixed or it's death is confirmed.  It could be a motherboard issue which he would not try to fix.  I jokingly posted on Facebook that I was thinking about giving up my cell phone for Lent.  Jack nixed that idea when I told him.  (Lol!)  I have survived two days without it but any longer and I would have developed a severe twitch.

Ok, this is where it might get confusing.  I started this last Sunday - and now it's Tuesday, so I'm now going to try to recap what's been going on since my last post.  :-)

Thursday, I woke up this morning to the sound of rain.  I have to say, it might be my favorite sounds.  It has magical powers.  (That's all I remember about Thursday.  It rained.)

Friday night the kids and I went to see The Wizard of Oz at the high school.  It was awesome!  I am continually amazed at the talent.  I think back to my high days in Guys and Dolls and there is NO comparison.  The kids both showed interest in future productions so I will look forward to seeing what they undertake.

Saturday, I asked Jake to try on his band concert attire to make sure everything fit, was clean and accounted for; shirt, pants, belt, dress socks, shoes, etc.  In the afternoon Aunt Sue came over and she and I tried our luck at Hollywood Casino.  It was smoky and luck was not with us today.  It was still fun and I always enjoy seeing her.  I got home in time to jump back in the car and head to church.  We took two cars because I had a 6:30 hair appointment.  My hair is now short - chin length.  I needed a little change.  It's basically the same cut just a shorter bob.  It's amazing how much quicker it dries and how much faster I can get ready. 

Sunday, I got up early and exercised before anyone else got up.  We went to Sunday School.  While we were waiting for the kids we were told that a new Pastor had already been announced.  I was in disbelief.  I didn't think that decision was usually made this quickly, but it was true.  We spent the afternoon in Topeka visiting my parents.  I should have taken pictures but I forgot my camera and that is the day my phone died so I was running free of electronics.  We were delighted to hear that our new Pastor is held in high regard by both of my parents.    

Monday, no one wanted to get up.  I had to take Jake to school, since he has never tried to take his tuba on the bus... and I'm not going to have him start.  School was good - we had three out sick.  The afternoon flew by.  I made cookies for the band concert and Addy's Valentine's party.  Jake has tuba lessons and I ran to the grocery store after I dropped him off.  I completely lost track of time (I don't wear a watch because my phone tells me the time - oops, still no phone.  Darn, I should have worn a watch!)  I rushed back to get him and hurried home to unload my groceries, make dinner, put it in the oven with instructions for the kids and rush back out the door to a Band Booster meeting.  Jack and I arrived at 7:05 p.m., thinking we're late.  ?  BUT the meeting didn't start until 7:30.  Oh dread.  We could have eaten dinner!  (One important rule of healthy eating is DON'T EAT AFTER 8:00 p.m., I've eaten past 8:00 the last three nights.)  We waited.  It was a good meeting.

Tuesday, early morning.  Jake has sectional, which means he needs to be in his chair with instrument in hand at 7:00 a.m.  Another uneventful day at school.  We still had two out sick. (And we had two parents tell us their little ones didn't go to bed before 11:30 p.m.!?  Needless to say they were a little sluggish and hungry.)  It was a busy afternoon.  I was productive.  I picked Jake up at school, this time because he needed to sell some ad space for the program to an upcoming jazz band event.  And hopefully off set his expenses for band next year.  I had called our dentist to see if she would have a few minutes to talk to him and was told to stop by anytime.  I really wanted Jake to start off with a success, since it was his first attempt at sales.  It was cute, as we pulled in to the parking lot I asked if he wanted me to come in with him.  "Yes!"  We discussed the basics and he was nervous but ready.  We walked in and he walked up to the receptionist with confidence.  He came and sat next to me while we waited for her.  She is so sweet and came out to greet Jake.  I think she was expecting to hear his pitch in the lobby but I could almost see the sweat form on his neck, and she asked if he wanted to go back to her office.  "Uh, yes?"  Ha!  I stayed put in my chair in the lobby and let him do his thing.  He came out a few minutes later asking, "who the check should be made out to?"  :-)  He was still nervous.  After a few more minutes he returned with check in hand and a big smile.  We stopped at a couple other businesses without success.  He followed one up with an email, as requested.  He found out the managers will be in tomorrow at a couple others.  My fingers are crossed that the fire has been lit beneath him.  This is the easiest fundraising opportunity. 

I should have been on Level 2 - day 10, but I was too tired to exercise and I ate 1 1/2 frosted sugar cookies.  I shared one with Jack this morning and at lunch I just couldn't resist.  Mmm, it was SO good!

We picked the girls up from musical practice, came home, I ironed a shirt for Jake and then Annie and I were out the door headed to church to help with a pancake feed fundraiser for the youth.  Jack and Jake left soon after for Jake's band concert.  Of course this wasn't before calling me to say: a) Jake's pants are too small.  And b) Jake can't find his belt.  !?  Seriously!?  I was livid!  I wasn't home, it wasn't my problem.  This is an instance when it would have been so much nicer to just NOT KNOW!  I calmed down and called back and offered some suggestions.  Now that I think about it, I'm so glad I didn't know a) or b) before I left home and I should just be thankful for that!  

The pancake feed made me miss my church family.  I look forward to our reunion in July!

Jack said the band concert was outstanding.  This is the concert when 8th graders at the two feeder middle schools play, as well as the Concert Band, and Symphonic Wind Ensemble.  Jack said it's so wild to think of how painful middle school concerts were and this was the complete opposite.  The Symphonic Wind Ensemble will be performing next weekend at the Kansas Music Educators Association convention in Wichita.  Selection involves blind audition tapes being sent.  They were placed in the coveted spot when no other activities are scheduled.  All ears will be on them.  It's a huge honor.  (Jake is in the Concert Band.)

And again, it's late and I'm exhausted.  (Jack says I've been long winded lately, please forgive me.  Someday the kids might find the little details interesting.  ?  Or not.  Lol!)

Sleep tight!


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