Thursday, February 21, 2013


We heard last night at 9:45 that school was cancelled for today.  It will be interesting to see if we have school tomorrow, too.

Jack had planned ahead and brought his work computer home.  He has lots of conference calls scheduled and has taken up residency our bedroom...

Here are a few pictures out front.
9:00 a.m.    
 10:30 a.m.
Something had ventured out.
Around noon.

Annie asked if I'd make her favorite breakfast, "pretty please?"
of course, egg in a nest.
She had no interest in leaving the house.
(she's wearing summer pj's and wrapped in a blanket)

Jake asked if I could take him over to a friends house - South of the high school.
I laughed and said, "uh... NO!"
Mid morning view from the dog door.
Suzy went out, turned around and came right back in.
She's not a big fan of snow or cold.

Jake decided to go out and shovel.

But decided to build a fort instead.
Soon after a friend called and he walked over.

So, Jack shoveled.

and hoped Suzy would go potty.
She has an iron bladder.

Right before Jack shoveled the deck she couldn't wait any longer and ventured out.  She headed toward the stairs but it was too deep and scary.  She made her way over to the table and circled around a few times, looked at me with an expression that said "what do I do?" and couldn't wait any longer... I talked her through it and cheered her on.  Jack came downstairs laughing and was very thankful he wasn't on a conference call; "I'd never live that down!"  If you're wondering how we got the door open, I used a dust pan through the dog door to clear just enough to get the door open wide enough for Jack to fit through.

I put a ruler in the snow on the table, 11.5" of snow.
I'm not sure that's the best place to measure, but...

I got an email at 3:20 p.m., no school tomorrow.  The kids are excited.  Our streets haven't been cleared, so I'm happy too.  And the driveway isn't done yet either.  I usually love to shovel, but have a gimpy arm and it's not a good idea.  :-(  (I really am bummed.)

On the 5:00 news they reported that the McDonald's and Taco Bell just down the street were closed.  !?  What will we do for dinner?  LOL!  I'm just kidding.  I can't believe that was news worthy.  

I called Jake's friends house and asked him to head home... he returned wondering why.  I didn't want him walking home in the dark and have heard rumors that the snowplows will be coming through the neighborhood soon.  

It's 6:16 p.m. and Jack just came in.  The driveway is finished.  (I didn't realize he'd gone outside again.)  It's snowing again.  

Time to fix dinner.

Stay warm!


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