Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl

Today is the Super Bowl.  I must have been living under a rock because I didn't realize it until yesterday that the opposing coaches are brothers.  I'm usually such a news hound too, I have no idea how I could have missed it.  Add to that, they have a brother that lives here in KC, so it's been all over the news.  ?  Crazy.

The youth group had a Super Bowl party at Elizabeth's house.  Jack and I made plans to go out to dinner, so we didn't stay.  
Jake was sporting his Raven's ware.

He's such a cutie!

We recorded the game... so that we didn't miss any commercials.  We got home and started fast forwarding through part of the game.  It was odd and confusing to stop and watch the commercial breaks rather than speed on through like usual.  We found ourselves stopping and going back more than a couple time.

So far my favorites are (in no particular order):   
Smile! (VW)  
So, God made a farmer (Dodge trucks)
Seniors eat taco's (Taco Bell)
Clydesdale foal (Budweiser)

Annie had a bad headache so we picked the kids up after half time.  She looked a little pale today, but no fever.  I hope she's not coming down with something.  Please keep her in your prayers.  

It is an exciting game.  I hope your team wins.


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