Tuesday, February 26, 2013

MORE snow!

I checked my school mailbox about a half hour ago and no school tomorrow.  All schools and district offices are closed.  

We saw flakes flying for about an hour starting at 3:00 p.m., but right now?  Nothing.  Jack was just looking at the maps and its odd to see a storm coming up from the southeast.  Weird.  In the summer when storm come from that direction, I get nervous.  It doesn't look like anyone is taking any chances, most city and county offices are closed tomorrow, too.
More snow!

Here's a video I found hilarious!
Especially since I saw a couple people at the store with this look on their face.
(click above)

Jake asked if he could spend the night at a friends house.  Let me correct that - he started asking at hours ago, if he could spend the night.  I had said at the time 'let's wait and see' but when discussing it with Jack we both thought it would be best to have him home if we get snowed in for any length of time.  I don't think we're being overprotect.  It would be different if it was a friend that lived within a block or two.  And it would be different if I knew this kids parents but I don't.  Sometimes you just have to go with your gut - and that's what we're doing.  Jake is MAD, but he'll get over it.

(as usual, I'm skipping around a bit so hold on tight and enjoy the ride)

I think I might think otherwise if he hadn't hurt himself yesterday.  It was a freak accident.  Crazy stocking feet slipping on the hardwoods kind of thing.  He getting Suzy's food and slipped landing on a cabinet door, breaking it off.  This wound is right under his sternum and about the size of a golf ball.  He's got a couple big scrapes through the middle.  Ugh!  It hurts my heart just to think about it.  I saw the whole thing happen and looked at the wound once.  :-(  Gag!  Ok, I must change the subject now.  Jake will survive.  And Jack will have him out shoveling snow tomorrow.  

We are cat-sitting for the neighbors while they are on their honeymoon.  They have two little cats.  They are usually shy but seem to come out when we're around.  I went downstairs to find the food bowls empty.  The cat with no tail had followed me down and seemed almost excited when I tried to open the food container... until it swiped its claws at me and hissed.  Scaring me half to death.  Thankfully there was a hockey stick right next to me and I used it to keep the little booger away from me.  Jake had gone over with me and was playing with the other cat upstairs.  He didn't know what to think when I yelled for his help.  I couldn't get the food out with one hand and keep a hand on the hockey stick.  He came down and laughed at the sight of me, "protecting myself" from the tiny ferocious beast with a hockey stick between us.   Cody had told us we could go 3 days between feeding but I decided today, only two days since our last adventure.  Jake went with me again.  We only saw one kitty - the feisty one, of course.  Jake ran defense while I filled the food bowls.  I got a little satisfaction hearing the screams and hissing from the other room.  It wasn't just me.  ha ha!      

Jack was in the mood to smoke a brisket... so Saturday we went to Sam's and he found the perfect one.  It smoked overnight and was waiting for us when we got home from church.  We had burnt ends for lunch.  They were delicious!  We saved the brisket for another day and my mouth is watering in anticipation of tomorrows lunch.  Mmm!
Annie's plate - burnt ends, asparagus and baked potato
or what was left when I decided I should take a picture.
And yes, she did put burnt end bits on her potato, too!

I took Jake and a friend to the sledding yesterday.  Here are a few pictures.

Jake caught some air.

Then got a little hot...

Jack caught some air too.

Here is where we started but they weren't impressed...

I just started an on-line photography class.  I finished the first module - including a quiz and now I have homework.  Once completed it will be sent to my tutor for review.  I had gotten a DSLR camera for Christmas and can do basic shots but now I'll be learning how to use it completely.  Just a warning, if you thought I took a lot of pictures before I have been instructed to take my camera everywhere I go.  :-)  Yeah!  

Ok, I started this yesterday and today has new stuff.  See next post.


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