Wednesday, February 6, 2013

what really matters

What really matters?

Faith, family, friendship...

Love, hope, grace... 

Doing your best...

Taking time to listen...

Random acts of kindness...

Words cannot express how much I love my niece, Sarah.  She lives 500 miles away but she is so important to me, so much a part of my life and who I am.  We rejoice in each others successes and share our tears.  We listen and laugh, sometimes to the point of tears.  We are honest and real, there is no subject that is off limits.  She is more than my niece, she is my sister, my friend.  She is going through a rough time.  She and her husband, Matt went into a situation with a family member full of hope, they had the best intentions and it just isn't working out.  It's horrible.  It's hard.  It's sad.  It isn't over yet.  Please keep Sarah and  Matt in your prayers.  

Jake got his test back in Geometry.  He got a B (not a bad grade, but not high enough to get his grade in the class up to a C).  I want him to be proud of the fact that he did better than the last test but he can't see it.  He was so disappointed in himself.  He's down.  I feel horrible, but he's still grounded.  :-(  He was sure he was going to get an A but made a some little mistakes.  Jake is so smart.  He studied so hard.  Be strong, Jake.  Learn from your mistakes and be thankful you have three months to bring up your grade.  

I may have been harsh with a parent yesterday, but today I celebrated with her because she took responsibility.  She did a simple task.  She found success in something small.  I thanked her.  I made a BIG deal to her child.  It was the perfect start to our school day.  It was much better than yesterday.  MUCH better.  Thank goodness!

I'm had dinner with a friend tonight.  I wish we had more time together.  She is smart and funny and full of great advice.  I need to make more time for Julie.  I will make more time for Julie!  

Jack made chili tonight.  He's taking it to work tomorrow.  I've heard me say more than once, "It's not a contest," sarcastically.  Hmm.  Someone sounds a bit too confident, to me.  What could possibly go wrong when you've talked smack?  (I stand corrected, he said nothing about his awesome chili, TODAY.)  He prepared the meat.  He cooked it.  He decided to put it in the food processor for a quick chop AND... came out with hamburger dust.  !?  One of the things I like best about his chili is the hamburger chunks.  Now, I find myself giggling about his predicament because if it didn't have beans in it, it would look like spaghetti meat sauce.  Does it really matter?  No, of course not, but it's just so funny that he was talking up his chili.  In my head I'm singing O Be Careful, Little Eyes 5th verse, "O be careful little mouth what you say..."  :-)      

What really matters?

Taking the time to rejoice in every success and learn from every failure or short-coming.  

Continuing to learn and grow in knowledge and faith.

Take care of the ones you love.

Preach the gospel at all times - use words when necessary.


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