Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wow what a fun, busy day!

Sarah and Addy arrived yesterday afternoon.  I have no trouble speaking for the family and saying we are all glad they're here.  We enjoyed the evening together highlighted by watching Addy dancing and playing chase with Jake.  Suzy got in the spirit too running victory laps around the house.  It was adorable.
Addy loves to play dress up.
She's wearing one of Annie's old dance costumes.

Everyone got to sleep in a bit this morning except for Jack and I.  We attended Annie's parent-teacher conferences.  It was uneventful but got some insight.  Her English teacher said she'd like Annie to participate a little more during 1st hour (Annie's a little sleepy first hour - she has the same teacher again 6th hours and she does great then) and gave us the Honors English Summer reading requirements, her Biology teacher wanted to make sure she was taking Honors Biology, her Social Studies teacher (whom she's had for two years) said he's really seen her mature this year and thinks she will absolutely love high school, and her math teacher said she'd like to see Annie do the examples when she's teaching to make sure she knows what's going on.  She was on the fence about recommending Honors Geometry for next year, but I am thankful she did not.  

We came home and Jack took Jake to school - Thursdays are late arrival.  (Annie and I didn't have school today.)  Annie and Addy ate breakfast and Addy and I watched Dora the Explorer while Annie and Sarah got ready.  It was an episode I had watched with Annie when she was little.  It was a surreal moment.  Annie came down and joined us before it was over - so crazy!
Matt sent Addy a Valentine's surprise.
Here she is checking it out with her Papa watching on FaceTime!

The girls and I went to Paradise Park.  Addy and Annie played in the play place and Addy was introduced to booger balls (what we call a ball pit) - she thought it was great fun.  There was also a water take with boats and animals, an imagination area where she could play in a bank, house, pizza shop and grocery store, then on to the foam factory - which turned out to be a little loud for her.  She had fun "playing" a few of the video games.  It was LOTS of fun!  We came home for lunch, then nap time for Addy and Annie went to meet friends for lunch.  I had planned a little Valentine's party for Addy but had to leave before we had it... I didn't plan very well.  

(my camera died, so the rest of the pictures were taken on my phone)


Addy's party craft.
(I wish I would have taken a picture of the cookie she decorated,
she really, really likes sprinkles.)

This afternoon we had Jake's parent teacher conferences.  Again, uneventful, but we got some good information.  We learned for the very first time ever that he needs to show his work in Geometry.  It was very helpful information.  (I realize sarcasm isn't always apparent in writing, so please re-read the 3rd sentence...)  Jake has heard us ask, beg, plead for him to show his work since 3rd or 4th grade.  His German teacher commented on his anxiety about public speaking - she was confident that her class will greatly help him with that.  It is nice to see that his teachers really know him, even with 30 students in most of his classes.  He really likes his English and Biology teachers and that feeling is reciprocated.  

I had gotten a heart shaped pizza for Sarah and the kids and got their dinner before Jack and I left for our evening out.  We don't usually do much, but he had seen an announcement for a Valentine's Day dinner at COR with live music by Soca Jukebox, KC favorite steel drum band.  They definitely got us ready for Spring Break!  They were really good!  We would both like to see them again!  He giggled at me more than a few times because I was singing along and dancing in my chair.  They had door prizes and guess what!?  We won a gift certificate to one of our favorite restaurants!  The other winners were calm and gracious and Jack and I gave each other a high five.  As the last song started Jack stood up, grabbed my hand and said... well I don't remember exactly what he said but he asked me to dance.  As we walked to the dance floor I said, (a bit louder than I expected) "It's a Valentine's Day miracle!"  Which drew a big cackle of a laugh from one lady on our route.  We both laughed about it.  The dance floor was packed.  I was worried Jack would get claustrophobic but most people around us were short.  No matter what, I loved it!  LOVED it!  He hadn't danced with me in years.
Conversation starters which included:  Dream date?
If money were no object what would you buy your spouse
that he/she would be most blessed by? 

The band - Soca Jukebox

Me and my date with the winning envelope.

While we were gone Jake and Addy had a ball.  I think - hope - Annie enjoyed watching it as much as Sarah.  Jake built her a fort and got her to wear her eye patch for a while, among other things.  Addy is usually a girls girl - not giving boys other than her Papa much attention, but Jake got a kiss on the cheek for all his effort.  How sweet is that?  I think it's positively adorable!

Today is my brother, Scott's, birthday.  I sent him a text this morning and said I'd call this afternoon.  I forgot until now and it's too late.  Scott, I'm not sure if you read this or not, but I apologize and I will call you in the morning!  I hope you enjoyed your day.


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