Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sneaky Suzy

Wishing for Fall...
it's just too hot.
I took this a couple days ago.

Yesterday- conversations to be remembered

"What did you do today while I was gone, Annie?"  
"We watched a movie and then watched the sequel, as a team."  
"A team?"   
"Yea, Dad, Jake and me.  A team!  Ok, whatever."  

Jake do you want to go for a drive?  
"No, we've done a lot of driving today."  
"You drove a lot?"  
"well, no. I just drove around the neighborhood with Dad."  
And when I asked Jack he clarified, "we drove around just long enough to warm up the car."  


What do I want to remember about today?  It's Sunday, September 1st.  I woke up early.  I got to hear the storms roll in.  I love waking up to rain.  

We went to church and started a new study in Sunday School - The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel.  It was very interesting to us watching and listening to the introduction.  He was an atheist and his wife was agnostic. They were married in a church.  And when she started going to church he told her "this isn't what I signed up for."  But he went, with notepad in hand ready to take notes and pick apart whatever he disagreed with.  As a reporter, that's what he did.  We found it curious that they were married in a church.  Was it tradition or parents or what that persuaded them not to elope or have their wedding in a park, the beach or backyard?   I wish we would have had more time to discuss.  

In celebration of Labor Day we were asked to wear something to church that told a bit about what we do (or did) for a living.  During the children's message the pastor walked around and had the kids ask different people to share.  One older woman shared that her scarf was made from a parachute in World War II.  When she was 17 years old she became a teacher and taught for 7 years.  Then she got married and never taught again.  One gentleman that we know quite well use to be a Councilman - I had no idea.  Another was a farmer, before moving to the big city to retire.  It was amazing how many people you see every week and still have so much to learn about them.  The sermon sharing the stories of God and creating community... we are on the right track but still have a lot of work to do.  I really, really like our new pastor.  He's doing a great job!   

This afternoon was quiet.  The kids and I watched a documentary called craigslist Joe.  The premise of the movie is for 31 days he has no money, no contacts, endless possibilities.  He hired a guy on craigslist to follow him around to document the whole experience.  I won't give too much away but say it was amazing to watch and see that he only spent two nights "homeless".  There are good people out there. Some interesting, quirky, honest, giving people in the world ready to help when asked.  You just have to be willing to make connections and ask for help. I cried at the end when he hugged his Mom.  I couldn't help it. 

Annie asked if I'd let her do that and I said, "Absolutely no.  I realize it's sexist but you're a girl and I think it would be different."  She said, "but I'd have a camera guy with me!"  And my response, "sorry, no."  Now I'm convinced I have to put that on the back burner to worry about someday.  

Everyone knows - or should know - that Jack and I are pretty dedicated craigslist users.  I had no idea how much is on there that I wasn't aware of.  Rideshare, volunteer opportunities, free events, pretty much anything and everything you can think of.  One guy in the movie shared his morning obsession - first I look there, then there, then there, then... as I watched the movie I found myself searching some his favorites.  Interesting stuff!  The next time I'm looking for something to do, I will definitely look there, first.  :-) 

Annie answered a telephone call asking for Suzy Q... she didn't know how to respond so she brought me the phone laughing.  I asked, "Do you have my dog?" and heard, "I sure do!"  I am so thankful that we have kind-hearted souls in the area that look after my old girl.  She went into the next subdivision - a direction she doesn't normally go.  Which is a little scary to me.  We still haven't figured out how she escaped.  All the pickets have been checked.  ?  She is a sneaky one, that's for sure.  

I wanted to watch 42 tonight, but I have no takers.  Maybe tomorrow.  Annie has a friend over and Jake is... somewhere.  I'm sure he'll show up when he is hungry or thirsty or tired or needs money.  :-)  

I'm off to bed.  Sleep tight.


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