Monday, February 4, 2013

It's a Monday and I'm ramblin'

Today, I am on Day 4 of Level 2 on the 30 Day Shred.  It was tough.  And when I was finished all I wanted to do was take a nap.  But I didn't.  I can't say I was super motivated to do anything but I got Jake to his tuba lesson and Annie picked up from school.  I made dinner.  I think I'll go to bed early.  :-)

Have you ever been in a carpool line?  I was on the street with just one car in front of me before the turn into the circle drive.  The line of cars behind me was long.  And today of all days, a woman decided she was in too big of a hurry to wait with everyone else and came from the other direction 5 minutes before musical practice was let out and blocked the street with her turn signal blinkering impatiently.  I knew what the right thing to do was... let her in.  I heard more than a few cars honk at her as they tried to get around her and continue down the street.  I waited patiently with my fellow rule followers.  One student came out early and the line moved forward one car length.  I was like glue to the truck in front of me.  I was interested to see how this was going to play out because I had my heels dug in and I was not gonna allow it.  Another student came out... and she almost side swiped me.  She honked.  She yelled.  I tapped my wrist, shrugged and said, "I've been waiting, sorry."  She honked and yelled some more.  Annie and Shelby were the next ones out of the building, thank goodness.  I didn't waste any time leaving.  Now, that I've had some time to think about it... this was not a proud moment for me.  I have had a case of the Mondays.  I wasn't ready for the weekend to be over and I didn't want to get out of bed this morning.  Today just wasn't the day for Miss Hotsy Totsy to mess with me.  I realize I am being horribly judgmental, shame on me.  Does it matter than she was driving a big fancy SUV?  She acted like she owned the road.  Ok, I have to drop it.  It's taken me a few hours to get my blood pressure back in normal range and this isn't helping.    

Jake told us a story at dinner about a snake getting lose in his Biology class.  The teacher hadn't seen it in weeks.  Today it decided to visit some girls after they had finished taking a test.  Only one of them screamed.  8-/  I sure would have.  It was a 4' long black snake.  Yes Jack, this story freaked me out enough to be blog worthy.  ;-)

Jake has been talking about getting a new mouthpiece for his tuba.  Today his friend Chall gave him his old one (he cleaned it first).  There are three classifications of mouthpiece.  Chall his the top.  Jake now has the second step.  Very cool!

Annie was quiet at dinner.  She has been watching The Walking Dead season 2.  She borrowed it from a friend and has to take it to school tomorrow for another friend.  Yesterday she was nesting on her little blue couch in the sitting room and I peeked around the corner at her.  She was wearing headphone.  I waited patiently and grabbed her shoulder at a scary part.  She jumped and screamed.  I laughed like all good mothers do in these situations.

Watching and texting

"Hey Mom... can I have a snack?"
This girl is always hungry!

Jack is cutting Jake's hair... actually he called it shearing.

< That's a lot of hair!
> New do!

Jack printed off all our cruise documents today.  Woo Hoo!  Only 39 days until we leave home!  Double woo hoo!

I checked in with my Mom.  No news on the car.  They talked to the insurance agent and the adjuster hadn't looked at the car yet.  They took the key down to the shop.  Tomorrow she goes to court to pay her fine.  Does it seem a bit quick or is it just me?

Thinking of Sarah, Matt and Addy.  I love you!

And in case you missed it, here is my favorite commercial from last night...
So, God made a farmer.  God bless the farmers!

Ok, that's enough from me for one night.  


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